UK Promoted Newswire Archive
No More Bull On Climate Change: Action this Saturday.
24-07-2007 15:16

Climate change campaigners to descend on Cornmarket Street
Solidarity update - BNP's Nick Griffin heavily criticised for interference
24-07-2007 14:31
More on the Solidarity fiasco...Appeal by Sri Lankan Tamils on hunger strike, detained at Haslar IRC
24-07-2007 14:02
While the Sri Lankan government is engaged in bombing, killing, torturing and terrifying into leave its Tamil citiziens, the UK government is sending them back to genocide.Camberwell squat centre dances on
23-07-2007 22:46
Still no word on the eviction. No word from the alleged owners.So… We decided to press ahead with events… if we get evicted then yah boo. These are what we came up with… There is room for more events… if you have any ideas get in touch. Seriously. There’s no point just consuming this space, make it happen. Every mini-gig or party, meeting or workshop that happens is a dance of defiance to the profiteering scum that boss this world.
Sri Lankan detainees go on hunger strike in Harmondsworth
23-07-2007 18:06
Some 29 Sri Lankan Tamil nationals have reportedly gone on hunger strike at the Harmondsworth detention centre in London in protest at a Home Office decision to deport them back to Sri Lanka tomorrow. Harmondsworth has been the sight of continued resistance, with repeated hunger strikes, riots and demonstrations.A Postcard For John Bowden
23-07-2007 14:31

not sorry: cops still spinning Menezes execution
23-07-2007 12:57

Barbara Wilding, now Chief Constable of South Wales Police, told the South Wales Echo: "[Shoot-to-kill is] the most awful title and not one that should ever have been put to that policy. We should have challenged that right from day one."
It's a tough sell, given that the policy is to "identify, locate and neutralise the threat [by] deliver[ing] a critical head shot with 9mm rounds". Another key difference from the normal firearms policy is that a senior officer gives the order to fire, and the marksman must shoot whether or not he sees a threat, a distinction which goes unmentioned in the endless terror-hyping PR pieces, although Police Review had reported this in December 2004: "the Met decided to 'urgently revisit the legal basis' of the anti-terror Operations Kratos and Clydesdale after members of the force's firearms unit laid down their weapons [...] it is understood that they involve senior officers ordering a police marksman to shoot suicide bombers in London [...] the SO19 officers were concerned about their legal position if they were ordered to take a 'head shot' of a suicide bomber."
The Justice4Jean family campaign is holding a public meeting tonight, details below.
next Disarm DSEi Public Meeting @ rampART London 28th July
23-07-2007 10:51

rampART centre, 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA

Tube : Whitechapel, Shadwell, Aldgate, Aldgate East, Tower Gateway
Bus : 15, 115, D3, 100
There will probably be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated. You might choose to wear a scarf in this unpredictable weather.
FIT hunting NoBorders activists at rampART
22-07-2007 22:50

SOCPA - update on 'the brown stuff'
22-07-2007 22:16
update on SOCPA - the brown stuff (previous article on indymedia).more metropolitan police harassmant of a single peaceful lone demonstrator.
having successfully persuaded mark thomas to stop his mass lone demos on the basis that brown is going to repeal the act, the police continue to intimidate known peaceful demonstrators.
Liverpool C.W.U. March and Rally.
22-07-2007 17:07
Around 1,000 people turned up for a march and rally in central Liverpool this afternoon. The constant rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the demonstrators and there was a good deal of support from the general public as the march passed close to the main shopping area.Smash EDO Protesters in Court tomorrow
22-07-2007 12:23
Three anti arms trade protesters arrested at a blockade of EDO MBM at the time of the Israeli bombing of Lebanon last Summer are in Brighton Magistrates Court tomorrowMore Repression In Oaxaca
21-07-2007 16:54

Outstanding Asylum-Seeker Artist holds Art Exhibition in London.
21-07-2007 09:54

audio - Bristol CWU explain current round of postal strikes
21-07-2007 00:34
Here's an interview with Kevin Beazer regional secretry of the Communication Workers' Union in Bristol.Full article | 3 additions | 1 comment
Nazi attack at antinuclear protest camp in siberia
20-07-2007 23:06
In the early morning 21st July (20 o'clock 20.7. GMT) Nazi skinheads attacked an antinuclear protest camp in Angarsk, Siberia, Russia. The campers knew about the planned attack and had organized night guards, but they were much too few (1 to 3). The Nazis attacked the sleeping activists with iron rods, knives and air pressure guns. At least two campers became seriously injured: A person suffered a head-fracture, one became both legs broken. All tents were set in fire, several belongings were stolen.The Clown Army and Saving Iceland invade Reykjavik Energy building
20-07-2007 20:57

London Sound Posse presents:"Creating Terror: Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed"
20-07-2007 19:12

Education. Education. Education.
Erudite lecture from author and scholar Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed on the real source of "al qaeda" & the current wave of terror attacks. Surprises in store for those who haven't yet "woken up"
This Week in Palestine – Week 29 2007
20-07-2007 18:16

IWW Solidarity with Coventry Post Office workers strike
20-07-2007 14:59