Keep Alpha Mbodi and his family safe in Sheffield
John O | 30.03.2009 06:24 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | Sheffield | World
Alpha Mbodi and his family are from eastern Congo. He fled DR Congo with his two sons in 2005, fearing the war there would claim the lives of his family. Unfortunately the family were unable to escape together and he was forced to leave his wife and young daughter behind. Alpha and his sons were accommodated in Sheffield by NASS shortly after their arrival in the UK.
The boys, who are now 15 and 13 years old, are settled at school where they progressing very well with their education. Alpha, who is a qualified language teacher himself and an active member of the Sheffield Community Church, is keen for them to complete their education in Sheffield to secure their future. Last year, Alpha was discovered working illegally in a cleaning job that he had taken to help him support his family. As a result, he spent 5 months in Doncaster Prison during which time family friends looked after the two boys. Now reunited with his sons, he has learnt his application to stay in the UK has been turned down. He and his two boys are facing the prospect of deportation back to eastern Congo, which continues to be ravaged by fighting, civil unrest and insecurity.
DR Congo is listed sixth in the Fund for Peace, 'Failed states index': DRC has a government but very little governance, endemic corruption, profiteering by ruling elites, the government cannot/will not protect the population from others or itself, massive internal conflict, forced internal/external displacement, institutionalised political exclusion of significant numbers of the population, progressive deterioration of welfare infrastructure (hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses) not adequate to meet health, needs, progressive economic decline of the country as a whole as measured by per capita income, debt, severe child mortality rates, poverty levels, business failures, and other economic measures.
Friends of the family in Sheffield have created a petition asking the Home Secretary to allow the family to remains in Sheffield, (AlphaMbodi Petition.doc) attached, that they are asking people to print off, and get as many signatures as they can.
Return completed petitions to:
Mbodi Family Must Stay
24 Stubbin Lane
S5 6QL.
For more information or if you want to help with the campaign.
Telephone Sheena on 077 9260 5138
DR Congo is listed sixth in the Fund for Peace, 'Failed states index': DRC has a government but very little governance, endemic corruption, profiteering by ruling elites, the government cannot/will not protect the population from others or itself, massive internal conflict, forced internal/external displacement, institutionalised political exclusion of significant numbers of the population, progressive deterioration of welfare infrastructure (hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses) not adequate to meet health, needs, progressive economic decline of the country as a whole as measured by per capita income, debt, severe child mortality rates, poverty levels, business failures, and other economic measures.
Friends of the family in Sheffield have created a petition asking the Home Secretary to allow the family to remains in Sheffield, (AlphaMbodi Petition.doc) attached, that they are asking people to print off, and get as many signatures as they can.
Return completed petitions to:
Mbodi Family Must Stay
24 Stubbin Lane
S5 6QL.
For more information or if you want to help with the campaign.

Telephone Sheena on 077 9260 5138
John O