UK Promoted Newswire Archive
asylum death
12-01-2006 07:41
An asylum seeker killed himself so that his teenage son would not be deported.Full article | 1 addition | 9 comments
full court report on socpa trial and mysterious side issues
12-01-2006 02:00
at bow street magistrate's court today, after three days of evidence and deliberation, magistrate nicholas evans found the four defendants guilty. they were charged with participating in an unauthorised demonstration within the designated area around parliament on the day the act came into force, the 1st august last year. one defendant was additionally found guilty of willfully obstructing police in the course of their duty.Mohammad Arrian dusk protest
12-01-2006 01:23

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Colin Powell is coming to Manchester
11-01-2006 23:25
Colin Powell is coming to the Manchester Hilton to attend a Jewish National Fund (JNF) Fundraising Gala Dinner on Tuesday 17th January.Long Live the Banky!
11-01-2006 19:17
The Bankfield House Community Centre is under siege - despite having served the people of Garston for forty-five years.socpa trial ended today in guilty verdicts all round
11-01-2006 18:26
the trial of four defendants accused of participating in an unauthorised demonstration in the designated area around parliament on the 1st august last summer ended today with all four being found guilty. full court report to follow shortly.Roadbuilding Plans for East Mids
11-01-2006 12:36
Here is a list of roadbuilding plans for the E. Midlands, for information and the preparation of opposition.....Climate change will never be tackled whilst we pour more tarmac over the land to encourage traffic!Newbury 1997: 'Reunion Rampage' (old pics)
11-01-2006 12:19

Between one and two thousand people turned up for the 'reunion rampage' which was billed as a commemoration and fence decorating rally. It was a very cold and misty day as people gathered at Newbury train station before marching towards the construction route at Middle Oak.
I remember so many people being shocked at the destruction - for many this was their first visit since the work had started and the months of evictions.
My memory is a little hazy, but at the compound near the Middle Oak people were lining up along the fence. Then suddenly to our right there was a hole - the fence had been cut. About twenty people stormed through followed by a few more, running into the mists, into the murk. I remember looking back expecting to see hundreds, but there was no one. There was a lot of shouting however. Some police had steamed in to try and block the hole. Security were now advancing from out of the mists in front of us, and then there were mounted police coming at the gallop bearing down onto the crowd by the hole in the fence - this was just well over the top, dangerous and provocative.
Those inside the compound were shouting to the others - "come on!". Then another part of the fence started to go - people were literally pulling it apart. More scuffles as police tried to push people back - but soon the tide of people was unstoppable and they streamed into the construction site.
At first security and police tried to push people away from the machinery, there were scuffles and arrests, but in the end all of the machinery were occupied with people sitting and standing ontop of them.
The site was fully occupied for what seemed like ages. A huge tall crane was scaled by several people as the entire site was taken over. The tree at middle oak became an impromptu social centre. People were drumming and sharing food, talking over old times, remembering the beautiful countryside that had been destoryed.
Some went further than others. As time wore on the machinery was getting a pounding. Hydraulic cables were cut and instrument panels smashed. Later as darkness approached the portacabin offices which had been occupied were set alight, as was some of the plant machinery. I remember many a heated discussion taking place, many people disagreed with burning the machinery, but understood the anger that drove people to do it. The Newbury bypass battle had seen endless property damage, with machinery put out of action, sand in fuel tanks, things smashed and so on, but some thought the burning was in a different class. Many were pleased to see it happen, others worried it would look bad in the press. It was a real mix of emotions, many of them raw.
Either way with darkness now replacing the eerie fog light, and bright orange flames licking the night, people soon began to stream away from the site. Job done, in one way or another.
See end for more reports and links.
Urgent call out for help to protect Ancient, scottish woodland
11-01-2006 11:20

Sea Shepherd Intends to Ram and Disable Pirate Whalers
11-01-2006 10:59

"What part of the word "sanctuary" do the whalers not understand?" said Captain Paul Watson from onboard the Sea Shepherd ship Farley Mowat. "The whalers have assaulted whale defenders with water cannons and wooden poles. The whalers have rammed two Greenpeace ships and attempted to ram the Farley Mowat. With every attack the whalers plead innocence. The whalers are far from innocent. They are criminals involved in a criminal operation and they must be stopped."
"I am tired of politicians being apologists for these criminals," said Captain Watson. "We sideswiped the whaling supply ship Oriental Bluebird yesterday and we intend to disable any pirate whaling vessel we find. We intend to uphold the laws protecting whales. This nonsense must be ended."
Second preparatory meeting against the G8 2007
11-01-2006 08:58

Location for the summit will be Heiligendamm, part of the town Bad Doberan at the Baltic See.
This weeks SchNEWS - Carry on Camping
11-01-2006 01:06

Newbury 1999: 'End of the Road Reunion Rally' (old pics)
10-01-2006 19:00

Sunday 10th January 1999 was the first reunion event since the bypass had opened (it opened nov '98), and marking three years since destruction work had starting on the road. Previous re-unions had seen large scale direct action but this time most people expected a quiet day - but really the opportunity was too good to miss, a chance to say again that this was an outdated destructive and crass road scheme, that opposition was still there.
And so people took to the new road... (see links at end for reports)
socpa trial runs to a third day
10-01-2006 18:08
the trial of four defendants arrested at parliament square on the 1st august 2005, the first day of enforcement of the new socpa law banning unauthorised protest around parliament, will continue tomorrow at bow street magistrates court.No Nazis In Leeds – Antifascists Picket BPP Mailbox
10-01-2006 16:49

Radio Insurgente calling.....
10-01-2006 15:32
The Zapatistas have announced the resumption of broadcasting by their own radio station, Radio Insurgente, including transmissions over the internet. The new way of operating involves the zapatista grass-roots civilian structures taking over control of the FM broadcasts to the indigenous communities.How to be a legal observer at EDO MBM and not be arrested
10-01-2006 12:56
The High Court has given permission for legal observer to film/photograph at EDOMBM if they sign the following undertaking and post to Moss and Co Solicitors (For the Defence)ALDERMASTON BLOCKADE 30TH JANUARY 2006
10-01-2006 10:00
Oppose the building of the laser facility at AWE AldermastonNational Demo for British Guantanamo Prisoners
10-01-2006 09:18

Sat Jan 21st,
Assemble 12 noon, Tothill St
(nr St James Park tube)
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10-01-2006 02:46
15 teenage activists stormed the Icelandic Ministry of Industry today (9 January) and staged a sitdown and noise demo inside the ministry for well over an hour. This was to demonstrate against numerous hydro dam projects that are to power the international aluminium invasion in to pristine Iceland.