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Palestine Today 311208
31-12-2008 15:56

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday December 31st 2008.
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Israeli Embassy demo in pictures.
31-12-2008 15:08

By the way...
Like Lebanon Gaza does not have any defense against attack from the air.
Like it or lump it, Hamas was democratically elected by the Palestinian people.
The rocket attacks on Israel causes huge disruption on one small area but are little more than a symbolic gesture of defiance.
The four Israelis killed by Hamas rockets happened SINCE the bombing of Gaza started when Hamas began increasing its attacks.
Meanwhile the media gives EQUAL coverage to the attacks on both sides. Despite 1 Israeli dying for every 92 (latest figures) Palestinians.
With the blockade (which costs hundreds of lives) Gaza is little more than an enormous prison for over 1,000,000 people. Hamas honoured the ceasefire for six months while watching their people starve.
Is it any wonder that they decided to rattle the cage?
Once upon a time Israel funded Hamas as way of dividing Palestinian anger and undermining Yasser Arafat. Did they forget to mention that on News At Ten?
Netcu Watch // Thoughts on media hysteria post SHAC trial.
31-12-2008 13:11
I’m fed up with the histrionics, the exaggerations and the lies about SHAC and so this is my contribution to counter them.(Put the kettle on - this is quite a read)
Demonstration against Israeli killings in Gaza
30-12-2008 23:29

Nottingham's Gaza Emergency Protest: Pictures 2
30-12-2008 23:28

Nottingham's Gaza Emergency Protest: Pictures 1
30-12-2008 23:24

Free Gaza boat lands in Lebanon after ramming by Israeli warboats
30-12-2008 19:49
The Free Gaza ship Dignity, carrying doctors and medical supplies, arrives in Lebanon after being rammed by Israeli warships.Full article | 1 addition | 14 comments
Activists shut down BBC Cardiff with superglue
30-12-2008 19:01

Palestine Today 301208
30-12-2008 16:30, for Tuesday December 30th 2008.
Protest Against the Israeli Ambassador's Visit to Warwick Uni Campus Tomorrow
30-12-2008 15:19
We've learnt that Ron Prosor, the Israeli Ambassador to the UK, will be speaking on Warwick Campus tomorrow at midday, as part of the Limmud conference. Clearly this is very short notice - it's been kept under wraps as far as I can tell. If you can make it along to protest, then please do, it's really important to have a presence, given the current situation.Israel FIRES on Free Gaza Ship
30-12-2008 07:00
URGENT! Israeli Navy Attacking Civilian Mercy Ship! TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY!Monday pics from outside Israeli embassy
30-12-2008 03:28

Solidarity with Palestine Protest, Israeli Embassy - Pictures
30-12-2008 02:56

Palestine Today 291208
29-12-2008 16:19, for Monday December 29th 2008
Protest against Israeli Massacres of Palestinians
28-12-2008 23:18

11 photos from the day are attached.
Solidarity with Palestine Protest, Israeli Embassy - Pictures
28-12-2008 22:28

Full article | 2 additions | 8 comments
London Palestine solidarity demonstration - photos 1
28-12-2008 19:22

By Ewa Jasiewicz – Gaza City
28-12-2008 12:00

Tales to tell ( from Gaza) Sunday December 28, 5.30am, Jabalia
28-12-2008 10:19
In the basement, the family begins the night at their allotted sleeping spaces,but as the hours pass, draw closer together until women and children are
huddled together in a pile of blankets. The women have slept little, and look
exhausted. There are 5 or 6 children under the age of 5, touselled hair and
solemn faces. The oldest boy's face is pinched and distorted with anxiety.
Explosions are sporadic; sometimes far off, sometimes close. The drone of
Israeli aircraft is constant. Fragments of news come by the phone. Attack
beside Al Shifa hospital; windows break onto patients. Security and Protection
Forces attacked. Al Aqsa TV channel attacked. Plastic factory attacked. Al
Asaraya building. The number of dead increases in small leaps.
Israeli shelling of Gaza continues! Video from ISMers on the ground
28-12-2008 10:05
Sunday 28th December, 2008Shortly before 7:00am local time, yet another Israeli missile strike hit the residential neighbourhood of Hi Alijnina in the southern Gaza town of Rafah. This time a pharmacy was targeted, totally destroying the building and causing severe damage to surrounding homes. Electricity lines were torn down during the blast and the street was littered with medicines. This footage was filmed within minutes of the attack as fire fighters battled to control the blaze. Shocked residents poured into the streets, some still wearing pyjamas.