FX | 12.01.2006 19:40 | Analysis | Ecology | Social Struggles | London | World
A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive!
See the movie trailer
Independent Media Transcript 13 January 2006
PhillyIMC Coverage from Fact-Finding Tour of the South
By US Indy 10/1/06
Members of the PhillyIMC have joined the Poverty Initiative on a fact-finding tour of the South. The group, which also includes 40 Columbia Social Work and Union Seminary students, is meeting with community groups, evacuees, and politicians in five cities to document first-hand the struggle against poverty that Katrina has brought to the nation's attention.
The U.S. is the richest nation in the history of the world, yet 45 million have no health insurance, soup kitchen visits are up 150%, and child homelessness is at an all time high. PhillyIMC is highlighting the grassroots efforts that offer real solutions to poverty in this country.
2006: The year of oil collapse?
by James Howard Kunstler 12/1/06
The sheer weight and inertia of American life kept our systems on their feet through 2005, despite a worsening economic climate and some harsh body blows, like the hurricanes that pounded oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico. In a way, some perverse law of sociopolitical physics seemed to concentrate all the year's destructive potential in the devastation of New Orleans, Biloxi and other Gulf Coast towns -- while the mighty din of motoring and cheeseburger sales roared on elsewhere without pause - from Cape Cod to Catalina.
World Allows Second Disaster to Hit Kashmir
Reporter G.S. UK Indymedia 8/1/06
Pict: Earthquake survivor in Musafrabad
With over 3 million people homeless following the October Earthquake the winter disaster long predicted by has now arrived.
Over Xmas a delegation from Sheffield visited the affected region helped by the JKLF. The daily hardships faced by survivors in Balakot, Muzaffrabad, Lagubura and Kamsar were plain to see as was the determination of the aid workers and victims of the quake. Despite the scale of the disaster and the incredible storys of survival, the mainstream media is giving little coverage to what is now a second catastrophe.
Earthquake delegation. How it happened.
Earthquake delegation. The ruins of Balakot.
Earthquake delegation. Musafrabad capital of Kashmir.
AP6 Protest - World's biggest polluter collusion
Reporter… Brother_x Perth Indy 11/1/06
11th January 2006: The world's biggest climate criminals - Australia and the United States - are meeting in Sydney today to continue fiddling while the planet burns. In response, Climate Change activists are gathering to protest the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, being held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney. While nearby Pacific Islands are being evacuated in the face of rising sea levels, Australia and the US have been instrumental in undermining serious global actions to cut greenhouse pollution and fight climate change...
WA Initiative to halt Climate Change
Stop The Endless Summer
by GetUp! Sydney Indy 12/1 06
We cannot let the Australian and U.S. Governments shirk their responsibility for tackling climate change. Click here to write to your newspaper, help expose this week's talks for what they are, and urge the Government to take real action:
2005 Ends in Heat waves and Cold snaps
Reports…Melb Indy 01/01/2006
The eastern states of Australia sweltered on the hottest New Year's Eve on record, with Hospitals in Sydney swamped and fire services on edge as the heatwave kicked in. On the other side of the continent, Perth has recorded its coldest December in 83 years.
Globally, 2005 Was the Second Warmest Year on Record, and the hottest year in Australia since records commenced in 1910.
While much of Australia swelters, Europe is experiencing a cold snap with UK Drivers trapped in snow drifts. In India a Cold wave tightened its grip with nearly 100 deaths reported so far. In the USA plains, wildfires raced through grass dried out by the region's worst drought in 50 years charring nearly 200 homes and killing four people in Texas and Oklahoma.
* Madison IMC: Global Warming Wrap-up for 2005
* NASA: Global Temperature Trends: 2005 Summation
* USA NOAA: Drought feeds wildfires in southern plains
* New Scientist: Climate Change Special
Climate change solution CLOSE ALCOA CLOSE COMALCO
by Matt Melb Indy 12 January 06
Hi all,
So Australia doesn't want to sign onto Kyoto fine. We can exceed Kyoto's targets with the flick of a switch... and it's a corporate sponsored solution.
Yorta Yorta Survival Weekend
Reporter… CCISN Melb Indy 8/1/06
On the weekend of January 28, after Invasion Day the Yorta Yorta Nation will be host to a survival weekend in the Barmah Forest.
On January 28 and 29 2006, the Yorta Yorta people in collaboration with the Cross Campus Indigenous Solidarity Network will be putting on a Survival Weekend in the Barmah forest. It will be a weekend of the highest quality Yorta Yorta and Indigenous talent, performing on a grandiose stage at the Dharnya Centre, surrounded by beautiful redgum forest.
Performers include Brolga Boys, The Grenadines, Jarrah, Lou Bennet and the Sweet Cheeks, Peter Rotumah, Kinja, Woolithiga Dancers, Ando and Lou.
The last Yorta Yorta Survival Weekend was held in 2003 in response to the 2002 Yorta Yorta Native Title decision. The weekend was billed as "an event that will feature some of south-eastern Australia's best Indigenous/non- Indigenous musicians & per- formers; along with forums, stalls, recreational activities in the Barmah Forest and a huge camp-out on Yorta Yorta land". The weekend was an assertion of survival, iden-tity, and continuing rights of Yorta Yorta people to their land in the face of a "justice" system which continues to deny their existence.
Barmah Millewa - Justice for Land and People
Say No to the Aboriginal Heritage Bill
The Last Djadi-Dugarang?
Related: Movie List Archive
The QUICKTIME REPORT 11 January 2006
See the movie trailer
The QUICKTIME REPORT 6 January 2006
See the move trailer
Class Solutions Presents: War Cam
2005 in Review5
CCTV for illegal and degrading war!
Dee Rex and Soilent Green
Rave Mission
See the movie trailer
2005 in Review4
Your Rights
I would think that people would agree with the proposition that your civil liberty not to have your bag searched is outweighed by my right not to be blown up.
The same goes for you, your pockets, house, car, phone and just about anything you own!
Rollo & Bliss, bring my family back.
See the movie trailer
2005 in Review3
Australian Fascism
Peace Activist Scott Parkin deported!
St Germain and How do you plead?
Madness, madness.
I want to be with you, without a doubt!
I want to be with you, want to tell you that!
See the movie trailer
2005 in Review2
Revolution 30A
Revolution inc and Corporate Greed
See the movie trailer
2005 in Review
No More War! & Repeal Draconian Laws!
Rave Mission and Gimme a Sign
See the movie trailer
The Smoking Bums!
It's wrong but I want it to be right!
Krude Going Under
I'm going under, going under, and I can't turn round!
What is Justice Action

