UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Paris: Sorbonne is occupied
10-03-2006 12:09
Since yesterday evening, the legendary university Sorbonne in the LatinQuarter of Paris is occupied. Even though the CRS (French Riot Police)
was present, the occupation could be held throughout the night...A new
chance for social change?
George Fox 6 - trial on Monday - Lancaster
10-03-2006 11:06
Reminder:**Monday 13th March - 10am outside Crown Court (back of Castle) Lancaster**
the George Fox 6 are appealing their conviction for 'momentarily disrupting' a corporate networking conference at Lancaster University in 2004.
International Women's Day at a Glasgow social centre
09-03-2006 21:50
From 2 till 10 yesterday the chalkboard was filled with a succession of over 40 women, a few girls and the only male - a 4 month baby. We drank tea, ate cake, and laughed together. A wide range of women, from many different walks of life, including feminists, those that were looking for more female companionship and others who had never celebrated IWD before, but had been either walking past or picked up a flyer and curiosity brought them in.Evolution and changes to IMC UK
09-03-2006 18:10
Indymedia has come a long way since the tear gas and rubber bullets of Seattle. There are over 100 indymedia sites all over the world and numerous offshoots ding free radio, print media, and video projects.Indymedia UK which was launched two years after has itself under gone massive changes since it underwent a radical decentralization and divided itself into regions. Each of these regions has it's own autonomous collective and in many cases they have spawned new alternative media projects in print, radio, and video.
09-03-2006 15:41
For anyone who has heard something about the prisoners arrested on 4th February in Barcelona but is unclear on the details, here's the story. If it's unfamiliar, you too should read on. This a story of overt police repression in Europe. If we don't resist, we'll be next...Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] some 'slide-show' videos
09-03-2006 14:47
Do you want to be consulted about what happens with Birley Fields (Hulme)?
09-03-2006 12:40
Residents of Hulme have not been consulted about what happens to the last significant piece of undeveloped (Birley Fields). They are hopping, mad about this and are unimpressed by Manchester City Council's plans, which basically say "more of the same". A “same”, which has not worked so farFull article | 4 additions | 6 comments
FBI informant identified in the 'Auburn 3' case contacted Anti-G8 2005 medics
09-03-2006 05:03
Sussex Uni occupied!
08-03-2006 22:33
Sussex University Library is under occupation by studentsCog in the Machine (tagging & tracking workers - which, and by who?)
08-03-2006 17:26
Church (ofE) Caterpiller Share Disinvestment - Ethics Committee Advises U-turn
08-03-2006 16:18
Interview with Joe Zacune from War on Want campaign
5 mins 33 secs, Mono MP3, 1.9MB @ 48kbps
Law Lords Rule DSEI Arms Fair Section 44 Terrorism Act Use Valid (Liberty Audio)
08-03-2006 15:42
Interview with Alex Gask from Liberty and next legal steps
8 mins 11 secs MP3 mono 2.8MB @ 48kbps
NAIL campaign make further 'banner drops' in Sneinton - piccys 2
08-03-2006 14:56
Neighbours and local residence came out in support, to show that people in Nottingham prefer clean air and recycling to waste turned into pollution.
NAIL campaign make further 'banner drops' in Sneinton - piccys 1
08-03-2006 14:48
Neighbours and local residence came out in support, to show that people in Nottingham prefer clean air and recycling to waste turned into pollution.
McDonalds driven out of Newcastle
08-03-2006 14:33
McDonalds tried to film their latest ad campaign in Newcastle, but found themselves besieged by fat clowns and others determined not to let them use Newcastle as part of their brand. Shooting was gloriously interrupted in town, and they were completely prevented from filming on the Quayside.Judith and Mariah's deportations cancelled!
08-03-2006 12:53
Great news: Both Judith and Mariah's deportation dates have been cancelled. Judith's removal was due on the 7th of March. Andy Love MP has 'made furthur representations' to Immigration Minister McNulty on civil claims grounds. However, they are not free yet. It is a short term victory, now we need to make it more permanent. Thanks a lot to everybody who wrote letters or took to the streets! Keep doing, it is working! The campaign to free Mariah and Judith continues!Updated map of detention camps for foreigners in Europe and Mediterranean
08-03-2006 09:52
Briefing on the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill - Get Clued Up Now!!
08-03-2006 08:15
Boring bill title, but a massive change to the so-called democracy in this country. The Bill would allow the government to introduce, amend, or replace any legislation it likes, on the say so of a single government minister. Things like creating new offences punishable by up to 2yrs imprisonment, abolising local government, introducing house arrest, and giving the police greater powers of arrest and interrogation. It could also be used to set up new courts, and in effect re-write the rules on immigration, nationality, divorce, inheritance and the appointment of judges – all without any parliamentary scrutiny...The Iraqi Women Have Arrived. C Sheehan & M Benjamin Jailed Delivering Truth
07-03-2006 21:37