UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Bakerloo Line strike 'solid', says RMT
20-07-2007 14:08
Today's 24-hour strike by 150 Bakerloo Line drivers and station staff in a safety dispute over lone working is "100 per cent solid", Rail, Maritime and Transport, London Underground’s biggest union, reported this morning.Assault on Pauline Campbell by Police
20-07-2007 11:14

Icelandic Embassy Targeted by Activists
20-07-2007 10:53

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Climate Camp welcome, say Heathrow villages
20-07-2007 00:25

SOCPA - the brown stuff
19-07-2007 23:36
mainstream media has recently been consistently reporting that gordon brown has lifted the restrictions on demonstrating near parliament. this is a lie. socpa has not been repealed, and if anything the police appear to have been given orders to crack down harder than ever on the handful of peaceful campaigners who daily dare to point out that our government is still committing genocide in iraqAnkara: 87 people imprisoned
19-07-2007 19:29

27 of those who were detained were released yeserday because they were under 18 years of age. Today 43 women who were detained were released after they were brought before a state prosecutor.
Sheffield IWW in solidarity with CWU picket
19-07-2007 14:37

Solihull Post Office workers walk out again
19-07-2007 12:53

NHS and screening sicko
19-07-2007 09:55
We all know the NHS is under attack and has been for years as the capitalists fight over the huge pie of health care spending. Not content with the fortunes being made by the pharmaceutical monopolies that supply the drugs to the NHS at hiked up prices, they want to privatise the lot so that they can squeeze people at every turn. With the help of the UK government, the NHS is slowly being dismantled and sold off bit by bit through Private Finance Initiatives and contracting out various services. Might we eventually end up with the same system they have in the USA?Activist targetted in latest arrest at EDO MBM
19-07-2007 09:32
At a peaceful demonstration against Brighton arms company EDO MBM yesterday a protester was arrested and a sound system seized in the latest show of force by Sussex police. Police used an obscure council bylaw which has never been used in a prosecution to confiscate the equipment. Last week the same protester had charges for a public order offence dropped after having to spend two days in court.Pictures of Post Strike in London.
19-07-2007 09:27

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Victoria Square Crown Post Office Birmingham Solidarity Banner Drop
19-07-2007 07:09

sicko news from rampART social center
18-07-2007 21:22
The following news is taken from this weeks newsletter from the rampART social center in East London. [15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd)]. To get regular news join the mailing list via
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Iranian refugees remember Babak Ahadi at Sheldon Court
18-07-2007 17:15

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Strange Weather Getting More Strange
18-07-2007 15:39
We can all remember in past years hearing of a large blizzard or a large storm that produced several tornadoes, or an area stricken by drought. Every year there was always one or two or three of these major weather occurrences. We were shocked but not unduly alarmed at the news.Dawn Raid and Arrests in Glasgow
18-07-2007 12:37
This morning the Home Office attempted a dawn raid on a flat in the Sighthill district of Glasgow. Their target wasn't home but 4 people were detained.Come and give a workshop, talk or presentation at the No Border Camp!
18-07-2007 11:07
Invitation to contribute workshops and discussions at the No Border Camp, near Gatwick, UK, 19th-24th September 2007.Stop Cowley Road CCTV!
18-07-2007 09:46
Your chance to stop CCTV along the Cowley Road (from The Plain to The Regal).....A612 Burton Joyce Motorists protest Burton Road Bus Plug
18-07-2007 07:00
On 17th July at 6.30pm, 150 motorists gathered on the A612 to protest that the building of the new A612 bypass had taken away their short cut creating a bus plug along Burton Road near Carlton Le Willows School. This article argues the bus plug provides a vital green lung with other benefitsLondon Sound Posse presents: Detention Without Trial: Lives in limbo in Britain
18-07-2007 00:43

"Detention Without Trial: Lives in limbo in Britain"