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Solitaire leaving Irish waters....coming to a port near you?
18-09-2008 17:19
Today, on day 10 of Maura Harrington's hunger strike, Shell finally issued a press release confirming that the Solitaire is leaving Irish waters this afternoon, heading to a UK port. Help needed to keep mounting pressure to get the vessel to permenantly stop its operation to lay the gas pipe line in Rossport.Palestine Today 091808
18-09-2008 17:09

Mass 11.10 Walkabout?
18-09-2008 17:05

solidarity with activists all around the world.

They want to deport Babi Badalov on Saturday...
18-09-2008 16:38

Roof top occupation of Shell offices in Belmullet
18-09-2008 12:13

Latest EZLN communique translation
18-09-2008 11:10
Communiqué from the of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command, of the Zapatista Army for National LiberationSixth Commission—Intergalactic Commission of the EZLN
Respect Nigerians Coalition protest against BA
18-09-2008 11:01

Hands Off Latin America: London 17 Sept
18-09-2008 10:50

Hands Off Latin America, US Embassy - Pictures.
18-09-2008 09:35

Catholic Worker sent to prison
18-09-2008 08:02

Protest against the detention of Babi Badalov
18-09-2008 02:00

"I have “robbed” 492,000 euros to whom most rob us."
18-09-2008 00:53
I am writing down this pages to announce that I have expropriated 492,000 euros to 39 banks through 68 loan deals. If we include interest on arrears, the present amount of debt is over 500,000 euros which I will not pay.Barclays & Manchester Uni Demos
17-09-2008 22:33

Update straight from the front line - 11 September 2008
17-09-2008 22:32
After a truly momentous day in Erris yesterday,things are much calmer this morning. The Solitaire has been confirmed to be stationery in Killybegs Co Donegal. Police presence in the area is still very heavy this morning although the general atmosphere (aside from at the compound gates) is slightly less tense. Maura Harrington continues her courageous hunger strike at the compound gates with round the clock solidarity from both locals and the camp. It is still not clear how exactly the Solitaire sustained the damage to its "stinger" The stinger is DEFINITELY slightly damaged in one section however this reporter can confirm that it was not so damaged on Tuesday night when it arrived in Broadhaven Bay and that conditions all throughout Tuesday night were absolutely calm both at land and on sea (remembering that the Solitaire can operate in extremely heavy seas unhindered due to its size). The cause of the damage is a heavily speculated upon matter and I will not add to other than the fact that AllSeas Ltd may be contractually relieved from its obligations under a damge clause in the contract.Sun Valley in Lockdown Following Protest
17-09-2008 21:43
Today, activists held a demo at Sun Valley Foods, the UK's largest chicken abattoir, in Hereford.Sussex Police Ask For It
17-09-2008 19:45
For the first time ever Sussex Police Authority are soliciting public opinion about their 'service' in an online survey the results of which will they say will be made public.Palestine Today 091708
17-09-2008 16:14

Pix of Rossport Solidarity Action in London, UK, Mon 15 Sep 08
17-09-2008 15:22

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Forcible Deportation of Iraqi asylum seekers ended in violence
17-09-2008 11:59
The asylum seekers were to be deported to Erbil in Northern Iraq. However,when one of the asylum seekers punched and smashed a window of the plane,
the Commandoes boarded the plane to try to unsuccessfully pin the Iraqi
asylum seekers down. The asylum seekers have been moved back to detention centres.
Many were badly beaten and are injuried as a result.
Swedish police intimidation against ESF delegates from Poland
17-09-2008 08:26
A Polish delegation to the European Social Forum at Malmoe starting today sufferd a crack-down by Swedish police after entering the country. Motives for police intimidation, aggresive behaviour, violent damage to luggage and the denial of basic civil rights of detained persons are not entirely clear.