Dagenham: BNP rally drowned out by anti facists
red letter | 10.12.2006 21:47 | Anti-racism
An attempt by the fascist British National Party (BNP) to hold a racist rally in Dagenham, east London, ended in humiliation for them on Saturday.
Despite extensive leafleting in the borough, the Nazis only managed to attract around 70 people to their rally – and they were surrounded by over 400 anti-fascist protesters chanting slogans and jeering at them.
The anti-Nazi counter demonstration, called by Unite Against Fascism, drew a large, vibrant and diverse crowd of local residents, trade unionists, students and anti-racist activists.
East London trade unions were particularly visible on the Unite demonstration, with banners from the GMB, T&G, RMT, PCS and Unison unions.
Other groups present included Queen Mary University student union, Respect councillors and activists from across east London, and Labour Party supporters.
Richard Barnbrook, the leader of the BNP’s council group in Barking & Dagenham, struggled to make himself heard to the small crowd of Nazis that gathered in a car park near Dagenham civic centre.
But his words were drowned out by the chorus of anger and derision from the anti-fascists. The BNP supporters eventually filed away, visibly downcast and uncomfortable.
The BNP is trying to exploit the social problems in Barking & Dagenham – especially the lack of affordable housing – to whip up race hatred and build a Nazi organisation in the area.
This rally was its first attempt to move beyond passive electoral support in the borough by holding an open air public meeting. It was a failure.
In contrast the Unite counter demonstration brought together broad sections of the labour movement and the left in Barking & Dagenham in a confident and united protest.
The following should be read alongside this article:
» Demonstrate against the BNP’s racist rally
© Copyright Socialist Worker (unless otherwise stated). You may republish if you include an active link to the original and leave this notice in place
red letter
Some Pictures from Dagenham
11.12.2006 11:58
Demonstrators make their way to protest against the BNP meeting
Applauding the speakers at the ant-racist rally
Lee Jasper brought support from the Mayor of London
Barnbrook had a different line on why they were holding an out-door meeting. He said they had wanted to use a hall, but the council had refused.
He had got permission for the meeting in the car park, but didn't have permission to use a megaphone. However after a few minutes it became clear he couldn't continue without one. Once he started using that, what he had to say was perfectly audible to the small group listening. But it soon became clear that he didn't have very much to say at all, although it wasn't clear how much this had to do with the protestors and the many journalists present.
His audience was small, and it certainly looked worried, very different from the confident and united demonstrators on the other side of the fence and the police line.
Here are a few pictures from the event. More on my 'My London Diary' in a day or two.
Peter Marshall
Don't you ever learn?
11.12.2006 13:47
This is happening too often in Indymedia, there is a lack of communication problem here. is there a way to prevent it form happening again? most of the pictures on redwatch are ripped off of Indymedia.
Good protest though
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