UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Ratcliffe Power Station Court Case : Nottingham Magistrates [day 3]
17-01-2008 17:03
Now starting day 3 of the trial of the 11 defendants, accused of aggravated trespass at the Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station. Prosecution and defence case having been heard, today was about final statements and the summaries of evidence given over the last couple of days.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Protest Against Death of Woman Prisoner, Holloway, London, 16 Jan
17-01-2008 14:03

Pictures copyright.
R.I.P. Peter McGregor - Australian Anarchist, Anti-War & Anti-Apartheid Activist
16-01-2008 23:33
As we were organising for the January 11th. international solidarity events with the NVDA in D.C. to close down Gutatanamo, I renewed contact with Peter McGregor in Newcastle, Australia.Video of Matias, a Mapuche killed by the police
16-01-2008 22:52

His compañeros and compañeras decided not to leave the body in the hands of the police and they carry him away with them.....
From this corner of europe we want to sand a strong hug to the family and his friends.
And our most deep admiration for Matias, a Mapuche fighter who gave his life for the rights of his people.
Sea Shepherd Solidarity Protest at Japanese Embassy, Berlin
16-01-2008 22:06

Shepherd crew members taken hostage on 15 January by the Japanese
Whaling Fleet.
For updates, see
Massive anti Heathrow dissent in (wait for it) Chiswick
16-01-2008 20:58
A couple of local residents organised an anti Heathrow expansion meeting in Chiswick last night.France: round-up of strikes and more government attacks on conditions
16-01-2008 19:49
January 16th, 2008 by Jef CostelloFrom:
Just outside of Paris at the Areva TD factory in Montrouge, 89 striking workers have been occupying and blockading the factory for four days.The movement began after management announced plans to close the factory, which produces electrical transformers. Workers are demanding large compensation payments, management is currently refusing to negotiate.
Sea Shepherd Crew Remain Hostages On The Japanese Whaling Ship
16-01-2008 19:46
ABOARD THE STEVE IRWIN - 16 January 2008 -- 0500 GMTTwenty-four hours later, Sea Shepherd crew members Giles Lane from the U.K. and Benjamin Potts from Australia remain hostages on the Yushin Maru No. 2.
Germany: 80 000 march to remember the murder of Luxemburg and Liebknecht
16-01-2008 18:45

Guantanamo protest
16-01-2008 18:37
Several Bradford residents stage an impromptu demonstration marking the sixth anniversary of Guantanamo bay in Cuba.Ratcliffe Power Station Court Case : Nottingham Magistrates [day 2]
15-01-2008 23:57

Freedom of Assembly Protest - Part 2: Downing Street
15-01-2008 23:11

Embassy Demo for kidnapped Sea sheperd Crew
15-01-2008 19:39
Demonstration outside the Japanese Embassy in London to demand the release of the Sea Shepherd hostages and to demand a halt to the Whale Slaughter.Sea Shepherd volunteers 'detained' by Japanese whalers
15-01-2008 16:27
Two Sea Shepherd volunteers have been 'detained' by Japanese whalers. People are being encouraged to contact the Japanese embassy (and copy the Foreign Office into any correspondence) to demand the immediate release of these two activists.URGENT - protestors held hostage by Japanese wailing ship
15-01-2008 15:51
Whilst boarding the Japanese wailing ship to deliver a letter, two protesters from the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irving were kidnapped and held hostage. Benjamin Potts 28, an Australian citizen and Giles Lane, 35, a citizen of Great Britain are being held hostage on board the whaling vessel. Both men were assaulted and then tied to the railings of the whaler. They were then moved and tied to the radar mast by the whalers.Gordon Brown urged to act for British residents in Guantánamo
15-01-2008 13:22

Freedom of Assembly Protest - Part 1
15-01-2008 13:17

Bonn Square evicted; fight against Westgate continues; Radley Lakes setback
15-01-2008 12:53
Yesterday the Bonn Square tree protest was evicted and the tree cut down. Several protesters were arrested.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
British Sea Shepherd activist held hostage on Japanese whaler
15-01-2008 12:28

Japanese whalers take Sea Shepherds hostage.
15-01-2008 12:09
In what has been an unpredictably dramatic day for the campaign against whaling in Antarctica, the crew of a Japanese harpoon gunboat have seized Australian and British crew mebers of the Sea Shepherd vessel, Steve Irwin.