UK Promoted Newswire Archive
London anti war march. Pictures
20-03-2006 11:30

guerrilla gardeners reclaim some land to grow food!
20-03-2006 11:23

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Communique from Ecuador
20-03-2006 01:52

Translated statements from the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, that have initiated a country-wide uprising "for life and self-determination".
Tyneside Report - March 18th Protest Against Iraq War
20-03-2006 00:19

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Sights and sounds from stop-the-war demo, London, 18 Mar 2006
19-03-2006 19:58

19-03-2006 17:06
THIS IS NOT A REPOST BUT A CORRECTION TO A PREVIOUS POSTINGSOS Your Help is Needed: Edgbaston Reservoir Development
19-03-2006 16:53
SOS… Your help is urgently needed!! Edgbaston Reservoir is an oasis of nature in a fast moving city, enjoyed by all the people of Birmingham. It’s used for sailing, surfing, rowing, running, local school sports, and as an area of relaxation and recreation for all who need to escape inner city life. A deal has been 'cut' with a private developer to allow them to build two four storey high blocks of flats on the banks of this site. Local residents were lied to by the Council about dates for objections to be raised, The Planning Committee also voted not to view the site before granting permission for 90 homes..? The circumstances surrounding the 'deal' are interesting. The Land is currently leased to the developer!! The more houses they are allowed to build, the more profits for them. That is obvious. However what isn’t so obvious is that Birmingham City Council intend to sell the land to the developer at a later date. Clearly, because they have planning for so many flats. The developer is willing to pay more to Birmingham City Council. Please read the information below... I hope that you will support the fight against this. Whatever that involves! The existing building is now empty!! It’s a great site and you would have the support of local residents!! Please contact me at
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That it should come to this … fear and loathing on the swp march
19-03-2006 13:04
should’ve known, I really should. I mean when it comes to cynical, piss taking of this merry band of useless marching muppets I’m the worst offender… but somehow, well the glorious events taking place in France, the line of mounted riot cops I saw leaving Islington nick on my way there, well it got my blood running, got my hopes up that this day would be more than the usual impotent trot through London, that perhaps, just perhaps this would be the day that something might happen.LONDON MARCH AND ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT
19-03-2006 11:46
Personal account of the anti-war rally at Trafalgar Square in London and comment on the Stop the War movement.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Tony Blair Too Afraid to Come to Brum
18-03-2006 23:17

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Rioting Breaks Out in France After CPE Demos (Paris)
18-03-2006 21:34

Vicious attack by hunt staff and supporters leaves two hunt saboteurs in hospital
18-03-2006 21:04
A 999 call had to be made for emergency medical help today after hunt saboteurs were viciously attacked by both hunt staff and supporters of the Cotswold Vale Farmers hunt. Two saboteurs were taken to hospital, one with suspected broken ribs and severe concussion, the other with a suspected broken cheekbone and concussion.Full article | 3 additions | 4 comments
Exclusive: Oxford Police frighten witnesses after death
18-03-2006 17:32
Paul Jonathan Lewis died while being restrained by police in East Oxford on Tuesday. Since then there have been allegations of police intimidation of witnesses whose accounts differ from the one in the local papers. This is part of a climate of fear in this multi-ethnic community instilled by the local constabulary, for whom this is the third death in two years.Full article | 5 additions | 1 comment
Over One Million on Streets Protesting Against CPE In France!
18-03-2006 17:23
First major estimate's of today's massive french protests put the figure above one million. Le Figaro is reporting that unions believe well over a million are now demonstrating against the CPE labour reform on the streets of France.The Agency France Presses is now quoting organisers as giving a figure of 1,145,000 people...
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Early reports from Anti-war Demos 18th March - London
18-03-2006 16:15
Disappointingly throughout this afternoon the BBC has been reporting only 12,000 people on the London anti-war demo. However folks on the scene say the turn out is MUCH bigger than that, maybe reaching towards 100,000.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Film about the NAIL (anti incinerator) campaign in Nottingham
18-03-2006 11:11

Just finished a 10 minute short about the NAIL Campaign. Expect a higher quality screening version to be uploaded in a few days time. You can watch it on Youtube here.
If you have problems viewing the downloadable files below, please download and install VideoLAN (VLC) media player. It is free and works on most computer systems.
A big Thank YOU from France & some info...
18-03-2006 00:11
french struggleParis clash between cops & demonstrators.
17-03-2006 21:36

Paris Student march
17-03-2006 21:26

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University occupation, Paris.
17-03-2006 21:19