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Suffragettes interrupt the Energy Minister in preparation for the Climate Rush

22-09-2008 11:05

Who to trust? Girl with green hair? Grey politician?
Seven young women dressed as Suffragettes with red sashes that read: CLIMATE CODE RED and NO NEW COAL interrupted Energy Question Time at the Labour Party Conference on Saturday 20 September. The challenged Malcolm Wicks MP, Energy Minister, to defend his decision to build a new coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth. They were asked to leve but confronted him again as he left the conference room.

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Babi Badalov was deported

21-09-2008 19:08

He sent a little poem to his friends in UK.

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Policing a demo in Manchester

21-09-2008 18:10

horses at the front
Some photos of cops at yesterday's demo, doing their stuff.

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Activists protest outside Armani in Manchester

21-09-2008 09:59

Giorgio Armani has reneged on his promise not to use fur in his fashion lines. Activists demonstrated outside Armani's Manchester store yesterday, causing three members of staff to abandon their quest for sales and stand in the doorway defending, with some difficulty, the Armani position on fur.

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Freedom of Movement on the Manchester demo

21-09-2008 09:32

freedom of movement block
A few photos of the freedom of movement block and others demonstrating against forced removals at the Manchester demo against the Labour Party conference yesterday.

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anti-war march in Manchester

20-09-2008 20:44

autonomous/no borders bloc
3,000 people on anti-war march +++ STW calls for Troops Out +++ 200 people on autonomous bloc +++ police attacks on the bloc were successfully resisted twice +++ attempts to arrest people failed

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Cologne street resistance to Anti-Islam Congress

20-09-2008 16:57

Street blockade
Demonstrators and counter-protesters clashed last Friday at the start of an "anti-Islamification congress" in Cologne. On Saturday police banned the extreme-right "anti-Islamification" rally in Cologne just as it was about to begin, following clashes with thousands of opponents.

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Activists visit animal breeder

20-09-2008 14:31

On Thursday activists decided to pay Harlan UK a visit in Leicestershire. Harlan breed animals such as beagle dogs to supply to labs like HLS. We thought we would catch them by surprise so we turned up at their gates at roughly 3:30 am. The security were very shocked to see us and hid in their office. We will not rest until places like Harlan and HLS are closed down for good.

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Queerbeograd and fascist attack

20-09-2008 10:39

At this very moment we're in the middle of the 5th Queerbeograd festival in Belgrade, Serbia. The theme of the festival this year is 'Direct Action & Antifascism'. The latter appeared again important when a group of 25 people leaving the festival yesterday evening we're confronted with an organized attack by fascists. The festival has participants from Macedonia, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, UK, Italy, Croatia, Greece and Slovenia.

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URGENT help stop the deportation of Babakhan Badalov

20-09-2008 09:22

Babi has been moved to heathrow this morning and is to be forced on to a flight at 3:15pm please call the airline now and tell them to not fly him.

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Riots and 20 arrests at ESF Malmo

19-09-2008 23:01

As the full European Social Forum got underway for proper, Swedish police, backed by foriegn police made 16 pre-emptive arrests at Malmo central train station in the mid-afternoon.

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This Week in Palestine Week 38 2008

19-09-2008 17:20

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for September 13 through 19, 2008.

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Manchester protest against the persecution of Roma in Italy

19-09-2008 15:57

Anarchists and No Borders activists demonstrate at the Italian Consulate in Manchester

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"With This D-Lock, I Thee Wed" [Shell Blockade Photos]

19-09-2008 13:42

Boycott Shell - Give Us a Wedding Present
A wonderful day, with fine weather, good company, a wedding and a d-lock.

(Images from video frame grabs, expect better quality photos and video later)

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What's Wrong With Shell Leaflet Text

19-09-2008 13:05

What's wrong with Shell?

You can be sure of Shell to have only one interest – MONEY- making profits from whomever and whatever they can. Over the hundred years of its existence, Shell has been at the forefront of human, animal and ecological abuse.

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Big Wedding vs. Big Oil - Shell Petrol Station Blockaded in Activist 'Wedding'

19-09-2008 12:56

Press Release: 19th September 2008; 12 noon

Ludlow, Shropshire: At noon today, on the forecourt of a Shropshire Shell petrol station, a Leeds couple will tie the knot, supported by around 100 friends and family forming a blockade of the petrol station. Max Gastone and Cath Muller's ceremony in Ludlow is a protest against the ecological and social damage caused by Shell (and the continued use of fossil fuels) and also a commitment to creating a different world and a celebration of the power of community and resistance.

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Solitare To arrive in Clyde Harbour Glasgow

19-09-2008 09:32

Callout for the Solitare to be welcomed in Glasgow.

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Solidarity with Babi Badalov in Cardiff

18-09-2008 22:30

Short video of the solidarity demonstration that took place in response to the detention of our friend Babi in Cardiff's Borders Agency offices.

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Iraqi Kurds deported to Northern Iraq

18-09-2008 17:38

Iraqi Charter flight landed in Erbil 02:00hrs this morning.

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Dikili Noborder Camp is Over

18-09-2008 17:30

The first noborder camp in Turkey which started on the3rd of September has ended up with future plans and with the created network of solidarity.
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