UK Promoted Newswire Archive
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Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements
15-01-2011 21:17

For attention of all international activist groups and movements regarding known involvement of UK undercover political police.
We need translation into French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Polish, Russian, and any other languages people think are relevant. Please post translations here
Notts Police - you've been framed
15-01-2011 11:23
The current case of Notts Police withholding evidence which may undermine their prosecution case is just the latest example of what could seem like deliberate policy.
The relevations in today's papers that Notts police have deliberately withhelp tapes of recordings of undercover cop Mark kennedy plotting with environmental campaigners look for all the world like an atttempt by the police to pervert the course of justice. The penalty for which is a jail sentence.
But this is not a one off by Notts Police. They have previosuly withheld evidence for it only to come to light after many months when the court case opens. In 2009 they denied possessing evidence which would support environmental protestors facing a court trial for blockading E-on's offices in Nottingham. There was video evidence of the defendents complying with police orders on the promise that they would not be arrested if they did so. Yet Inspector Will Chell of Notts Police denied any knowledge of such evidence.
This was rather foolish of him as photographs had been published on indymedia showing him standing next to his officers while they filmed and photographed the event. There was even a recording of him making his ultimatum to the protesters. Whilst this did lead to Notts police getting their wrists slapped in court no charges were brought against the offendng officers.
So, if you are wondering whether senior Notts coppers have been carrying spare underwear this week, the answer is it seems unlikely. The police routinely behave against members of the public as if they are above the law. It is hard to blame them for this given the desultory performance of the CJS and CPS in holding them to account.
See link for full story.
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Officer 'B' revealed as Cardiff based 'Marco' Jacobs
15-01-2011 00:03

Solidarity Demonstration for the 'Thessaloniki 4'
14-01-2011 22:26
A group of around 30 people demonstrated today at the Greek Embassy in London following a call by the London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group. This demonstration coincided with the start of the second trial in Greece of the four remaining defendants that face sentences raging from 4 to more than 8 years after they were arrested, beaten up and fitted up during the anti-EU Summit demonstrations that took place in Thessaloniki in June 2003. Read more ....
One of the defendants is Simon Chapman, a UK protester that, along with the other defendants, maintain their innocence. Video and photographic evidence clearly shows how a rucksack filled with petrol bombs was planted next to Simon at the moment of his arrest in 2003. As a result, him and 6 other protesters were imprisoned and held on remand. They became known as the 'Thessaloniki 7', and they started a hunger strike that lasted for as long as 63 days to force their release [timeline] Hundreds of solidarity actions took place all over the world, including several in London [video] and all over the UK [full lists 1 | 2]
After all the charges were dropped in 2004, the prosecutor of Thessaloniki appealed against the earlier decision to drop the charges in 2005, resulting in the charges being reinstated. Legal arguments continued for more than two years, and a trial date was finally set for January 2008.
The first trial took place and found the defendants guilty passing sentences of between four and eight and a half years for charges including "distinguished" and "repeated" rebellion, possession of explosives, resisting arrest, and causing explosions. The second trial was due on September 2010 but it was eventually adjourned until the 14th January 2011.
Out of the original 'Thessaloniki 7', three have so far had their cases resolved. The remaining four will have their future decided this week in a Greek Court. The 'Thessaloniki 4' are:
Simon Chapman, Britain
Suleiman "Kastro" Dakdouk, Syrian origin
Michaelis Triakapis, Greece
Fernando Perez Gorraiz, Spain
Dialect - Save the Trees! The History of Our Forests
14-01-2011 03:30
plus The World This Week with Julian ParryDialect is a weekly Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. This current affairs and arts magazine programme is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Thursday evening/Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
00:00-00:58 Intro
00:58-08:50 Martin Mausley? Story Teller
08:50-12:39 Tony Gosling
12:39-29:28 Forest of Dean feature
29:28-32:36 Tony Orlando & Dawn: Tie a yellow ribbon
32:36-42:56 Robert Louis Stephenson letters
42:56-47:23 The World this week with Julian Parry
47:23-56:00 Jeff SPark's What's on guide and Song of the Week
56:00-56:35 Outro
56:35-59:30 Clint Eastwood: I talk to the trees
Critical Mass report plus some useful advice
14-01-2011 01:22
Cyclists present in last year's new year's eve Critical Mass think that what happened to one of the massers in the early hours of the 1st of January would count as attempted murder, with repeated attempts to ram him and then run him over, according to Critical Mass mailing list contributions.
