UK Promoted Newswire Archive
March on Parliament, 21st June! Austerity is Theft!
15-04-2014 20:23

No More Austerity! Austerity is Theft! National Demo!
Festival outside the BBC, then march on Parliament
“Two Weeks of Worldwide Action: Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives! The Bachajón struggl
15-04-2014 19:28
Convocation for the“Two Weeks of Worldwide Action: Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives!
The Bachajón struggle continues!”
From Thursday, April 24th to Thursday, May 8th, 2014: Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives!
The Bachajón struggle continues!”
From Thursday, April 24th to Thursday, May 8th, 2014
Calais: The fascist demonstration that never happened
15-04-2014 15:44
Despite their big push for a demonstration this weekend, members of Sauvons Calais and the other neo-nazi groups who had promised their presence in the centre of Calais on Sunday were nowhere to be seen.Chalk it Up! #stopmfe
13-04-2014 08:37

Safiad Casnewydd
12-04-2014 10:30
Welsh translation of the Anarchist Travelling Circus call out.The Anarchist Travelling Circus Presents: Newport Rising
10-04-2014 08:30
From the 26th May to the 1st June 2014 Anarchist Action Network is holding a week of Anarchist events dubbed the Anarchist Travelling Circus in Newport, South Wales. The week will include, workshops, discussions and skillshares and more. Emailo us to get involved!UK Nazism's Plan D - the "White Pride" demos!
09-04-2014 23:40

#137: Breaking the Frame & politics of technology, rant on Irish policing...and
09-04-2014 09:21
Listen to episode 137 of Dissident Island Radio featuring an interview on Breaking the Frame - a series of events and conferences discussing the politics of new technologies, the history and relevance of Ludditism, an informed rant on policing in Ireland and Dissident Island Discs.Destroika
09-04-2014 07:59
Come to the Opening of the European Central Bank! | Frankfurt Fall 2014A Call from the Destroika for a Fantastic Convergence of Resistance
Stick-up for the NHS! demo, 27 April
08-04-2014 09:21

Frack Free Upton (Chester). Call-out for support at New Protection Camp
06-04-2014 08:13

In the early hours of Saturday morning, a group of people committed to protecting the environment from extreme energy extraction set up camp on Duttons Lane, Upton, near Chester in the field where Dart Energy plans to test drill for coal bed methane. The original planning permission for test drilling expired last year, but Dart took steps to renew it and looks set to attempt test drilling here. Our job is to stop them. For more on the growing resistance to Dart Energy's activities in the Welsh and English Marches, Nottingham, Falkirk... see these previous articles [ 1 | 2 | 3 ].
Solidarity, support and supplies needed. The Camp is about halfway along Duttons Lane, Upton, a turning off the A41, and the council seems to have just erected a new street sign to help you find it. Postcode is CH2 2PE.
Stop Basildon Council Evictions on Fri 11th April
05-04-2014 14:47
In excess of 30 cases will be heard regarding possible evictions due to rent arrears at Basildon County Court on Friday 11th April 2014. Most cases are as a result of the imposition of the 'Bedroom Tax' by Basildon Council. Please come and support them and show solidarity against the Tory/UKIP majority council. Meet 09.00 Basildon County Court. Address: The Gore, Basildon, SS14 2BU EssexBring banners and attitude.
Esther to be rehoused! Solidarity works
05-04-2014 10:43

On Monday morning over 20 people descended on the offices of Metropolitan Housing in Lambeth to insist that the Association finds appropriate housing for Esther.
The @SalvationArmy Must quit #Workfare
04-04-2014 23:54

Local people in Southwark yesterday staged protests outside the Salvation Army UK HQ at Elephant and Castle, before moving onto to a local Salvation Army 'Charity' Shop. They are angry that the organisation continues to participate in the coalition's workfare programme which forces people to do unpaid work for their benefits.
Are We Heading for an Environmental Crisis if UK Coal go Bust?
04-04-2014 04:56
If UK Coal go bust, the following six surface mine sites may be mothballed or abandoned, leaving them as un-restored and environmental scares on the local landscape: Butterwell, (Nr Morpeth, Northumberland) Huntington Lane, (Telford) Park Wall North,(Nr Crook, Co Durham) Potland Burn,(Nr Ashington , Norhtumberland) Lodgre House (Nr Ilkeston, Derbyshire) and Minorca (Nr Measham Leicestershire)Day of Protest against ATOS & DWP. Report from Wrexham
01-04-2014 12:33

Today, 1 April, has been called as a further day of action against ATOS and the Department for Work and Pensions. I decided to lend my support to the call for an end to the notorious work capability assessments that force disabled people to seek jobs that don't exist, and to the genocidal government policy of cutting off benefits and leaving claimants without the means of survival.
Waking up to Fracking and Associated Evils in Wrexham and Everywhere
31-03-2014 15:24

Fracking and its associated evils hadn't exactly escaped my attention, but it's only these past two weeks - with test drilling for coal bed methane happening 10 miles from my home - that I've made time to find out more and join in the resistance. This article is a summary of a few things I've learned, plus links, hopefully useful for anyone else in a similar position. I know it's not comprehensive - use it as a starting point. There are numerous extreme energy sites and potential sites around the country that all need our attention and resistance.
Calais : Defend the Squats, Defend Ourselves, Defend the 62
31-03-2014 13:20
This is a text about the fascist demo organized in Calais the 13th of April 2014, and in the same time the call out for the antidemo.Demonstrators Storm Spanish Embassy in London in Solidarity with Sub-saharan Migrants
28-03-2014 18:35

Oppose Cuts, Don't Pay Council Tax!
27-03-2014 18:55
Thanks to people who sent messages of support to me in prison and the way forward.
I was sentenced to 28 days in prison for refusing to pay Council Tax as a protest against the public spending cuts which, incidentally, are affecting both inmates and staff inside the prisons. Both groups gave me a warm welcome. A special thanks to my cellmate prisoner Steve Williams who looked after me. After 14 days I have been released. Thanks to all who sent me messages of support.
In Nottingham City at present there are over 20,000 people in areas with Council Tax payments, around one in six of those eligible. It is much the same in other areas. Already there is a financial crisis in local government and the more of us who refuse to pay up the worse it will become.
More of us should refuse to pay so as to force the Coalition Government to respond. Twenty five years ago millions of people refusing to pay Poll Tax forced a change in government policy and we can do the same again. You don't have to go to prison. It's taken Nottingham City Council a year to get me inside. By not paying until you are threatened with commital to prison will strangle the cashflow to the Labour councillor parasites.
It is high time for us to move from the defensive to the offensive in the fight against the cuts. People must face up to the fact that if you do anything which really hurts the capitalist state then it will hit back at you. All the time we stick to useless protests such as petitions and passive demos the ca[italist class and their state functionaries don't care a toss. It is also true that in any real fightback it will be the poorest, most disadvantaged people who will be hit hardest. It has ever been such. No pain, no gain.