UK Promoted Newswire Archive
London Critical Mass March ride with pics
28-03-2009 11:02

The G20 Convergence Space Has Been Occupied!!
28-03-2009 05:45

G20 Map - Squaring Up to the Square Mile - Easily printable versions
28-03-2009 02:30
Get your maps here! Get your maps here! - Map of the Square Mile
Technological gremlins and exhaustion have been banished and more easily printable versions of the maps of the Square Mile and the ExCeL Centre have now been sorted. A3 is the best size for the Square Mile map, so for those without A3 printers, there are two A4 versions you can print out and stick together with old-fashioned sticky tape. The map is downloadable as a JPEG or PDF in A4, A3 and split A3 versions, in black and white or colour.
Here's the full map: Version for printing to A3 - JPG | Version for printing to A3 - PDF | Version for printing to A4 - JPG | Version for printing to A4 - PDF
However, it's best to print an A3 map on two A4 sheets and tape them together:
Here's the two parts in colour: Part One Colour PDF | Part One Colour JPG | Part Two Colour PDF | Part Two Colour JPG
And here they are in greyscale: Part One Greyscale PDF | Part One Greyscale JPG | Part Two Greyscale PDF| Part Two Greyscale JPG
And here's the map of the ExCeL centre: Excel Map PDF | Excel Map JPG
Finally, here's a Button/Banner to embed and link to the map.
Indymedia G20 Reporting Telephone Numbers + More
27-03-2009 21:28
Help report what's happening by sending your reports from the streets. There are two Indymedia reporting numbers(operating 10.30am Sat 28th March - 2nd April):
07588 479 039 : For calling in reports from events - remember the 'who what when where why' - and also for sending txt msg updates and MMS picture messages.
08444 870 157: For calling in to leave a short audio recording that can be uploaded to the website.
(If you do send pictures or audio messages, do not forget to include the location and time).
Twitter: If you are using twitter and have a report or update for Indymedia, include the hashtag #imcg20 in your message (see below for more info).
27-03-2009 17:19

This Week in Palestine -Week 13 2009
27-03-2009 15:52

Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 21st through March 27th, 2009.
JNC squatters fight illegal eviction attempt by cricket club.
27-03-2009 10:36
Warwickshire County Cricket Ground staff and contractors force entry into Social Justice Centre squat.Ken Loach Speaking at Nottingham Stop the War Meeting
27-03-2009 02:13

BNP in Sutton last night
26-03-2009 22:53
Last night about 50 people from East Midlands Unite Against Fascism, Mansfield and Nottingham Trades Council, Stop the BNP, UNISON, GMB, Unite and others protested in Sutton in Ashfield.Palestine Today 032609
26-03-2009 16:31

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday, March 26th, 2009.
Full article | 3 additions | 1 comment
Squaring up to the Square Mile: the London G20 map
26-03-2009 14:41

John Moores Students Protest Against Cuts
25-03-2009 23:22

Natasha Avery moved prison
25-03-2009 19:58
Natasha Avery was moved yesturday to HMP Send, Ripley Road, Woking, Surrey GU23 7LJ. Natasha is a commited vegan activist, who has dedicated her life to saving animals from abuse.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Support the people of Palestine, stand behind the occupation The images:
25-03-2009 17:01

Palestine Today 032509
25-03-2009 15:44

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, March 25th, 2009.
Protest at Yarl’s Wood Migrant Prison
25-03-2009 13:49

Around the Campaigns Wednesday 25th March 2009
25-03-2009 12:13
Sandrine Mbuyi Ntambwe, Still here, Still fighting"Sandrine was already on the plane; a late successful injunction got her off the flight and returned to Yarl's Wood. She is not to be removed from the jurisdiction of the UK pending the oral hearing of her application for permission for judicial review refused on papers on 13th March 2009.
Main countries of destination for asylum seekers in 2008
25-03-2009 09:11
United States (49,000), Canada (36,900), France (35,200), Italy (31,200) and the United Kingdom (30,500)Island in thames occupied as urgent eco action
24-03-2009 19:53
An island has been squatted in Kingston for the last month. Needs your help.