UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Prime Minister visits Nottingham University :: piccys 1
15-01-2006 22:43

He was there to announce nuclear policy, [or perhaps the wrong policy]
Hence a number of concerned citizens turned out to protest.
Japan misleads public about whaling protests
15-01-2006 17:30

Harpoon line dumps Greenpeace activist in Antarctic waters
15-01-2006 17:22

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KHOODEELAAR the BRICK LANE LONDON E1 COMMUNITY campaign against the Crossrail ho
15-01-2006 10:01
On Tuesday of this coming week, 17 January 2006, a UK House of Commons committee is due to start formally looking at the Crossrail hole Bill in view of the petitions that have been submitted mainly by objectors to the Bill. There is no room in that process for the truth of the real political machinations and betrayals during the past three years by the ‘elected’ politicians for the area affected in LondonPic's of Tony Blair visit in Nottingham
14-01-2006 20:28

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Oxford anti-vivisection demo + important AR info
14-01-2006 20:02
report back from the SPEAK demo in Oxford against the £20 million vivisection lab under construction.Story from Fallujah
14-01-2006 18:18

Brighton group to march on Grosvenor Square
14-01-2006 17:31

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Aufheben about the G8 in Scotland
14-01-2006 03:52
Editors` introductionThe prospect of the G8 summit taking place in Gleneagles, Scotland, in July 2005 promised perhaps the excitement of Genoa, Seattle and the other anti-capitalist mobilizations of recent years, on UK soil. But the movement seemed to lose momuntum after the last Iraq war, and some of us wondered wether the protests would resemble more the last few Mayday demonstrations – with protesters held for hours in a police cordon designed to bore people into submission – rather than the exhiliratation and energy of the 1999 Carnival against Capital. Moreover, most of the predicted crowds were mostly expected to gather around the call by Bob Geldof to protest peacefully to “send a message” to the politicans, rather than attempt to close down the Summit.
Indymedia Radio London news Wire Shows Nov 2005 until Jan 4th 2006
14-01-2006 00:07

The Indy Media London News Wire show airs every wednesday between 1.00 and 2.00 PM on Resonance FM104.4 or is streamed at the same time on

Audio Report from Cite Soley Haiti.
13-01-2006 23:43

Stop UN's plan for a new massacre in Haiti
13-01-2006 23:40
Dear friends and allies,I hope you are all well. I have been in the Dominican Republic the
few days, visiting Haitian migrant workers and human rights
working with migrants here. I will be returning to Haiti tomorrow
morning, and meanwhile, quite a storm seems to be brewing there.
Please have a look at this announcement. It is quite shocking, but I
think urgent action might be needed over the next few days:

Haiti's Deadly Class Divide: Class war takes on a new meaning in Cite Soley
13-01-2006 21:09
Port-au-Prince, January 10/06 - Driving into Cite Soley on January 8th,the day Haitians were supposed to go to the polls in a presidential
election, there is no mistaking the fact that we are entering an
zone. The streets are almost deserted, the atmosphere tense, and UN
armored personnel carriers patrol the streets.
Political Prisoners Rot in Haitian Jails While Canadian Politicians Lie
13-01-2006 21:04
--My meeting with So Anne Auguste by Aaron LakoffThis weeks SchNEWS - Hacked Off
13-01-2006 18:26

Speech in London by Basra Oil Workers Union President
13-01-2006 17:48
Below is the transpcript of GUOE President Hassan Jumaa Awad al Assadi's speech at the UK Stop the War Coalition's international peace conference held in London, December 2005. Translation is by Lebanese Academic and Writer Gilbert Achcar:New Home Office Scheme Against Asylum Seekers
13-01-2006 16:45
The Home Office has cynically introduced a new scheme in an attempt to remove asylum seekers. Instead of the 'stick' of using enforced poverty and destitution against people seeking asylum in the UK, the Home Office has started using 'carrots' - offering asylum seekers bribes to give up their claims. But the scheme does not guarantee safety - or that anyone taking up the 'incentive' will actually get any money.Protest fax and mail against Japanese whaling in the Antarctica
13-01-2006 10:16

12-01-2006 19:40

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Global Womens Campaign For Peace In Iraq
12-01-2006 13:44