UK Promoted Newswire Archive
This Week in Palestine -Week 21 2009
22-05-2009 16:09

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for May 16th through the 22nd, 2009.
Tamil Hunger Strike Tim Martin, London - pictures
21-05-2009 22:30

Veggie Pride UK, Birmingham, 16th May 2009
21-05-2009 21:56

Update on Shell's work in Rossport and recent court cases
21-05-2009 21:35

NETCU's SOCPA failure
21-05-2009 15:16
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit (NETCU) have suffered a major blow in a hard-fought attempt to throw the book at four campaigners facing charges under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (SOCPA). The prosecution, involving numerous experts, several police forces and, according to one source, up to a million pounds in legal costs, was part of NETCU's ongoing attack on the animal rights movement and criminalisation of activists linked to the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty Campaign (SHAC). During the prosecution, it has become apparent that the police, terrified that the anti-vivisection movement might claim a success, have intervened to prop up a rabbit breeder on the verge of closing down.Palestine Today 052109
21-05-2009 14:24

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday May 21st 2009.
SPEAK Magical Mystery Tour
21-05-2009 13:29
With the admission that up to 16,000 animals are being kept in Oxford University's labs for the purposes of experimentation, SPEAK campaigners took to the streets on Tuesday to expose the horror of vivisection at the university.'Court curtails Met surveillance' of protesters
21-05-2009 11:56
Judges have ruled that the Met. must destroy photos of arms trade campaigner Andrew Wood, according to the BBC.Self-Harm in Immigration detention January/February/March 2009
21-05-2009 07:33
Immigration detention, is harmful to the mental well being of those detained the detention can lead to acts of Self-HarmAround the Campaigns Thursday 21st May 2009
21-05-2009 07:30
Constant Moussavou & Jean-Baptiste Bassime, still in the UKCaren Ondimu and family, here to stay
Pix-&-Vidz of UCaPV Vigil, NSY - Wed 20 May 09
21-05-2009 07:30

Palestine Today 052009
20-05-2009 15:08

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday May 20th 2009.
Say no to US Missile Defence - demonstrate at Fylingdales
20-05-2009 10:54

12 noon, Saturday 13th June
Ellerbeck Bridge, RAF Fylingdales, Whitby, North Yorkshire
Tesco Boycott Israeli Settlement Produce Action - Video
20-05-2009 10:29

Forest Fields World Folk Dance Day @ The Sumac, Nottingham 2
19-05-2009 19:51

Forest Fields World Folk Dance Day @ The Sumac, Nottingham 1
19-05-2009 19:44

Palestine Today 051909
19-05-2009 17:01

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday May 19th 2009.
Another attempt to remove Sima Valand
19-05-2009 16:24
Sima Valand is desperately fighting to stop the Home Office sending her to India where she is at risk of murder at the hands of her in-laws. She was not flown on Fri 8th May for reasons that are still unknown but a new removal date has been set for this Wednesday (20th May). She remains in an immigration prison.Second attempt to remove Cherbal Family
19-05-2009 05:55

Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
UNITE National March For Jobs, Birmingham, May 16 2009
19-05-2009 05:50