Royal Holloway Occupied
Royal Holloway Student | 30.11.2011 13:37 | South Coast | World
Press Release
For immediate release: Wednesday 30th September 2011
Education activists occupy Royal Holloway management corridor
Today at 1.18pm GMT Royal Holloway students, including activists from Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance (RHACA) and the Save Classics campaign, occupied the senior management corridor at Royal Holloway, University of London. Demands have been issued to the Principal, asking Senior Management to withdraw staff redundancy notices and for the Principal to sign a ‘Pledge’ issued on Wednesday 23rd November 2011 against cuts, restructuring, the HE white paper and fees.
RHACA, who are affiliated to the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), have been joined by a fresh wave of new education activists, galvanised by the restructuring taking place at the university and a fast-growing education campaign within the Students’ Union of Royal Holloway, University of London (SURHUL). Students handed their demands to the Principal and discussions took place about the absence of students from decision making processes and a lack of consultation over major issues, as well as the lack of response regarding the recent pledge. Students have also asked that management allow free access in and out of the occupation for all students and lecturers.
“At Royal Holloway there’s been a serious lack of any meaningful consultation over the restructuring taking place,” said one activist. “We’ve held lobbies and issued the Principal’s Pledge and management haven’t even had the courtesy to reply.”
Another activist said, “The white paper will make way for privatization and a market in higher education, and Royal Holloway has already said it will be charging £9,000 fees. Rather than enter into any sort of democratic discussion, the management are carrying out their own plans regardless of bothering to find out what students actually think.”
“College management have been unable to provide any economic or business case for the redundancy notices they’re issuing to our lecturers, which is unbelievable considering we’re raking in a huge surplus year on year.”
Students have also expressed their support for the public sector workers strike, and say they will leave when demands are met.
Notes for Editors
. This is the fourth occupation of a Royal Holloway building in the last year
. Pictures and interviewees available
. Royal Holloway, University of London, has announced tuition fees of £9,000
. (Principal’s Pledge)
Name: Craig Tel: 07824 331240
Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance
Royal Holloway, University of London
For immediate release: Wednesday 30th September 2011
Education activists occupy Royal Holloway management corridor
Today at 1.18pm GMT Royal Holloway students, including activists from Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance (RHACA) and the Save Classics campaign, occupied the senior management corridor at Royal Holloway, University of London. Demands have been issued to the Principal, asking Senior Management to withdraw staff redundancy notices and for the Principal to sign a ‘Pledge’ issued on Wednesday 23rd November 2011 against cuts, restructuring, the HE white paper and fees.
RHACA, who are affiliated to the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), have been joined by a fresh wave of new education activists, galvanised by the restructuring taking place at the university and a fast-growing education campaign within the Students’ Union of Royal Holloway, University of London (SURHUL). Students handed their demands to the Principal and discussions took place about the absence of students from decision making processes and a lack of consultation over major issues, as well as the lack of response regarding the recent pledge. Students have also asked that management allow free access in and out of the occupation for all students and lecturers.
“At Royal Holloway there’s been a serious lack of any meaningful consultation over the restructuring taking place,” said one activist. “We’ve held lobbies and issued the Principal’s Pledge and management haven’t even had the courtesy to reply.”
Another activist said, “The white paper will make way for privatization and a market in higher education, and Royal Holloway has already said it will be charging £9,000 fees. Rather than enter into any sort of democratic discussion, the management are carrying out their own plans regardless of bothering to find out what students actually think.”
“College management have been unable to provide any economic or business case for the redundancy notices they’re issuing to our lecturers, which is unbelievable considering we’re raking in a huge surplus year on year.”
Students have also expressed their support for the public sector workers strike, and say they will leave when demands are met.
Notes for Editors
. This is the fourth occupation of a Royal Holloway building in the last year
. Pictures and interviewees available
. Royal Holloway, University of London, has announced tuition fees of £9,000

Name: Craig Tel: 07824 331240
Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance
Royal Holloway, University of London

Royal Holloway Student
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