Independent Media Transcript 13 January 2006
PhillyIMC Coverage from Fact-Finding Tour of the South
By US Indy 10/1/06
Members of the PhillyIMC have joined the Poverty Initiative on a fact-finding tour of the South. The group, which also includes 40 Columbia Social Work and Union Seminary students, is meeting with community groups, evacuees, and politicians in five cities to document first-hand the struggle against poverty that Katrina has brought to the nation's attention.
The U.S. is the richest nation in the history of the world, yet 45 million have no health insurance, soup kitchen visits are up 150%, and child homelessness is at an all time high. PhillyIMC is highlighting the grassroots efforts that offer real solutions to poverty in this country.

2006: The year of oil collapse?
by James Howard Kunstler 12/1/06
The sheer weight and inertia of American life kept our systems on their feet through 2005, despite a worsening economic climate and some harsh body blows, like the hurricanes that pounded oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico. In a way, some perverse law of sociopolitical physics seemed to concentrate all the year's destructive potential in the devastation of New Orleans, Biloxi and other Gulf Coast towns -- while the mighty din of motoring and cheeseburger sales roared on elsewhere without pause - from Cape Cod to Catalina.

World Allows Second Disaster to Hit Kashmir
Reporter G.S. UK Indymedia 8/1/06
Pict: Earthquake survivor in Musafrabad
With over 3 million people homeless following the October Earthquake the winter disaster long predicted by has now arrived.
Over Xmas a delegation from Sheffield visited the affected region helped by the JKLF. The daily hardships faced by survivors in Balakot, Muzaffrabad, Lagubura and Kamsar were plain to see as was the determination of the aid workers and victims of the quake. Despite the scale of the disaster and the incredible storys of survival, the mainstream media is giving little coverage to what is now a second catastrophe.

Earthquake delegation. How it happened.

Earthquake delegation. The ruins of Balakot.

Earthquake delegation. Musafrabad capital of Kashmir.

