UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Up to four arrested in LOndon anti G8 action.
14-07-2006 15:59
Breaking news! Up to four arrested in London anti G8 action.Two arrests confirmed.
14-07-2006 15:57
Two arrests confirmed at London anti G8 action.Solidarity needed!
Mexican Election - London Embassy Picket 14 July 2006
14-07-2006 15:37

Stop the G8! Stop Repression!
14-07-2006 14:32
Stop the repression of the russian state! Stop the indiscriminate arrests!1,500 Demonstrate Against G8 and Bush & Merkel's pre-G8 meet
14-07-2006 13:15
Around 1,500 demonstrated yesterday (Thursday 13 July, 2006) against German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Bush's meeting in Stralsund, on the Baltic coast in north-eastern Germany.G8 2006 -- Solidarity Demo, Berlin
14-07-2006 12:59
Around 70 people today (Friday 14 July, 2006) took part in a spontaneously organised demonstration outside the Russian embassy on Unter den Linden in Berlin. The protest was against the G8 meeting in St. Petersberg, and in solidarity with those protesting against the summit and the world it represents all over the world.Global Social Rights Worldwide! Sink the G8!
14-07-2006 12:41
Deregulation of finance markets leads to a concentration of power in the hands of a few banks and investment funds.. The privatization wave and bio-piracy by western corporations are the clearest examples of that expansion. Social rights gained by struggle are already sacrificed on the altar of the market.G8 arrival - St Petersburg latest
14-07-2006 10:09
From the official G8 press office on an island off the coast of St. Petersburg.Don't ask me how I got in here, I'm still questioning that myself. Must be the pink Hawiian shirt and the everlasting grin.
Latest Updates from G8 protests in Russia
13-07-2006 17:32

The protests against the G8 in Russia have already started ahead of the Summit which takes place this weekend in St. Petersburg. Repression of political activists taking to the streets, and arriving at the Russian borders, is on the increase. More than 200 people have already been arrested in different Russian cities. Even though people are determined to make their voices heard. Demos and activist gatherings have already taken place in Moscow, and a cycle caravan has already arrived to St. Petersburg from Berlin.
See the latest updates below, from well before the mobilisations against this year's G8 summit begin in earnest, until Wedensday 12th. Today, Thrusday 13th, most activists from different parts of Russia are making their way (or trying to) St.Petersburg where the main mobilisations start tomorrow Friday 14th.
See the main IMC UK feature which is constantly udpdated with the latest reports - click at the 'Full article' link for the latest updates. Also check out the IMC-Russia (multilingual) website for news and reports.
Ambulance Staff Strike Back
13-07-2006 17:08
Ambulance workers across Merseyside and Cheshire have gone on strike in a dispute over pay. Technicians, who assist paramedics in ambulances, began a 24-hour walkout on Thursday after the collapse of pay talks on Wednesday night.An action for clean and reliable drinking water at the Ministry for Internal Affairs in Tirana, Albania
13-07-2006 13:11

Rebellious clowns handed out some of Tirana's finest tabwater, which was refused by most passers by... The Water Daughters were dressed in costumes showcasting the problems and got passers by involved by asking them what they would do to contribute to cleaner water. The messages were pinned onto a washing line hung across the Ministry building. A large banner in front of the building stated: 'Are you killing time or is time killing you?' aimed at most Albanians very laid back attitude towards these problems. Supposedly the Minister was on holiday when asked for by the demonstrators...
National TV channels, newspapers as well as various media activists covered the action. The action was the final outcome of the week of workshops as part of the Art and Activism Caravan, which is currently touring the Balkans. For more information and full coverage see:

Bristol news - Kebele social centre is free!
13-07-2006 00:19

As the Kebele Social Centre approaches it’s 11th anniversary later this year, it has already given itself an early birthday present – by paying off it’s mortgage well ahead of schedule.
Yes that’s right. Kebele has full control over its building from now on, free from the restrictions of capitalist profiteering. And you thought it was just a bunch of hippy lifestylists with dogs on strings? Think again, scratch the surface, and go beyond the perceived stereotypes. You may be surprised – at the commitment, motivation and political awareness of those involved.
In an exclusive article for Bristle magazine (see below), Kebelians have outlined their thoughts & plans for the future.
film of last sunday's socpa arrest (yet another violent arrest!)
12-07-2006 23:47

G8 Russia : Unwarranted Arrests
12-07-2006 22:43
Anyone who carries anti-G8 material, or who is speaking a non-Russian language is liable to be detained in St Petersburg. The charges made are laughable, but the arrests are deadly serious (from our embedded contacts).Anti-G8 Protest Successful in Russia
12-07-2006 18:18
author: LINK/Berlin anti-G8 Press GroupGreece: About the state barbarism against the student movement on the 27/06
12-07-2006 16:41

Photos from workshop with Roma children on AA caravan, Macedonia
12-07-2006 16:11

Here are some photos from a workshop within the Roma Community of Bitola, Macedonia. The workshop took place as part of the Art and Activism Caravan, which is currently touring the Balkans. For more information and full coverage, see the Art and Activism Caravan page
.Relevant articles: A Week in Rromani | All You Ever Wanted To Know About Roma Culture
Is 2006 the year of peak oil? The latest figures are suggesting it could be...
12-07-2006 13:27
World production of oil has peaked according to Dr Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, a former executive of the National Iranian Oil Company. He predicts a fall of 32% by 2020 as wells dry up and new discoveries become rarer, smaller and harder to extract...(c) 2006, Leamy
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URGENT ACTION: Dawn Raid in Glasgow
12-07-2006 13:12
Young family abducted in Glasgow this morning are en route to England and deportation.