UK Promoted Newswire Archive
#504 - Just Cause, Just Laws & Just Wars (On The Desperate Edge of Now)
30-06-2010 15:53

5 EDO decomissioners found NOT GUILTY!!!
30-06-2010 15:35
Smash EDOPress Release
Wednesday, 30 June 2010 15:52 UK
Hove Crown Court, Brighton UK
5 Gaza Bomb Factory Decommissioners NOT GUILTY!
Jury Still Out On 2 others
Palestine Today 06 30 2010
30-06-2010 15:34

Leg Three, Five Day Peace Walk. Brentwood, Essex - Pictures
30-06-2010 12:40

Around the Campaigns Wednesday 30th June 2010
30-06-2010 07:40
Saman AkbariradGreat News! Saman's deportation cancelled Monday morning. NCADC received a call from Saman's partner saying that he had been pulled from the flight. She would like to thank all those who have supported the campaign. However, they are still deeply concerned as they do not have legal representation. If anyone could support Saman in this way please email

Read more here . . . .
30-06-2010 05:46

Last night (28 June), as the Tate celebrated 20 years of BP ‘support’ for British Art with a Summer Party, Liberate Tate disrupted the proceedings inside and out by pouring hundreds of litres of ‘oil’(molasses) and scattering thousands of feathers as the UK’s celebrity glitterati watched on in fascination.
Parliament Action stations 6 arrested beginning operation rolling thunder
29-06-2010 23:19
Calling all up for it crew to action.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Report on today's demonstration at Mexican Embassy in London: Freedom and Justic
29-06-2010 19:35

Protestors defied police to take up position directly in front of the Embassy entrance, refusing police orders to move to the opposite side of the road. After around 20 minutes the possibility of arrest under the Public Order Act forced the dozen or so demonstrators to move a few yards back to a traffic island in the middle of the road.
Nevertheless leafleting continued right in front of the Embassy while Mexican revolutionary songs blasted out a message of defiance. Certainly the Embassy authorities were well aware of the protest as their Security officers were filming and photographing demonstrators.
"The Atenco prisoners have been imprisoned for the crime of standing up for the poor peasant farmers of the area," said Esther McDonald of the UK Zapatista Solidarity Network, who organised the protest. "It was therepresentatives of the state who committed violent atrocities at Atenco: Amnesty International has detailed shocking systematic sexual assaults and rapes by the police on 26 women during and after the police assault on Atenco in May 2006."
The events of 3rd /4th May 2006 were sparked off when police tried to arrest peasant farmers selling flowers in the street. When locals went to the flower-sellers aid and drove off the police, a massive state force gathered and then invaded Atenco. Police killed two youths, Alexis Benhumea and Francisco Javier Cortes, and arrested over 200 people. Dozens of homes were invaded without warrants, and hundreds of people were tear-gassed and beaten. Police subjected 26 women to serious sexual assaults, including rape, in attacks described by Amnesty International as "torture".
Palestine Today 06292010
29-06-2010 19:17

Bloody Oil – Drum Em Out
29-06-2010 18:33

Eye witness: Sea Shepherd frees 800 endangered bluefin tuna
29-06-2010 13:51

Tate Summer Party Crashed with Oil Spill - Licence to Spill
29-06-2010 11:55

Report: 26 June Demo in Solidarity with Victims of Extraordinary Rendition
29-06-2010 11:47

Unarmed Forces Day, Five Day Peace Walk. London - Pictures.
28-06-2010 16:45

Palestien Today 06 28 2010
28-06-2010 14:25

Critical Mass London, England 25th June 2010.
27-06-2010 14:30
One arrest with loads of cops and several drivers trying to physically intimidate corkers by nosing into them with horns blazing.
24 Hour Animal Aid Vigil held in Cambridge.
26-06-2010 21:47

This Week in Palestine – Week 25 2010
25-06-2010 15:23

edo trial update
24-06-2010 19:22
Update, and way to be informed of the verdictThe trial of the decommissioners has now entered its third week and is moving along at a brisk pace. Originally scheduled to run for 10 weeks, then cut to 7, it now seems likely that it will conclude around the middle of next week. Some highlights of the case so far include the five-day-long cross examining of EDO's managing Director Paul Hills about his company's business weapon deals, and the early aquittal of one of the defendants after a submission by the defence that she had 'no case to answer' after the prosecution failed to present the jury with any strong evidence against her. At the moment the jury has heard evidence from most of the defendants and are being presented with evidence from Palestine, highlighting the war crimes that have been committed there.
So far so good...However, it's not over yet and the defendants still need your support! There is a vigil every day outside Hove Crown Court from around 9.45am. Everybody welcome both outside and inside court.
There is a demonstration planned for the day of the verdict, whatever the outcome. It will most likely take place at very short notice. If you want to know the outcome of the trial and come to the demo, please email your mobile phone number to as soon as possible. You will then be sent a text when the jury goes out and another once the verdict is announced, with demo details.
As you may have noticed, we have all been very busy during the trial period and have been bad at posting updates about how it is, if you come to court and feel like writing about what's going on please feel free to send your impressions to Smash EDO's email and we can keep people informed. In the meantime, here is a link to a piece which has been written already:
"Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired in the name of this war of terror has to be made somewhere -and wherever that is it can be resisted"
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Reflections on Climate9 Trial- Last day Tomorrow
24-06-2010 19:19