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Swansea Protest at Israeli bombing of Lebanon

03-08-2006 21:17

Protestors gather by the castle
On The Night of Tuesday 1st August around 50 protesters gathered by Swansea’s castle to show solidarity with the people of Lebanon and Palestine.

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Solidarity with Prison Guards! Solidarity with Class War Prisoners!

03-08-2006 20:57

Walton Prison
Prison guards nationwide are preparing to go on strike over a below inflation pay 'rise' of just 1.6%, and in solidarity with the guards at Walton Prison, whose bosses are turning the screw with tougher working practices rules.

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Orwellian Eye-in-the-Sky Gets Orwellian Fanfare in Liverpool Echo

03-08-2006 20:35

Cops unveil their new cameras
In a breathtakingly cynical strategy, Merseyside Police have linked their purchase of eye-in-the-sky camera technology with this week's 'moral panic' - mini-motos. In a breathtakingly credulous piece of 'journalism', the Liverpool Echo's Luke Traynor has bought their story hook, line and sinker.

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Sheffield Hands off Lebanon Protest Photos

03-08-2006 19:15

Despite short notice there was a good turn out of protestors in Sheffield on 3rd August 2006 at the Stop the War demo. The protest included a 5min sit down protest on the road in front of the Town Hall which blocked all the traffic.

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Two Arrested for Publicising Britain’s Terror Weapons

03-08-2006 17:27

Trident is Terrorism
Last night two peace activists were arrested after painting a prominent peace message outside Faslane naval base, where Britain’s Trident nuclear weapon submarines are berthed.

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G8 Trials continue in US from 2005 protest

03-08-2006 17:25

On july 8, 2005 while the G8 was meeting in Scotland a demonstration was held in San Francisco. Now one defendant is to go on trial while another sits in jail for refusing to turn over video footage.

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Angela Patterson, Back in the Wars

03-08-2006 15:29

It has been exactly one year since Angela had been taken into
detention and the fight to save her life commenced. Some of you will
remember (NCADC Bulletin: Save Angela Maria Patterson 31/10/2005) that she was blinded and shot in Jamaica, attacked in Birmingham and assaulted
at Heathrow airport when she resisted removal.

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Rachel Corrie's Memory Hijacked On MySpace

03-08-2006 10:14

A 'Rachel Corrie' page set up on MySpace falls a long way short of what her memory deserves.

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NYC: Pro-Lebanon Protest

03-08-2006 08:05

Pro-Lebanon Protest outside the Israeli Mission in New York City on Friday 28th July 2006.

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Recruiting Spies at British Airports

03-08-2006 07:10

I arrived late at Coventry Airport yesterday after a short 'holiday' in Holland. I was hoping to catch the last bus to Covetry city centre, then the last No. 900 to Birmingham, so as to avoid paying a fortune for a cap or bothering a friend with a pick-up. I was, however, the last passenger to leave the airport, well after my bus had gone, having experienced one of the strangest encounters in my life with the British authorities.

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Getting Sane With The Campaign

03-08-2006 05:52

News of New Protest Camp in Westminster

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Why on my Land? - A Lebonese Perspective

03-08-2006 01:35

i was talking to my lebanese friends earlier on this evening and i havent stopped crying. its destroying me ...

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U.S. War Materials passing through Brize Norton?

02-08-2006 19:10

Today I received information from a very reliable source about an Atlas cargo plane that arrived at Brize Norton on Monday and took off again just after midnight. People monitoring its flight path say that its destination was Tel Aviv. I am trying to get clarification as to whether this is the same plane as the previously reported one with Hebrew markings painted in red.

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Cargo Plane with Hebrew markings at RAF Brize Norton

02-08-2006 13:19


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Bravehearts: Remembering George

02-08-2006 12:47

In a scene that could have come from George Orwell’s classic book 1984, hundreds of police officers flooded the streets of Oxford on 22nd July. Side Streets were lined with police vans, packed with police officers. Dozens of officers on bikes patrolled the streets, whilst dozens more stood on every street corner. Wherever you looked, yellow tunic officers were in abundance. A dozen police horses were forced to march through the searing heat of Oxford City centre as Thames Valley Police prowled the streets of this once picturesque city.

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rampART news

02-08-2006 10:27

Here is a run down of the latest news from Londons rampART social centre. Agust is a bit sparse for events but there is plenty of other news. The building has gone on the market for a start which is significant news. There's also a strong plea for fresh energy and involvement - use it or loss it...

(Scroll down for this week’s cinema program)

Join the mailing list for weekly news and events listing -

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Dutch/Belgium EarthFirst! set up treetop camp in Belgium.

02-08-2006 10:16

Monday night Earthfirst activists occupied woodlands surrounding an old fortress in Borsbeek. Both the fortress and the surrounding woodlands represent a fine piece of nature supervised by local ‘Natuurpunt Schijnvallei’.
The woodlands are threatened to be cut due to plans to emerge the nearby business-jet airport Deurne-Antwerpen.

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Titnore Campers make appeal

02-08-2006 08:45

Titnore campaigners need to raise £400 at least for legal costs to challenge the possession order granted in the High Court on Thursday July 27.

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Direct action against the war: London, Thursday lunchtime

01-08-2006 23:21

Tonight's direct action planning meeting at the LSE attracted a wide cross-section of people, and was not without difficulties (as posted by someone at, but a plan for immediate action did emerge, and the machinery to facilitate further direct action was initiated. Details of an action called for this Thursday follow:

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An Assembly of Well-Meaning People

01-08-2006 22:03

Tonight’s assembly in Central London for direct action against the invasion of Lebanon was not entirely unproductive. However the discussion often seemed to be going round in circles, with little progress being made towards the aim of ‘direct action’ and people feeling increasingly frustrated and drained. This scenario will have felt familiar to people who have attended similar meetings in the past. The problem, in a nutshell, is a fundamental flaw in the design of such meetings.
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