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pics from today's 'put people first' march in london

rikki | 28.03.2009 19:32 | G20 London Summit | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Workers' Movements

tens of thousands took to the streets in london this afternoon in the run-up to next week's G20 talks. they held placards protesting about a variety of connected issues including the banking crisis, climate change, worker's rights, and anti-war.

the front of the march
the front of the march

militant workers' block
militant workers' block

baby class warrior
baby class warrior

apocalypse now
apocalypse now

united colours
united colours

the four horsemen
the four horsemen



more horsemen?
more horsemen?

the ritz hotel boarded up just in case!
the ritz hotel boarded up just in case!

tax the land
tax the land

bankers first
bankers first


eat chris knight?
eat chris knight?

police escort
police escort

things will get worse
things will get worse

hyde park thinning out after rain
hyde park thinning out after rain


estimates range from 30 to 150 thousand on the march - always depends who you ask.
at hyde park, the weather turned nastier and many left without listening to the speeches.

here are a few pics of the event

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Display the following 6 comments

  1. Thanks Rikki — rogue
  2. nice one — davie
  3. Don't get it. — Mr Confused
  4. *cough* — XXX
  5. Was this lady fined? — Gregory Beetle
  6. Demonstrations in Germany — Spaceman