UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Building housing Britain's highest paid CEO is raided.
30-11-2011 16:26

See report from Occupy SLX below.
St. Andrews N30
30-11-2011 14:42

Royal Holloway Occupied
30-11-2011 13:37
Students Occupy Senior Management CorridorN30 Strike: Oldham this morning
30-11-2011 12:55
None of the council or government buildings were closed today, but all were running with drastically reduced staff and most had pickets outside.
There were pickets outside Henshaw House (local council offices) near the bus station, Oldham County Court, the council car park at Queen Elizabeth Hall, and the central library. The county court stayed open, as it has done during previous industrial disputes, because the judges had turned up to run hearings. Also the security staff and court ushers, although they are members of PCS, are not in a public pension scheme as they are employed by Mitie, a private company.
At the job centre, the person on the desk told me that 120 out of 150 staff were on strike. Like the county court, their security staff are employed by a private company, in this case G4S, so they were not taking part in the strike.
At the library, only the management had turned in. All the ordinary staff, members of GMB, were on strike.
Longer report and more pictures at
Timeline for #N30 Day of Action
30-11-2011 08:55

18:35 Attempt to stop coaches from taking away 20(?) arrestees from Panton Street. Coached have now left.
18:10 Reports that cops are demanding details under S50, that some have refused and been arrested and out on coaches.
17:50 Section 60 at Panton St. People being searched, filmed and having their details taken. Very slow to get out of kettle especially for women as few few cops to do searches. Empty coaches hired by the Met are parked nearby indicating that mass arrests are likely.
17:20 Reports of a new kettle in Haymarket.
16:40 There appears to be a separate kettle at Charing Cross.
16:20 Panton House target was Mick Davies, CEO of earth trashing corporation Xstrata. "Last year, when his companies had losses and the economy collapsed. He received £18,426,105 for his efforts".
16:00 Kettle in Panton Street following 'breach of the peace' when undercovers cops were spotted and challenged.
15:55 Reports that protestors have entered Panton House, Haymarket, believed to house offices of UKs highest paid CEO. A flare has been set off in the lobby and a banner hung from the roof. Police have entered the building and Haymarker is blocked off.(see pics below)
Scroll down past photos for earler events.
15:45Solidarity demo for Dalston arrestes announced: "STOKE NEWINGTON POLICE STN, 8PM TONITE: Solidarity with 40 pickets arrested in Dalston. Bring flyers, banners & noise"
15:40#OccupyLSX and samba now moving off from Piccadilly Circus.
Palestine Today 11 29 2011
29-11-2011 14:26

UWE Occupation
28-11-2011 15:12
UWE Occupation - Today occupation has began of the UWE St. Matthias Campus, we're hear to show opposition to cuts and to support the N30 strikes.Ministry blocks anti-tar sands law, so we block ministry's front door
28-11-2011 14:40

Mining for tar sands is wrecking the Canadian boreal forest, destroying the homelands of indigenous people, and accelerating dangerous climate change.
So why then is the Department for Transport trying to sabotage legislation that would block tar sands oil from European petrol pumps? Looks like they’ve been lobbied hard by the Canadian government and big oil. Now it’s your turn to lobby.
Please write to Nick Clegg*: he needs to tell the ministry to stop standing in the way of green legislation. It's time Clegg acted on the green credentials he keeps talking about.

Palestine Today 11 28 2011
28-11-2011 14:33

SchNEWS: Nov 30: We're All In It Together
25-11-2011 22:22

Well, it’s been a long time coming... Wednesday 30th November will see the first mass strike in the UK for four decades. 17 unions, including the biggest ones Unite, UCU, Unison, various teaching unions and PCS, have balloted to strike on pension reform which will see an estimated 3 million off work and, hopefully, cause massive disruption. Demonstrations and pickets are planned across the country – see complete list. Amongst the strikers are some unlikely suspects: 18,000 Border Agency workers are expected to strike leaving the government having to employ sinister private security firm Serco to take over for a day. Even the National Union of Probation Officers voted to join the strike four-to-one.
Shell's Peat Haulage Has Begun... And Been Disrupted !
25-11-2011 10:31

U.S. Ambassador confronted at St. Paul's Cathedral with "Free Bradley Manning"
25-11-2011 10:23
A beefed up City of London police presence & deployed armed police greeted approx 15 activists demanding the freedom of Bradley Manning on the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral on "U.S. Thanksgiving Day". The U.S. Ambassador was attending the annual Thanksgiving service at the cathedral along with a sizeable number of U.S. ex-pats. Those demanding the freedom of Bradley Manning also included U.S. ex-pats living in London.Northgate occupation ends, New Occupation Tomorrow
25-11-2011 02:38
The occupation of Northgate house ends but the occupation of a new location begins tomorrow'No platform for filth, whilst students sit in prison'
24-11-2011 18:39

Sir Ian Blair, ex Commissioner of the Met Police was meant to give a talk at Sussex university last night, but students disrupted it - see the report below.
Occupy - Just Do It
24-11-2011 18:07
Time 25 November · 09:30 - 12:30Location north gate University of Birmingham.
Solidarity action in support of the Northgate occupation at the University of Birmingham
Rough night for Birmingham occupiers
24-11-2011 16:18
At 23:30 as the occupiers were settling down for the night, university security began harassing the students. Simon Furse a second year International relations student said “It was disgraceful, I have never seen like it university security are just hired thugs who seem to enjoy violence and causing distress with no regard to the law. I was at the window that we use as an entrance to the occupation. The security guard tried to drag someone out of the window. We peacefully resisted and got the person inside at which point the security guard kept the window open and punched me three times in the face. The security then adopted a policy of open harassment ringing the doorbell for long periods of time, knocking on all the windows, pointing lights and cameras into the toilet and shouting insults and abuse.”Palestine Today 11 24 2011
24-11-2011 15:00

Full article | 45 additions | 3 comments
University of Birmingham re-occupied - building squatted
23-11-2011 01:34

Palestine Today 11 21 2011
21-11-2011 15:16