Put People First march timeline
IMCista | 28.03.2009 16:44 | G20 London Summit
Thousands marched through London today 'for Jobs, Justice and Climate' as part of a global campaign to challenge the G20 ahead of next weeks summit.
Indymedia London published a timeline of events from reports direct from the march...
Indymedia London published a timeline of events from reports direct from the march...
6am - The occupation of a building to be used as antiG20 mobilization convergence space is announced.
11:30am - Reports of a growing Direct Action/Militant Workers bloc including IWW, NoBorders, LondonAnarchists, Antifa - with Samba band and huge 'Freedom' and 'Solidarity' banners - becoming the focus of estimated 15 FIT and 3 vans of police.
Front of march consists of national and international unions including Unison, French and Spanish trade unions with colourful banners, and SOAS SU.
12.15 - First photos of the march published on Indymedia UK.
12.45 - The front of the March has already reached Trafalgar Square with still more arriving at Victoria Embankment.
13.00 - Front of march now reached Hyde Park Corner.
13.30 - Direct Action Militant Workers block now estimated at around 1000 people. Still cordoned each side by cops and cop vans.
13.30 - Flyers being handed out to announce another convergence space. Call 07794 921609
14.00 - Mainstream media estimates of 40,000 people on the march.
14.30 - The march seems to have split in two along Picadilly with a line of cops walking in front of G20Meltdown/Direct Action bloc. Militant workers bloc banners include 'Can we overthrow the government? Yes, we can!'
Second half of march - behind 'Capitalism Isn't Working' banner - now at Park Lane where cops are redirecting people straight into the park.
The rally is under way with speakers on stage, and some Direct Action bloc autonomous speeches st Speakers Corner. No cops in the park now.
15.30 - Thousands more people arriving in the Park, peaceful atmosphere with very few cops.
Speakers corner speeches now joined by a soundsystem, and about 100 people.
16.20 - Many people have left because of the rain, but speeches and music continue on stage and at Speakers Corner.
6am - The occupation of a building to be used as antiG20 mobilization convergence space is announced.
11:30am - Reports of a growing Direct Action/Militant Workers bloc including IWW, NoBorders, LondonAnarchists, Antifa - with Samba band and huge 'Freedom' and 'Solidarity' banners - becoming the focus of estimated 15 FIT and 3 vans of police.
Front of march consists of national and international unions including Unison, French and Spanish trade unions with colourful banners, and SOAS SU.
12.15 - First photos of the march published on Indymedia UK.
12.45 - The front of the March has already reached Trafalgar Square with still more arriving at Victoria Embankment.
13.00 - Front of march now reached Hyde Park Corner.
13.30 - Direct Action Militant Workers block now estimated at around 1000 people. Still cordoned each side by cops and cop vans.
13.30 - Flyers being handed out to announce another convergence space. Call 07794 921609
14.00 - Mainstream media estimates of 40,000 people on the march.
14.30 - The march seems to have split in two along Picadilly with a line of cops walking in front of G20Meltdown/Direct Action bloc. Militant workers bloc banners include 'Can we overthrow the government? Yes, we can!'
Second half of march - behind 'Capitalism Isn't Working' banner - now at Park Lane where cops are redirecting people straight into the park.
The rally is under way with speakers on stage, and some Direct Action bloc autonomous speeches st Speakers Corner. No cops in the park now.
15.30 - Thousands more people arriving in the Park, peaceful atmosphere with very few cops.
Speakers corner speeches now joined by a soundsystem, and about 100 people.
16.20 - Many people have left because of the rain, but speeches and music continue on stage and at Speakers Corner.
