UK Promoted Newswire Archive
SHAC Newsletter 48 - Out Now!
03-10-2008 15:10

Update from Uk activist arrested at RNC protests
03-10-2008 14:38
I recieved this update from Dave today after his court hearing.Open Letter to Sussex Police from Smash EDO
03-10-2008 11:09
03/10/2008Anti arms trade campaigners are planning a mass demonstration against the arms trade on Wednesday October 15th from Falmer Station. Recently Sussex Police hand delivered letters to known campaigners calling for 'organisers' to meet with the police to 'discuss their intentions'.
New process against Italian anarchists - Desert the Fear
03-10-2008 09:31
Anarchists in Lecce, Southern Italy, face a new trial by a vengeful state after their efforts helped lead to nearby San Foca immigration detention centre being closed down.Revolutionary Solidarity against the Italian State - Burn all Prisons
Polish anarchist centre under threat
02-10-2008 17:58

The lawyer of Rozbrat squat has obtained information that the bailiff/debt collector has sent the records and complete documentation to the court in order to set the date of the auction. This date may appear soon.
Equalities and Human Rights Commission Investigation
02-10-2008 17:54
The Equalities and Human Rights Commission are inquiring into the use of the terrorist act and are interested in hearing from anyone where the Terrorist Act was used or threatened and are interested in the experience of Climate Camp activists (amongst others).Palestine Today 100208
02-10-2008 16:58

SHAC Global Day of Action - Hampshire
02-10-2008 14:47

Direct Action; UK, Mexico & Sweden
02-10-2008 14:41
27th September - 1st OctoberHLS CUSTOMER EXEC'S SHINY CAR DAMAGED (UK)
The Carbon Trust: State Sponsored Greenwashing (With Help From Greenpeace)
02-10-2008 14:01

Freeze Profits Not Pensioners - Cardiff Gas Bill Protest
02-10-2008 09:21
Our angry protest forced British Gas on to the defensive, with their PR team going into overdrive phoning, faxing, emailing and visiting local media. They claimed that they were doing everything possible to help poorer customers - except giving up on obscene profits by reducing bills, of course...Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, September 2008
02-10-2008 07:35
CrisisWatch N°62, 1 October 2008Ten actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated in September 2008 and two improved, according to the new issue of the International Crisis Group's monthly bulletin CrisisWatch.
Full article | 8 additions | 5 comments
One hellllll of a mass (london)
01-10-2008 22:33
And there's plenty more drama to come ...Clowns Paint The Military
01-10-2008 18:38
Today, a babble of rebel clowns painted the royal navys recruitment stall a deeper shade of red.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Birmingham: City of Migrants
01-10-2008 16:43

Palestine Today 100108
01-10-2008 15:46

Police attack on London Critical Mass.
01-10-2008 12:20
While there was a notable absence of police on the September Critical Mass ride in London, we did have one unpleasant encounter with a very aggressive group of officers from the TSG unit..
Shipley Bodge cost Derbyshire police £58,000
01-10-2008 11:26
The eviction of the Shipley Bodge anti-open cast mine squat in Derbyshire cost the local police force £58,000. UK Coal, the legal owners of the land, will be billed for some of the expenses. The full cost of the eviction to UK Coal, who hired bailiffs and equipment, is expected to have been much higher.William Johnston on hunger strike since the 3rd of September
01-10-2008 09:44
The Scottish Executive recently announced that a consultative process was currently under way to consider passing all responsibility for health care facilities and treatment in Scottish prisons to the NHS. Inevitably the announcement was met by hostile opposition from medical staff presently employed directly by the Scottish Prison Service, although their argument against allowing prisoners access to NHS standards of care and treatment in fact makes a compelling case for the proposed reform.