UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Safe Haven Pipeline Demo update
18-11-2006 10:42

Melbourne Australia G20 V for victory
18-11-2006 09:03

Greece, Athens: Clashes between demonstrators and police (17N annual day)
17-11-2006 22:47
Serious violent incidents in Athens and Thessaloniki, during the day of memory for the student uprising against the military dictatorship (1973). Several demonstrators wounded, lots of people detained.Video of Occupation of Cardiff Castle for Palestine
17-11-2006 17:55
Video of Occupation of Cardiff Castle November 15 2006Melbourne: Businesses Targeted by G20 Protests
17-11-2006 16:07
The G20 meeting of Finance Ministers, the World Bank and the IMF is appearing in Melbourne, Australia over the weekend of 18-19 November. They are being welcomed by a series of conferences, creative protests and festivals by a wide variety of anti-globalisation activists.Jackie B. belongs in South Wales
17-11-2006 13:31
Jackie B. (not real name) and her child MThis young woman is a torture and rape victim, who was accepted by the Immigration Appellate Authority as a 'believable witness'. However her appeal was refused in 2005 on the grounds that even though she was suspected of being an LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) member and a torture and rape victim, she would not be in danger of persecution if she was returned to another part of Uganda, such as Kampala.
Daughters of Rebecca at Faslane
17-11-2006 12:59

This Weeks SchNEWS - Save The Wales
17-11-2006 12:58

A Rossport solidarity video
17-11-2006 12:27

Stop the pipeline! info flyer
17-11-2006 11:34
Stop the Pipeline!!Land and homes across Wales are currently being destroyed for a huge, unsafe gas pipeline. Is this the best way to tackle climate change?
War Profiteers Targeted on Corporate Engagement day
17-11-2006 06:06

Police Use Section 14 Powers at EDO but Fail to Enforce them
16-11-2006 22:47
EDO Demos have been growing in anger and in numbers over the past few weeks. Police have had an increased presence...Please Email, Phone or Write Today In Support Of Tortured Filipino Anarchists
16-11-2006 14:55
Please take a minute to email, phone, fax, or write in support of The Sagada 11, young anarchists falsely accused of a Maoist guerilla attack and tortured in The Philippines. Today, November 17th is an international action day for them! A sample letter and contact details for officials follow this short description of the background to the case...Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Bradford Priest Arrested at Nuclear Blockade
16-11-2006 13:07
Over 50 Anti Nuclear protestors from Leeds and Bradford took part in a mass blockade of the Faslane Nuclear Naval Base in Scotland this morning. Twenty seven of the protestors, including the Revd Chris Howson from Bradford were arrested for their role in the blockade, which included 'locking on' to a giant CND symbol outside the main gates of the base.More nuclear waste reached Gorleben amid protests
16-11-2006 01:20
After a rail and truck run of 58 hours through France and Germany another load of returning German nuclear waste has reached a storage hall in the northern village of Gorleben. The tenth consignment was protested and delayed many times in both countries by anti-nuclear activists and guarded by 16,000 German police with horses, dogs, helicopters and water cannon.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Muslim student's victory against leading University
15-11-2006 22:45

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Directions to pipeline protest & Update
15-11-2006 21:49
Despite lots of bluff and bluster, police finally left the site today! more support is needed to keep the protest site going!Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Nightime attack at EDO
15-11-2006 21:33
EDO is a Brighton based factory , US owned, making components for use in Iraq and Palestine.The unmanned drones which, EDO manufacture components for, have been used in the massacre in Beit Hanoun over the past weeks