UK Promoted Newswire Archive
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Stop the illegal eviction of a 22 mnth old baby and family from east Birmingham
22-04-2008 13:46

Fatma Yavruk and her family, including 22 month old baby Arda, are due to be evicted from their Birmingham home today, due to a bureaucratic mix up by the UK Border Agency and the callous attitude of their Housing Association landlord, Astonbrook.
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World Day for Laboratory Animals, Oxford, 19 Apr 2008
21-04-2008 21:21

Farnborough town centre in its final death throes
21-04-2008 15:38

Sciencelink animal lab has been abandoned
21-04-2008 15:24

Palestine Today 042108
21-04-2008 14:36

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Hackney Social Centre - Morning report
21-04-2008 13:58

Demo at Kalyx in support to the Harmondsworth detainees
21-04-2008 13:49

Orang-utans protest at Unilever's HQ and Factory
21-04-2008 13:29

Most pathetic NF demo EVER.
21-04-2008 12:12

Indy Global Report from Nablus, on Resonance FM104.4
21-04-2008 10:06

The 17th of April is prisoners day in Palestine, with so many political prisoners in Israeli gaols this is big occasion. I was fortunate to speak with the head of the Palestinian prisoner society about the situation for political prisoners.
A music school in Palestine, this is not a dream, in the city of Nablus, I speak with the founder of a school to teach children music based on merit not money.
Space Invaded, and Evicted? - Squat manchester a summary
20-04-2008 20:06
SPACE INVADED! THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED…..IT WAS ACE!A Summary of the events in Manchester around Squat Manchester 12 April. Including the film night, the banner drops, the new squatted social centre, the family fun day, the No Borders March, the occupation of Jacksons Wharf the busted 'free' party and more!!
RTFO - This is not the way to go
20-04-2008 17:27

Founder of Saving Iceland Accused by Icelandic Police
20-04-2008 17:08
On Monday 21st April 2008 Saving Iceland Founder, Olafur Pall Sigurdson,will appear before the District Court of East Iceland charged with
property damage. The charge relates to an incident at Snæfell Mountain
protest camp in the end of July 2006, when a police 4x4 was deliberately
driven into Sigurdsson at a potentially fatal speed.
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Freespace Brum - Temporary Autonomous Zone 11-13th April
20-04-2008 11:47

Protest. In memory of Ama Sumani.
20-04-2008 11:46
Yesterday, on Saturday 19th April 2008, there was a protest in memory of Ama Sumani in Cardiff, Wales. Ama Sumani was taken by force from hospital in Wales in January 2008 and removed to Ghana. In Ghana she was unable to continue her treatment and died two months later. Friends of Ama Sumani do not want her death to be forgotten and intend to continue the struggle against the removal of people to countries where effective medical treatment for their conditions is unavailable.Video from Ffoss-yfran coal mine action
19-04-2008 22:26

Hackney Social Centre Under Threat of Eviction!
19-04-2008 17:59

latest indymedia london offline & infousurpa
19-04-2008 17:51

Hands Off Iraqi oil protest inside and outside BP AGM
19-04-2008 16:55
As 'corporate pirates' gave out shareholder briefings under the banner of 'BP in Iraq - Blatant Piracy' outside, a number of be-suited HOIO activists were present at the BP AGM inside...For photos see