UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Indy Global Report' from Bethlehem, on Resonance FM104.4 for the 7th April 2008
07-04-2008 14:28

The "Cemetery of Numbers" is a name for secret grave yards where Israel keeps the dead bodies of its' political enemies.
Olympic Torch Relay: Heated Arguments in Trafalgar Square
07-04-2008 14:16

Pictures copyright (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
Chinese Torture Torch Relay Shames Olympic Ideals
07-04-2008 13:59

Images copyright (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.
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Photographer arrested by armed officers [finally, the pictures]
07-04-2008 11:25

Canada To Charge Sea Shepherd Crew For Documenting Seal Hunt
07-04-2008 09:54

Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Loyola Hearn has decided to charge the Captain and 1st Officer of the Sea Shepherd ship Farley Mowat with the "crime" of approaching too close to a seal slaughter without permission from the Minister.
The Sea Shepherd argues that their vessel has "right of free passage" through the waters they have been navigating in: "The problem for Hearn is that the Farley Mowat is a Dutch registered yacht not engaged in economic activity navigating with the right of free passage as allowed by International Maritime law in waters beyond 12 miles of Canada. .. If the Canadian government forcefully boards a Dutch registered ship in international waters that will not be looked on very kindly in Europe. If they actually arrest two Europeans for the "crime" of documenting a seal being skinned alive, that will not play very well in Amsterdam, Stockholm or London or Paris."
Also on the newswire: Sea Shepherd Crew Attacked By Mob Of Seal Hunters | Interview With Captain Onboard Sea Shepherd Ship On Current Seal Hunt | Canadian Coast Guard Rams Sea Shepherd Ship (twice) | Sea Shepherd Moves In On Canadian Seal Slaughter
Israeli Army Tries to Close Schools and Orphanages - Please HELP !!
07-04-2008 08:19

Hebron, Palestine. They claim that the society is linked to Hamas and channels
money to terrorism but this is not true. The army has stolen a large amount of
food and equipment from the Society including computers and 2 school buses.
Food and bread for the orphans has been stolen also.
Police compete in olympic farce
07-04-2008 03:30

Berlin MayDay Call
06-04-2008 20:47
The following is the Berlin Call for the MayDay Parade!Similar Parades are taking place in cities across Europe on May 1!
More info soon at:
Tibetan Freedom Torch Rally
06-04-2008 20:42
Peaceful protests at Whitehall as the Olympic Torch comes to London,. followed by an account of the Tibetan Freedom Torch Rally, held at King's Cross.Harmodsworth repression
06-04-2008 19:34
It is official: some detainees have been assaulted and injuried when the riot police intervened to break the hunger strike and took 30 detainees out Harmondsworth IRC.Olympic Torch Chased off the Streets, pics from Fleet Street
06-04-2008 18:30

Sea Shepherd Crew Attacked By Mob Of Seal Hunters
06-04-2008 18:01

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s ship, the Farley Mowat, was attacked this morning by a mob of 30-40 angry fishermen. The attack took place while berthed in the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. The Farley Mowat was berthed in St. Pierre to transfer video footage of the Canadian seal slaughter onto shore and await the resumption of the slaughter, which was temporarily suspended after the death of four sealers.
Tensions quickly escalated in St. Pierre as the growing mob hurled rocks, threats, and insults at crew members of the Farley Mowat. Cameraman Simeon Houtman was assaulted by an axe-wielding fisherman after stepping onshore to film the incident. "The fisherman raised the axe above his head with one arm and tried to knock Simeon back with his other. Simeon jumped back onto the ship just before the mob threw our gangplank into the water," said Peter Hammarstedt, First Officer of the Farley Mowat.
Also on the newswire: Interview With Captain Onboard Sea Shepherd Ship On Current Seal Hunt | Canadian Coast Guard Rams Sea Shepherd Ship (twice) | Sea Shepherd Moves In On Canadian Seal Slaughter
BlokR was a success! Copenhagen action day report
06-04-2008 17:52

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36 people arrested so far during the Olympic torch relay in London
06-04-2008 17:48
36 people arrested so far during the Olympic torch relay in LondonFull article | 3 additions | 5 comments
Police Manhandle Press at Tibet Demonstration
06-04-2008 17:42
The Metropolitan Police today used physical force against photographers during the Olympic Torch protest along Whitehall.Torch Protest hits Whitechapel
06-04-2008 15:47

Oxford Groups ask politicians to stop ignoring aviation
06-04-2008 15:43

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Brilliant pro Tibet protest ongoing in London today
06-04-2008 14:01
comments called for as protesters steal the limelightBig Ask campaign, Kirkcaldy
06-04-2008 13:15

East Oxford Social Club - more details of the stitch-up
06-04-2008 01:52
East Oxford Community Social Club is a social club run for and by its members, based in a local community centre for which it raises money. It's unique not just for the way it's run but also because of its diverse, inclusive and friendly atmosphere, cheap prices and availability as a community venue. Meanwhile the local cops are doing everything in their power to see that it closes.