UK Promoted Newswire Archive
S036.NET attacked by German Police
26-04-2010 19:41

Plane Stupid targets Red Bullshit
26-04-2010 13:30

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Bristol and Bath Rising Tide Stop Coal Train
26-04-2010 12:02
Today, people involved in the Rising Tide Network have literally puts their necks on the line by chaining themselves to the rails in order to block the rail link to the Ffoss y Fran Open Cast Coal mine near Merthyr Tydfil. They are currently blocking the movement of coal trains from the mine to Aberthaw Power Station.Free Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo Bay, London - Pictures.
25-04-2010 14:11

Urgent: Protest in Defence of Gaza Demonstrators 26/4/10
25-04-2010 10:35

Isleworth Crown Court, 36 Ridgeway Road, Isleworth TW7 5LP
Yet another young man, who had the strength and courage to take a stand against the collective punishment of 1.5 million people in Gaza during the Gaza bombing last year, is in court on Monday.
Martin Askew, a writer from London, faces a lengthy prison term if the jury find him guilty of violent disorder. Mr Askew was himself brutally attacked by a police sergeant who gave evidence last week saying he "hit him as hard as I could" in the head with his full-body shield. The jury had earlier seen footage of Mr Askew showing peace signs to police lines moments before he was attacked. The police sergeant in question said he "jabbed" Mr Askew because he had been "distracting" police and had to "take him out".
heavies sent in to rampart at globe road -- join us tomorrow at noon.
23-04-2010 21:48
A bunch of heavies broke into the rampart social centre's new location on 105 Globe Road tonight (friday, 23 April) at 10:30 pm. There were about 20 of us here watching films. The goons left, but said they wanted everyone out of building by 2 pm tomorrow.We invite everyone, and their cameras, to come down and join us to welcome them. Come down at noon.
West Mids IWW supports Alberto Durango - Oppose UBS (Union Busting Scum!)
23-04-2010 19:37

Corporate Watch: The Unemployment Business
23-04-2010 16:34

Council bans Aylesbury carnival against racism
23-04-2010 13:15
Aylesbury Vale District Council has blocked a carnival against racism in Aylesbury organised to proetst the EDL taking over the town centre on May 1stOxford Action Resource Centre celebrates 5 years of radical organising!
22-04-2010 16:39

Palestine Today 04 21 2010
21-04-2010 15:15

Fifth annual conference on Popular resistance starts in Bilin, while the army detains civilians from the West Bank. These stories and more are coming up, stay tuned.
Greyhound death demo greets Dara
21-04-2010 09:23

Remember the dead - Justice for the Living
21-04-2010 08:06

Law and Sausages: How Not to Legislate for The Digital Economy #debill
20-04-2010 17:50

Save Bita Ghaedi from Deportation, Home Office, London - pictures
19-04-2010 18:10

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Shell gas terminal, Bacton, Norfolk, UK blockaded!
19-04-2010 06:40
Solidary with Pat O'Donnell and against Shell on Earth! Gas terminal access blockaded in both directions at 7am April 19thFrontex, Acpo and the policing of Fortress Europe
18-04-2010 21:29

On 23rd March 2010, No Borders activists disrupted a high-profile conference about 'policing the borders' that brought together Frontex, the UK Border Agency and senior police officers from various UK police forces [press release | video]. In their shock and dismay, some of the highly esteemed delegates left behind their welcome packs as they rushed out of the conference hall one after the other.
Here we reproduce the programme, the list of delegates and their bios, and two of the main presentations that were included in the welcome packs, one by Frontex and the other by ACPO.
Corporate Watch in the Jordan Valley - Netiv Hagdud and Gilgal
18-04-2010 19:10
pics and more info at
BP + Tar Sands = Climate Crime – Thu 15 Apr 10
16-04-2010 17:58