UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Gaza Flotilla Demo, Bradford, 1 June Video Report
06-06-2010 19:55
On the 31st of May Israeli troops boarded and attacked ships carryinghumanitarian aid bound for the blockaded Gaza Strip in Palestine while
sailing in International waters. Nine peace activists were killed.
Around 100 people protested in Bradford city centre to show solidarity
with the people of Palestine and their disgust at Israel's actions.
Autonomous 'Strawberry Fair' A Massive Success
06-06-2010 16:35
Despite criticism from official fair organisers who told people not to go, the autonomous fair was a massive success!Demo against deportation in Parliament Sq
05-06-2010 21:17

Sheffield protest against the Israeli attack on the Gaza Flotilla
05-06-2010 19:16

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London Campaign Against the Arms Trade at the Fine Art Fair
05-06-2010 17:03

Gaza flotilla demo: Nottingham
05-06-2010 11:17

Leicester Lab Contractors Demo'd in Yorkshire
05-06-2010 09:48
ONE DAY, FIVE OFFICES DEMO'DThis Week In Palestine -week 22 2010
04-06-2010 17:36

Africa house raided
04-06-2010 16:09
Today at 8:00am local time a large migrant squat in Calais got raidedTrident protest held inside Parliament
04-06-2010 10:31

SIX members of campaign group Trident Ploughshares protested silently inside the lobby of the Houses of Parliament in London for two hours on Thursday (3 June), calling upon the incoming government to honour its disarmament commitments by scrapping the Trident nuclear missile system and its planned replacement and signing up to a Nuclear Weapons Convention.
Deportation travel agents awarded 'deportation profiteer of the year' title
03-06-2010 16:42

Campaigners from the Stop Deportation Network today presented Carlson Wagonlit Travel with the award at its main offices in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire. [2]
In April 2010, CWT won a government contract to book seats on scheduled and chartered flights for immigration detainees due for deportation. The global booking agency, which specialises in business travel management, has been used by the UKBA to do what campaigners described as a "dirty business" since 2004. In the financial year 2004-5, the contract was worth almost £23million. [3]
Palestine Today 06032010
03-06-2010 14:38

UKBA D-Locked
03-06-2010 12:03
The UK Border Agency offices in Derby were d-locked last night. And a written message was left.London Protest Supports Murad Akincilar
03-06-2010 08:00

Brian Haw - Nine Years Harassed By Police
02-06-2010 23:41

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Sheffield Protest against the Gaza Flotilla Attack
02-06-2010 20:22

Palestine Today, 06022010
02-06-2010 15:08

Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, May 2010
02-06-2010 13:28
Four actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in May 2010, according to the International Crisis Group's monthly bulletin CrisisWatch 82, released today.Deteriorated Situations: India (non-Kashmir), Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories, North Korea, Thailand
Remembering Marie Vesco
02-06-2010 10:22
Two years ago, a group of London activists cycled to a "Smash Edo" demonstration against the arms trade in Brighton. With them was Marie Vesco, who was part of the Food not Bombs group which regularly handed out food outside Brixton McDonalds. On the way, she was killed by a careless driver on the road. Tomorrow, her friends are holding a remembrance ride from Brixton to Brighton.
The Smash Edo demonstration held a minute's silence in her honour.
At the inquest into this accident, the coroner recommended that proper sign posting, to direct cyclists to a quieter road, should be installed (see blog of the cycling lawyer).
Her death lead to discussions on the socio-political implications of the predominance of cars over cyclists on several forums.
A blog was set up to remember her. The Rampart, one of the social centers she was involved in, published a note in its newsletter and dedicated its 4th anniversary event to her.
A year later, friends and family placed a white ghost bike by the side of the A23, where she was killed.
Tomorrow, there will be another remembrance ride to Brighton starting from Brixton.
Against Deportation in Cardiff
02-06-2010 08:33