UK Promoted Newswire Archive
APEC meeting: Sydney Declaration a Climate Distraction
08-09-2007 17:17

Copenhagen Update September II
08-09-2007 16:12

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Deportations to Sri Lanka are continuing.
08-09-2007 13:04
Deportations of Tamils to Sri Lanka are continuing despite the new country guidance case. Two families are due to be deported tomorrow, Sunday the 9th SeptemberGlasgow Employers Getting Away With Murder?
08-09-2007 12:55

"Not Guilty" in Brutal Glasgow Dawn Raid Case
08-09-2007 11:14
The African woman who found herself charged with 7 counts of police assault after a brutal and humiliating dawn raid on her home was acquitted yesterday. The jury trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court lasted the whole week and represented a further ordeal for a severely traumatised woman.This Week In Palestine – Week 36 2007
07-09-2007 17:54

Death of ex-detainee 'Constructively deported' to Iraq
07-09-2007 15:09
We have had the very bad news that one of our ex-clients, SolymanRashed, has been killed by a car bomb in Kirkuk, after accepting
voluntary return. Our press release is below.
15th October - Nationwide Day of Local Action against Royal Bank of Scotland.
07-09-2007 14:29
Inspired by Climate Camp for Climate Action 2007? Don't wait till next year to take part in collective direct action ... the 15th October has been called as a Nationwide Day of Local Action against Royal Bank of Scotland.Statement from John Bowden
07-09-2007 14:26
After an international campaign in support of John Bowden and in defence of the Anarchist Black Coss, John is to be returned to open conditions.Tube strike. They had PLENTY of warning.
07-09-2007 12:30

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Arms Manufacturers in Norwich Blockaded and given a Weapons Inspection
07-09-2007 11:22
Today at 0630am a small group of activists locked shut the gates of Norwich based arms manufacturer MSI.....Gagged! #19 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
07-09-2007 10:53

Read the PDF here:

audio to follow in the next few days
Australia: Satirical Comedy Prank makes APEC Security a Joke
07-09-2007 08:46

The Bath Bomb Issue 2 has been released
07-09-2007 02:54
Second monthly radical tabloid, the Bath Bomb is now out. Read on for plain text version.Demo at high commission demanding release of Bangladeshi political prisoners
06-09-2007 23:39

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Save Tara: Blockading the archaeologists
06-09-2007 21:42

Space Hijackers Arms Dealers
06-09-2007 19:45

Barking mad Metronet bosses.
06-09-2007 16:40

Its a funny old world.
Protesters Strip Trident Bare!
06-09-2007 16:39

Supporting the RMT strikers.
06-09-2007 14:34