UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Shells Work Stopped twice in two days
09-03-2011 22:25

Palestine Today 03 09 2011
09-03-2011 15:49

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Saif Gaddafi's london mansion occupied
09-03-2011 14:55
This morning a group calling themselves Topple The Tyrants have occupied the £10m Hampsted Mansion of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, in solidarity with the Libyan people and their struggle to overthrow the murderous Gaddafi regime.Palestine Today 03 08 2011
08-03-2011 15:51

Report - Swindon Anti-Cuts demo
08-03-2011 12:42

Palestine Today 03 07 2011
07-03-2011 16:02

Vodafone & Philip Green stores visited by anti-cut
07-03-2011 00:26
Saturday 5th March
After the rally & protests against City Council cuts, held earlier in the Market Square, folks went on the now well troden route round to the Vodafone store in Clumber Street.
After the rally & protests against City Council cuts, held earlier in the Market Square, folks went on the now well troden route round to the Vodafone store in Clumber Street.
It seems this time that they weren't expected and many walked into the shop with banners and much chanting. Store staff obviously rang the police but it was a full 15-20 mins bafore they arrived. I was quite amazed since a couple of wardens wandered past within 5 mins of their occupation there and then a few minutes later a couple of policemen. None of them seem to twig what was going on. Then a while later, another couple of policemen were passing and it took a member of the shop staff to go out to tell them what was going off in person. Only then did they go and get more policeman and returned to try and clear the shop. Invovlving a bit of pushing and shoving before they could get the shutters down.
After some explaination to the passers-by ... folks continued to Boots x2, BHS in the Broadmarsh, another Vodafone shop and Topshop, part of the Phillip Green empire. Oh, and people dropped by Nat West bank again [after the occupation last saturday].
UK Uncut
Notts SOS
Unison anti-cuts protest
Notts County Council Strike: 1 The March
Notts County Council Strike: 2 Rally & Speeches
Notts County Council workers strike against cuts [Feature]
Natwest Bank shut by anti-cuts protesters
Vodafone visited [yet again] by anti-cuts protest
Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank [Feature]
Council poster asking what to cut? What about silly posters?
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Protest at Yarl's Wood in solidarity with women immigration detainees
06-03-2011 18:35

Richard Stallman: Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks
05-03-2011 22:18

This Week in Palestine week 9 2011
04-03-2011 17:37

Sheffield Trade Union Rally Against Council Cuts
04-03-2011 15:45

Palestine Today 03 03 2011
03-03-2011 14:41

Pics: #Hackney Against #Cuts - Town Hall Demo
02-03-2011 22:22
Around 300 people gathered to protest outside Hackney town hall as the councillors met to vote on millions of pounds of cuts. The town hall front entrance was ringed with three layers of crash barriers with police deployed with riot shields at the doors.
There was about an hour of speeches from local anti-cuts campaign groups, trade unions groups and local community groups as well as a performance of a special anti-cuts rnb style song. Around the corner people stood in a queue to be searched before being let inside to the public gallery (no food, or drinks, or other items were allowed inside).
Chanting "Whose Town Hall? Our Town Hall!" the crowd began marching around the back of the town hall, and banging and kicking the doors as police intervened to protect the doors. Next up people took the road to blockade it for an hour, as police looked on.
Meanwhile inside the meeting 40-50 people in the public gallery made their views heard, condemning the cuts - at one point the meeting was suspended due to the heckling from the gallery.
The council passed the cuts at around 9.45pm
Palestine Today 03 02 2011
02-03-2011 16:45

Shells survey work stopped agein
02-03-2011 16:03

Collective statement from some individuals affected by recent infiltrations
02-03-2011 10:13
A group of people involved in radical action around the environment and other social struggles who have been involved with and been affected by recent exposes of infiltrators have come together to create a joint statement on how the issue has evolved and been represented in the media.Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank
01-03-2011 19:23
On Saturday 26th February, campaigner from Notts Uncut occupied Natwest Bank on Market Square and established “the big society reading room”. Protesters remained in the bank for around 2 hours before management decided to close early. The protest was part of a national day of action organised by UK Uncut against Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) who own Natwest. After Natwest, campaigners visited Vodafone and Boots, both targeted because of their efforts to avoid paying tax.
On the newswire: Battle of Boots | Vodafone visited [yet again] by anti-cuts protest | Natwest Bank shut by anti-cuts protesters | Natwest Bank shut by protesters
In 2008 RBS suffered the biggest loss in British corporate history – more than £24bn, forcing it to announce 9,000 job cuts. Despite this, former Chief Executive Sir Fred Goodwin – who had presided over the calamity – received a £342,000 a year pension, causing widespread public anger.
Under the reign of Goodwin RBS had pursued an aggressive expansion strategy. But in 2007, the bank overstretched itself with the disastrous acquisition of Dutch bank ABN Amro, leading a year later to a massive public bail-out of £20 billion. Taxpayers now have an 84% shareholding in RBS.
Last year, RBS won government approval to pay its top investment bankers £1.3 billion in bonuses – despite announcing losses amounting to an extraordinary £1.93 billion. The Evening Standard described how the 2010 bonus pot was “distributed among 22,000 high-performing deal-makers – an average of £59,090 each” with some “getting awards that run into the millions”.
RBS is this year expected to unveil a £613 million loss. However, The Sunday Telegraph disclosed in January that Stephen Hester, RBS’s chief executive, “is on course to be paid a bonus of £2.44 million”. Bank sources were reported as confirming that the amount “will be paid in shares, which Hester can cash in after three years”. Hester has argued that his bank has to pay out bonuses at market rates to keep top performers because without them taxpayers will lose out.
However, as David Cameron pointed out before becoming Prime Minister, the UK’s bonus culture “encouraged short-term risk-taking instead of rewarding the long-term interests of shareholders and the public.” Cameron therefore argued that “where the taxpayer owns a large stake in a bank, we are saying that no employee should be paid a bonus of over £2,000.”
As George Monbiot has explained, the government may claim they want to “tame the banks”, but in reality, they have been protecting them all along – not least by trying (and failing) to kill tougher European rules on bankers" bonuses. If the government won’t tame RBS and end the bonus culture, it’s up to us to act. It’s time to take back the banks so they serve everyone, not just the super-rich. After all, without us, they wouldn’t exist!
RBS in the press
- Government approves £1.3bn of RBS bonuses
- RBS chief Stephen Hester awarded a £2.5m bonus
- More than 100 RBS bankers get a bonus of at least £1m – while business is still starved of investment
- Royal Bank of Scotland to be 84% nationalised
- RBS axes 3,700 jobs as taxpayer stake hits 84%
- RBS record losses raise prospect of 95% state ownership
Activists block access to BIS and UKTI DSO to demand an end to arms sales
01-03-2011 17:56
Solidarity with the libyan people. The police issue warning to government departments with links to Libya to be "extra vigilant" following the demonstrations this morning.Palestine Today 03 01 2011
01-03-2011 16:29

Defend Julian Assange! Behind the witch-hunt of #WikiLeaks
28-02-2011 22:38