UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Update On John Bowden
24-07-2008 09:30
In May this year, long-term prison resister John Bowden went on the run whilst out on a routine shopping trip from HMP Noranside. We can now reveal why he did so when he was so close to a new parole hearing.Products expropriation from supermarket (Athens, 1/7/2008)
24-07-2008 09:14
"Another novel robbery of foods was realised at Marinopoulos supermarket on Evdoksos street, Neos Kosmos. Unknown persons entered the super market as mere customers, filled their trolleys with foods and left the store without paying. Continuously, they distributed the foods at the people shooping in a nearby open market, throwing leaflets with slogans against costliness..."Translation from:

Cambridge Critical Mass / LA Bike Ride
24-07-2008 00:38

The Great Global Warming Swindle Swindle Confirmed
23-07-2008 21:33
We already knew this but... media regulators today confirmed that the controversial Great Global Warming Swindle 'documentary' commissioned by Channel 4 film was a pile of misrepresentation and misleading crap. The long-awaited judgement from Ofcom said that Channel 4 had not fulfilled it's responsibilities and obligations in airing the documentary which claimed that global warming is not a result of human activities.Full article | 2 additions | 10 comments
Phones and privacy at the camp for climate action.
23-07-2008 20:48
Traditionally it has been the content of communication that has beenthe focus of government surveillance but the police are increasingly
interested in data mining techniques to uncover patterns of
association. Simple data, when stored, aggregated and analyzed using
sophisticated computer algorithms, contains far more information than
is commonly appreciated. Collating mobile phone numbers, and the data
retained by network providers, can provide the police with a powerful
incite into our networks of associations. This is not only an invasion
of our privacy but may also threaten our ability to work together
2 Years for Rescuing Dog, ALF Rescue More Animals in Retaliation
23-07-2008 19:20
Woman Sentenced to 2 Years for Rescuing Dog, “Terrorists” Rescue More Animals in RetaliationEDF French nclear power station leak - UPDATE
23-07-2008 17:52

In July of 2008, 18,000 liters (4,755 Gallons) of Uranium solution containing natural uranium were accidentally released. Due to cleaning and repair work the containment system for a uranium solution holding tank was not functional when the tank filled. The inflow exceeded the tank's capacity and 30 cubic meters of Uranium solution leaked with 18 cubic meters spilled to the ground. Testing found elevated uranium levels in the nearby Gaffière and Lauzon rivers. The liquid that escaped to the ground contained about 75kg of unenriched uranium which is toxic as a heavy metal while possessing only slight radioactivity. Estimates for the releases were initially higher, up to 360kg of natural uranium, but revised downward later. [3]
French authorities have banned the use of water from the Gaffière and Lauzon for drinking and watering of crops. Swimming, water sports and fishing were also banned.
This incident has been classified as Level 1 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
2,000 Mink Freed - Dedicated To Austrian Prisoners
23-07-2008 17:17
Dedicated To Austrian Prisoners
2,000 Mink Freed - Germany
anonymous communique (translation):
HLS Supplier Staples Targeted in the Midwest
23-07-2008 14:43
On Monday, July 14th, activists left over ninety "Staples kills" fliers throughout the Staples store in Terre Haute, Indiana at 125 Davis Avenue. Soon after, on Tuesday, July 23rd, activists left over 120 "Staples kills" fliers throughout a Staples store in Chicago, Illinois at 711 West Jackson Boulevard.SHAC Morning Demo At AstraZeneca
23-07-2008 14:40

Palestine Today 072308
23-07-2008 14:30

Rough Music#19 has hit the streets of Brighton
23-07-2008 13:05
Brigthon's very own dirt diggin' hard hittin' newsletter is out and about once moreBNP's Second Licence Application Rejected!
23-07-2008 12:53
This years event a watered down affair if ever there was one...U.S style Workfare coming to the U.K...
23-07-2008 11:51
The 'Workhouse' comes closer…Yet another Welfare Green Paper will mean cheap labour, reducing costs, a Victorian notion of the ‘undeserving poor’ and creating a new market off the the backs of some of the most vulnerable in the UK,
Little Peace Boat on the way to Climate Camp, arrives in Brighton Marina
23-07-2008 10:47

Peter Le Mare, in his Little Peace Boat,
"Be Disarming"
...on the way to The Climate Camp and then to Westminster, London for this 50th anniversary year of CND peace symbol on Hiroshima Day, August 6, draw attention to the linked problems of Catastrophic Climate Change and World Peace.
Full article | 1 addition | 17 comments
Plane Stupid Activist Glued To PM Inside Downing Street
22-07-2008 19:39
A campaigner from the climate action group, Plane Stupid, is currently super-glued to Prime Minister Gordon Brown in the State Dining Room of 10 Downing Street.Dan Glass, a 24 year old MSc student based in Scotland, gained access to the PM’s official residence at 5pm this evening. He greeted Mr Brown and asked the Prime Minister why he and his ministers have refused to meet West London residents opposed to the construction of a third runway at Heathrow. He simultaneously put his super-glue covered hand onto Brown’s polyester suit. When Brown went to turn away he found he had been super-glued by his clothing to Plane Stupid, and had no option but to listen to Dan.
Tolpuddle Martyrs festival in Dorset over weekend.
22-07-2008 18:49

On February 24th, 1834, six farm labourers from the Dorset village of Tolpuddle were arrested on a charge of taking part in an 'illegal oath' ceremony. In the eyes of their masters, however, the real offence was that they had dared to form a trade union to defend their livelihood. For this they were sentenced to seven years' transportation to the penal colonies of Australia. The sentences provoked an immense outcry, leading to the first great mass trade union protest.
The campaign won free pardons and the Martyrs' return to England. A historic episode in the struggle for trade unionists' rights in Great Britain.
Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Foie gras restaurant in Brum - Please Help!
22-07-2008 17:48

Smash School Privatisation: The Wembley Tent City Eviction
22-07-2008 16:00

Direct Action; UK, USA, Spain & Mexico
22-07-2008 15:55