AP6 Protest - World's biggest polluter collusion
Reporter… Brother_x Perth Indy 11/1/06
11th January 2006: The world's biggest climate criminals - Australia and the United States - are meeting in Sydney today to continue fiddling while the planet burns. In response, Climate Change activists are gathering to protest the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, being held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney. While nearby Pacific Islands are being evacuated in the face of rising sea levels, Australia and the US have been instrumental in undermining serious global actions to cut greenhouse pollution and fight climate change...

WA Initiative to halt Climate Change

Stop The Endless Summer
by GetUp! Sydney Indy 12/1 06
We cannot let the Australian and U.S. Governments shirk their responsibility for tackling climate change. Click here to write to your newspaper, help expose this week's talks for what they are, and urge the Government to take real action:

2005 Ends in Heat waves and Cold snaps
Reports…Melb Indy 01/01/2006
The eastern states of Australia sweltered on the hottest New Year's Eve on record, with Hospitals in Sydney swamped and fire services on edge as the heatwave kicked in. On the other side of the continent, Perth has recorded its coldest December in 83 years.
Globally, 2005 Was the Second Warmest Year on Record, and the hottest year in Australia since records commenced in 1910.
While much of Australia swelters, Europe is experiencing a cold snap with UK Drivers trapped in snow drifts. In India a Cold wave tightened its grip with nearly 100 deaths reported so far. In the USA plains, wildfires raced through grass dried out by the region's worst drought in 50 years charring nearly 200 homes and killing four people in Texas and Oklahoma.
* Madison IMC: Global Warming Wrap-up for 2005
* NASA: Global Temperature Trends: 2005 Summation
* USA NOAA: Drought feeds wildfires in southern plains
* New Scientist: Climate Change Special

Climate change solution CLOSE ALCOA CLOSE COMALCO
by Matt Melb Indy 12 January 06
Hi all,
So Australia doesn't want to sign onto Kyoto fine. We can exceed Kyoto's targets with the flick of a switch... and it's a corporate sponsored solution.

Yorta Yorta Survival Weekend
Reporter… CCISN Melb Indy 8/1/06

On the weekend of January 28, after Invasion Day the Yorta Yorta Nation will be host to a survival weekend in the Barmah Forest.
On January 28 and 29 2006, the Yorta Yorta people in collaboration with the Cross Campus Indigenous Solidarity Network will be putting on a Survival Weekend in the Barmah forest. It will be a weekend of the highest quality Yorta Yorta and Indigenous talent, performing on a grandiose stage at the Dharnya Centre, surrounded by beautiful redgum forest.
Performers include Brolga Boys, The Grenadines, Jarrah, Lou Bennet and the Sweet Cheeks, Peter Rotumah, Kinja, Woolithiga Dancers, Ando and Lou.
The last Yorta Yorta Survival Weekend was held in 2003 in response to the 2002 Yorta Yorta Native Title decision. The weekend was billed as "an event that will feature some of south-eastern Australia's best Indigenous/non- Indigenous musicians & per- formers; along with forums, stalls, recreational activities in the Barmah Forest and a huge camp-out on Yorta Yorta land". The weekend was an assertion of survival, iden-tity, and continuing rights of Yorta Yorta people to their land in the face of a "justice" system which continues to deny their existence.

Barmah Millewa - Justice for Land and People

Say No to the Aboriginal Heritage Bill

The Last Djadi-Dugarang?

Related: Movie List Archive
The QUICKTIME REPORT 11 January 2006
See the movie trailer

The QUICKTIME REPORT 6 January 2006
See the move trailer

Class Solutions Presents: War Cam
2005 in Review5
CCTV for illegal and degrading war!
Dee Rex and Soilent Green
Rave Mission
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review4
Your Rights
I would think that people would agree with the proposition that your civil liberty not to have your bag searched is outweighed by my right not to be blown up.
The same goes for you, your pockets, house, car, phone and just about anything you own!
Rollo & Bliss, bring my family back.
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review3
Australian Fascism
Peace Activist Scott Parkin deported!
St Germain and How do you plead?
Madness, madness.
I want to be with you, without a doubt!
I want to be with you, want to tell you that!
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review2
Revolution 30A
Revolution inc and Corporate Greed
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review
No More War! & Repeal Draconian Laws!
Rave Mission and Gimme a Sign
See the movie trailer

The Smoking Bums!
It's wrong but I want it to be right!
Krude Going Under
I'm going under, going under, and I can't turn round!

What is Justice Action
