UK Promoted Newswire Archive
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Protest against deportations to DRC
12-04-2007 22:41

BP AGM told: Hands Off Iraqi Oil
12-04-2007 13:14

EDO Lebanon Protesters Trial Set For 23rd April
11-04-2007 22:31
The latest trial of anti-war protesters in Brighton will once again put US arms company EDO Corporation in the dock to face questions over its complicity in Israeli war crimes.Nottingham Spring into Action :: Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station 2
11-04-2007 01:05

Nottingham Spring into Action :: Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station 1
11-04-2007 00:54

Climate change activists target power station Part 2
10-04-2007 20:50

Climate change activists target power station Part 1
10-04-2007 20:43

Aldermaston Blockade
10-04-2007 07:24
At least 5 people were arrested while are attempting to block access to the Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment in Berkshire this morning in order to disrupt a multimillion pound development project at the site.SOCPA "organisers" in court this week
09-04-2007 16:30
maya evans became the first person to be convicted for holding an unauthorised demonstration under the SOCPA laws introduced in august 2005. milan rai was the first conviction as an organiser.their 'demo' was reading out names of british and iraqi people killed in the war. since then, they helped organise a further demonstration highlighting the massacre of civilians in fallujah. for this 'offence', they are in court tomorrow.
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Opening Action Prison Boats Zaandam, NL
09-04-2007 14:43

Demonstration At Dallas Court--All Communities togather
08-04-2007 20:14

Huntingdon Injunction stumbles at the last hurdle
08-04-2007 18:51
Animal testing company Huntingdon Life Sciences were hoping that their Protection from Harassment Act injunction would put an end to protest outside their sites. Last week saw the four year process finally come to a close with a whimper. Normally the mainstream press would be celebrating about the company getting their way, but the victory was hollow and the protestors came out with more than they went in with. Read on for the full account of the abuse of the law and process by Huntingdon and their solicitors, Lawson-Cruttenden.RAPAR ---Bringing People From Different Communities Together
08-04-2007 17:00

Nottingham Spring into Action :: Big Sprout Day Out 2
08-04-2007 11:19

Nottingham Spring into Action :: Big Sprout Day Out 1
08-04-2007 11:08

The biggest challenge yet to the SOCPA laws!
07-04-2007 16:59

Brum's spring Critical Mass
07-04-2007 11:50

A group of skaters and bmx-ers joined us on Broad Street and we finished up in Balsall Heath at the Epic Skate Park for some refreshments.
Let's defend the autonomous space "Les Tanneries"
07-04-2007 10:38

Tanneries" (in Dijon, France) is being threatened by a private medical
complex, facilitated by the city council.
The excellent social centre, which hosted the centralised part of the PGA conference last year as well as digital struggles and free spaces sections, has a concert hall for do-it-yourself bands and
miscellaneous performances, a housing collective and some anarchist
affinity groups, a hacklab for developing free software and running
alternative servers, a free-shop, a space for mecanics and a bike-repair
workshop, rehearsal rooms and silk-screening facilities, a meeting
space, an organic garden, an alternative media center, a squatters'
helpdesk, a library, diverse ecological constructions, dozens of
collectives, associations, and local and international networks that use
the space to organise gigs, info-nights, actions, skill-shares, meetings
and projects...
Nottingham's April [Extra] Critical Mass and Bike About
07-04-2007 01:34