UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 033009
30-03-2009 15:53

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Appeal Court: Unlawful for hospitals to refuse urgent treatment to migrants
30-03-2009 15:21
Press release 30.3.2009: The Court of Appeal has today ruled that Department of Health guidance which forbade hospitals from providing temporary healthcare to destitute migrants with chronic illnesses is unlawful.Tinsley blockaders charched with aggravated trespass
30-03-2009 14:27
Seven anti-deportation campaigners who blockaded an immigration detention centre at Gatwick airport earlier this month today pleaded guilty to the charge of 'aggravated trespass' at Crawley Magistrates Court. Six of them locked and glued themselves to the gate of Tinsley House on 17th March in an attempt to prevent Iraqi refugees being taken to Stanstead airport to be forcibly deported on a special charter flight to northern Iraq later that day (see
The Put People First Demo in pictures.
30-03-2009 13:56

Direct action in solidarity with EDO 2 - Brighton
30-03-2009 11:40
In the night of 29 March 2009, the prison probation service building of Brighton was attacked with paintbombs and spraypaint signs "No War" & "EDO 2". The HSBC bank next door was also smashed windows.**Palestine Supermarket Action**
30-03-2009 10:46

Keep Alpha Mbodi and his family safe in Sheffield
30-03-2009 06:24

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Audio from Autonomous Speakers at G20 demo
29-03-2009 21:51

4th Oekonux Conference: Free Software and Beyond - The World of Peer Production
29-03-2009 21:26

Short Report From from Put People First
29-03-2009 19:50

Pics: Militant Workers Bloc at G20 Demo
29-03-2009 18:42

G20 FIT watch
29-03-2009 10:31

CrimethInc: The SHAC Model
29-03-2009 01:04

In the wake of this campaign, there has been talk of applying the SHAC model in other contexts, such as environmental defense and anti-war organizing. But what is the SHAC model, precisely? What are its strengths and limitations? Is it, in fact, an effective model? If so, for what?
This analysis explores these questions in depth, charting the history of anti-HLS organizing and reviewing subsequent attempts to utilize the same tactics.
pics from today's 'put people first' march in london
28-03-2009 19:32

CID offer large sums of money for information on smashEDO
28-03-2009 19:05
Corrupt cops offer cash reward for snitches!Put People First march timeline
28-03-2009 16:44
Thousands marched through London today 'for Jobs, Justice and Climate' as part of a global campaign to challenge the G20 ahead of next weeks summit.Indymedia London published a timeline of events from reports direct from the march...
FCO Finally Admits To Receiving Intelligence From Torture
28-03-2009 13:17
Following a substantial uphill battle, ex-ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray posts today in his blog an analysis of the unavoidable admission from the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office that the UK government have a policy of obtaining intelligence from torture. In Craig's view, this is the most important event in several years of his attempting to expose this fact, and he urges anyone who cares for human rights to disseminate this story/URL as far and wide as possible.
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Mobile phone pics Militant Workers & G20Meltdown bloc
28-03-2009 12:49

Mobile phone pics, start of Put People First G20 demo, midday, 28 March 09
28-03-2009 12:15