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Palestine Today 061808

18-06-2008 14:44

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday June 18th, 2008.

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Open Cast Coal site request for help

18-06-2008 10:55

Following the squatting of Prospect farm and trees surounding it on the prospective open cast coal mine in Derby shire, there is a call out for help!

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Fitwatch at anti-bush demo

18-06-2008 08:51

Steve Discombe
Report of fitwatch at sundays demo

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Bogotá university anti privatization demo

18-06-2008 06:27

Students today at Bogotá National University, Colombia, demonstrated against planned privatisation and the introduction of tuition fees.

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Climate change protestors occupy Derbyshire open cast site

18-06-2008 04:59

Today climate campaigners from ‘Leave it in the Ground’ have occupied the UK Coal’s Lodge House site in Derbyshire by barricading themselves in a disused farm building and taken to the trees on the site of the open cast mine.

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Lodge House open cast mine site occupied

18-06-2008 04:51

Bodge House
Under the cover of darkness Lodge house open cast mine in Smalley, Derbyshire has the building squatted as well as trees with ariel runway.

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Criminal Charges Against Alumbrera Mines in Argentina

18-06-2008 02:39

Charges were filed for the first time against a transnational mining company in Latin America, at the Alumbrera Mines (Xstrata, Goldcorp and Yamana) in Catamarca and Tucumán in Argentina. This article is about the history and events which have led up to this important event, and what we can do to support Latin Americans fighting against big mining operations.

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Break the chains

17-06-2008 22:52

Report of the solidarity event with political prisoners of imperialism 14 June 2008

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Bush brings his magic touch to Whitehall.

17-06-2008 19:42

He's back.
So the world’s most hated man comes to London, and the authorities decide that the best way to keep the situation calm is to ban people from freely moving in their own city. All this at the behest of a mass murderer. Really smart….

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Incidents of Serious Self-Harm in Removal Centres up 54%

17-06-2008 18:29

Self-Harm in Immigration Detention 1st Quarter 2008 Jan/Feb/Mar

There were 48 incidents of Self-Harm requiring medical treatment in Jan/Feb/Mar 2008 this is an increase of 54% on the last quarter of 2007 Oct/Nov/Dec during which time there were 31 incidents.

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Peace in the Park, June 2008, Sheffield

17-06-2008 16:18

Photographs from Sheffield's Peace in the Park carnival on 14th June 2008.

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Atenco Political Prisoners

17-06-2008 15:42

On 3 and 4 of May, 2006, more than 2,500 state and federal Mexican police arrived at the small town of San Salvador Atenco, Mexico State, to repress members of a social movement (People´s Front in Defence of Land, FPDT) protesting in support of local flower sellers who had been displaced from their traditional place of work because the government was planning to build there a Wall Mart.

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Palestine Today 061708

17-06-2008 14:56

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday June 17th, 2008.

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Operation Overkill as 11 Police Forces Snoop on Animal Rights Gathering

17-06-2008 13:53

Sorry for the blurry pics...
No doubt supremely jealous of animal rights folk meeting together, socialising , drinking lots of tea, helping on the sanctuary and of course workshops the police decided to get their own national gathering together. Being too wimpy to actually camp local hotels (so our sources tell us) burst at the seams with police at the bar, at the gym and comparing camera lens sizes with one another at every opportunity.

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Hilton delegates shocked by 5 metre high aviation elephant

17-06-2008 13:29

The aviation elephant in the room
A 5 metre high Giant Inflatable Elephant shocked delegates at the Edinburgh Caledonian Hilton today with a massive banner stating ’Aviation is the Elephant in the Room.’

This spectacle, created by anti-aviation group Plane Stupid Scotland, is a huge visual reminder that aviation remains a massive elephant in the room as long as emissions from aviation continue to be ignored in the Climate Change Bill.

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Charged - "Fitwatchers" arrested at STWC March, March 15. Update

17-06-2008 13:08

Having been arrested under Sec 241 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 for "intimidation or annoyance by violence or otherwise" towards the FIT team, 3 of the 4 arrestees have now been charged with the less obscure charge of Obstruct Police.

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Solidarity continues for imprisoned Austrian activists

17-06-2008 11:50

Humburg, Germany - June 4th
In response to the extremely brutal police operation carried out, the seizure of numerous materials and the arrests, solidarity demonstrations have appeared so far to several in Graz, Vienna, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Stockholm, Bregenz, Salzb urg and Wiener Neustadt. There are also a few new pictures...

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FIT at londonfete

17-06-2008 11:44

Approaching the Pullen Centre
While protesters were beaten and arrested at Whitehall, the police still had enough manpower and resources to take pictures and notes of individuals attending a public meeting, and eventually arresting two people for holding a banner. What's that smell? Not democracy.

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Somalian protest against US-backed Ethiopian invasion, 15.06.08

16-06-2008 20:56

UK, London. Somalian anti-Ethiopian/US invasion protest. 2008
Alongside the more talked about anti-Bush protest in Parliament Square on Sunday was another less well-known protest, whose protesters were happy to be swept up by the anti-US throng.
This was the Somalian protest against an Ethiopian invasion into their country- an invasion which is publicly backed by the USA because they see the Somalian rebel leaders as dangerous terrorists associated with al-Qaida.

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Osaka Riots A Personal Account

16-06-2008 16:31

This is one persons account of the riots in Osaka, the time they are talking about is Friday 13th the day of the G8 Finance Ministers meeting.
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