UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
What to do with Poland?
18-12-2006 18:13
Imagine a country where You are fearing to openly admit that You are liberal because so many of hate speech was directed against people supporting liberal thought. I do it in this letter openly, fearing intimidation, so please do not reveal my name if anyone inquires.Stop Fascist Aggression in the Basque Country!
17-12-2006 20:46
Two new fascist attacks have been reported to the police in Vitoria in the Basque Country. The first attack took place on December 12 at 10:15am in front of the headquarters of the UGT, in the Metalworkers' Federation, when UGT union members, with thirty years experience, attempted to seek refuge from the aggression of an individual of around 30 years of age who had attacked them on the streets as they put up posters. The man was able to gain access to UGT headquarters, with the passivity and then collaboration of the security guard, José Víñas who worked for the security company, Vinsa. He was equally aggressive with the two union members for putting up posters with his photo (Víñas is a known fascist who met regularly with a group of fascists at the UGT headquarters. One fascist was able to gain access to the UGT headquarters and provoke a problemNo Matter What Ahmadinejad Does He'll be Portrayed as the New Hitler
17-12-2006 19:17
Did Ahmadinejad really threaten to wipe out Israel? No more than scientists predicting the melting of the polar ice caps are threatening to melt them themselves. What Ahmadinejad did say was that, "The Zionist regime will be wiped out soon the same way the Soviet Union was" (5) a prediction, not a threat.Caught on Tape: Olmert Filmed 'Coaching' Prodi
16-12-2006 18:13
Israeli television broadcast footage that appeared to show Ehud Olmert coaching his Italian counterpartRaping and lynching in exotic Greece
16-12-2006 15:57
Raping and lynching in exotic GreeceFamilies in Immigration detention October 2006
15-12-2006 22:55
Released under the Freedom of Information Act 2000In October 2006 you asked how many families were in Immigration Detention in Dungavel, Tinsley House and Yarl's Wood? How many adults, how many children?
Newcastle Asylum Protests Continue Despite Police Intimidation.
15-12-2006 13:55

Skerton West by-election result - BNP percentage drops to 11%
15-12-2006 01:02
BNP vote going, going...almost gone...Protest against Kalyx, Shut down Harmondsworth deportation centre, Mon 16:30
15-12-2006 00:35

Monday 4.30pm to 5.30pm. 25 Chapel Street NW1, Nearest tube Edgware Rd.
Zionist inversion of values (video-cartoon by Latuff)
14-12-2006 21:26
Another example of moral inversion, largely used by those who support the State of Israel and its crimes.Glasgow Dawn Raid Protest Last Sunday
13-12-2006 16:43
Last Sunday, 30 protesters gathered early at the gates of the Reporting Center at Brand St. The previous 2 Sundays had seen dawn raids against families in the Red Road and Kingsway areas of Glasgow. Despite one raid being thwarted, in the last fortnight 2 families and including 6 small children were torn from their communities.MEDIA RELEASE: Six hangings at Baxter detention centre
12-12-2006 14:47
"Reports from refugee advocates indicate that six people at the Baxter
detention centre have attempted to end their lives in separate
incidents over the last four days by hanging," WA Rights group Project SafeCom
said this morning.
"Some of them have also slashed themselves with broken glass and
Solidarity with Harmondsworth detainees demo report
11-12-2006 21:51

Haidi Giuliani and Antiracists occupy Migrant Detention Centre of Crotone and bl
11-12-2006 17:08

Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Dagenham: BNP rally drowned out by anti facists
10-12-2006 21:47
..Glasgow 6.02 AM SUNDAY 10th December, protestors on the gates
10-12-2006 12:10
More than 60 people are gathered at the gates of the UK Immigration Service at 200 Brand Street, Govan, Glasgow which holds the vehicle compound for immigration 'snatch squads'.The snatch squads are expected to carry out two dawn raids early this morning. Protestors are gathering between 530 am and 8:00 am to persuade the squads to stop terrorising Glasgow's long term asylum seeker community.
13th DECEMBER decision from the Botswana high courts- action now please
09-12-2006 13:27
we love tribal peoples, they have a place in our earth, so why are they being pushed out of existence and how can we gravitate to a free world for all of us....maintain your freedom of speech and give a call to the people who are questioning this answer, the answer that will have all the peoples a place and some choices for the future...Asylum seekers protest treatment at detention centres
09-12-2006 10:44
Asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented workers seeking to remain in Britain last week staged a protest in response to their treatment at Harmondsworth detention centre near Heathrow, London.