Second attempt to remove Cherbal Family
John O | 19.05.2009 05:55 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | World
Fresh removal directions have been served on Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months. Who have lived in Blackburn, Lancashire, for almost five years. They are currently detained in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre and are due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Saturday, May 23rd, at 09.45 hours on British Airways flight BA894 to Algeria.
Ismail was born in the town of Alquba, Algeria, one of four brothers. On May 1st, 1997, at the age of 22, he was called up for mandatory military service. Two months later, he received a letter from home saying that his brother Mostafa had been killed on active service with the army. He was refused compassionate leave and was unable to return home until December, 1998.
Full background:
The stress of the uncertainty over the family's future has severely affected Safia's mental health; she has been treated for some time now for depression and her GP has referred her to Blackburn Community Mental Health Care Team for an assessment. She was awaiting an appointment when the family was detained. Since the family has been in Yarl's Wood, Ismail says that Safia's medication for depression has been taken from her because the staff there fears she may self-harm.
You can help us to keep this family in the UK
1) Email/Fax Willie Walsh, Chief Executive Officer British Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months. Attached model fax . You can copy, amend or write your own version - if you do please include all the following details: " Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months, due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Saturday, May 23rd, at 09.45 hours on British Airways flight BA894 to Algeria.
Fax: 020 8759 4314 - from outside the UK + 44 20 8759 4314
Email: Jayne Atkinson, Government & Industry Affairs British Airways
2) Please send urgent faxes/emails immediately to Rt. Hon Jacqui Smith, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, requesting that Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months are released from detention and returned to their Blackburn home. Please use the 'model letter' CherbilFamilyJS.doc attached or write your own version. If you do so, please remember to include HO ref: A1264465.
Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)
"CIT - Treat Official"
Please let the campaign know of any emails/faxes sent:
Cherbal Family Campaign
C/o Ian Pollock
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Cherbal Family Must Stay In Blackburn
Full background:

The stress of the uncertainty over the family's future has severely affected Safia's mental health; she has been treated for some time now for depression and her GP has referred her to Blackburn Community Mental Health Care Team for an assessment. She was awaiting an appointment when the family was detained. Since the family has been in Yarl's Wood, Ismail says that Safia's medication for depression has been taken from her because the staff there fears she may self-harm.
You can help us to keep this family in the UK
1) Email/Fax Willie Walsh, Chief Executive Officer British Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months. Attached model fax . You can copy, amend or write your own version - if you do please include all the following details: " Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months, due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Saturday, May 23rd, at 09.45 hours on British Airways flight BA894 to Algeria.

Fax: 020 8759 4314 - from outside the UK + 44 20 8759 4314
Email: Jayne Atkinson, Government & Industry Affairs British Airways

2) Please send urgent faxes/emails immediately to Rt. Hon Jacqui Smith, MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office, requesting that Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months are released from detention and returned to their Blackburn home. Please use the 'model letter' CherbilFamilyJS.doc attached or write your own version. If you do so, please remember to include HO ref: A1264465.
Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK)

"CIT - Treat Official"
Please let the campaign know of any emails/faxes sent:
Cherbal Family Campaign
C/o Ian Pollock

End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Cherbal Family Must Stay In Blackburn
John O