As he was heading home on his own, he was chased by a car with one of its doors opened. The open car door was the passenger trying to also get another cyclist.
Although the poilice and ambulance were soon on the scene the police appear to be doing nothing.
Critical Mass is a monthly ride that happens in many cities in the world. It is not organised by any individual but in London it has started at about 7pm every last Friday of the month for the past 15-odd years.
The last Critical Mass of 2010 saw just under 100 cyclists at peak (which usually happens about half an hour into the ride---how do they manage that?).
The ride was very unusual, but it got a very good reception from the people in the street. However, there were again many aggressive car drivers. There were also an unusually large number of motorists playing games with the lives of cyclists on the mass that evening and it was noticed that the standard of driving plummet (even more than
There was also lots of hustle from the cops and the Druid Cycles tricycle was not allowed anywhere near Trafalgar Square. It turned out to be a nightmare at the end, as I was harrassed by one specific police inspector.
It was also Drive Like An Idiot Week, as one CM regular found out later on as he was cycling home, minding his own business, only to be rear-ended and almost driven over by a hit-and-run motorist driving around with the passenger door of his car wide open. Police and ambulance were summoned. Back wheel badly damaged, rider fortunately on the mend.
The incident happened at about 2am on New Years Day near City Road. A group who had attended the Mass and then gone to the pub were cycling home when one car rammed one of them. Although the cyclist recieved head injuries it appears that the police officers who attended afterwards are not interested in doing anything.
One who did not see the incident as attempted murder sincerely believes the driver would have continued trying to drive over the rammed cyclist if his companions hadn't caught up and got in front of the car.
CM London websites:
Useful tips:
-Save your local police station number in your phone and know your route in case you have to call your own ambulance or police
- First and foremost get a MINIMUM of TWO independent witnesses. Get their names and phone numbers. Ask them for a business card if possible. If they don't have a card, make small talk, ask what they do for a living or if they live in the neighbourhood. DO NOT just hand that over to the cops. Write the details down separately and give that to the cops. KEEP DETAILS SAFE.
Why: The cops and crown prosecution rely heavily on witness statements. They are also very good at losing them or 'forgetting to follow up. If the case goes to court, it will likely be up to a year before the trial. That is a very long time to allow the cops to lose stuff. Also, London's a transient city, by the time the case goes to trial one of your witnesses could have easily moved to another country, or moved house, or gotten another number. Having the business card and knowing what they do for a living can be very useful for the cops and you to track them down.
-Take a look around. Write down every CCTV camera you can see. Make a note of whether it's privately owned (banks, night clubs, etc) or whether it's city-owed. On your report, make a list of these.
Why: In our case when I asked if the cops checked CCTV footage, they replied "We weren't told there were any". By that time it was too late for them to be checked.
-[From Regulator:]You should use the Data Protection Act rather than the Freedom of Information Act to apply for CCTV footage. You should make a data subject access request under Section 7(1) of the DPA. The Information Commissioner's Office provide a template for requests. The CCTV Code of Practice outlines an organisation's responsibilities for disclosure in section 19.2 (page 15). Also, you should use the Data Protection Act (not the Freedom of Information Act which does not apply) to access case details from the police. However, the police can withhold information in certain circumstances.
-Please also note that a standard private owned CCTV camera's data is deleted every 30 days. You do not have much time to get a copy of it, neither do the cops. If you are able, go to the private business, bring a blank DVD and explain that you need their help and a copy of you "getting hit by a car", etc..
- Don't just get the registration of the car, try to get the driver's license/home address, etc.
- Don't discuss what happened with the driver. Politely say that you'd rather wait for the cops to sort things out. Make it light but forceful.
-If the driver offers you money on the spot to solve the problem understand that the exchange of money can be looked at as a contract. Don't expect anything else from that point on from the cops or the driver. What you walk away with in your hand is all you should count on.
- If you go to the police station. This is VERY important. Second guess the desk officer regarding whether or not you've been given the right forms.
If you were hit purposefully/with intent/due to gross negligence/through anger or aggression- This is a CRIMINAL offence. You need to be filing on the CRIMINAL Offence form.
If it was a traffic ACCIDENT then you need to be filing a TRAFFIC Offence form.
Why: The forms go to two completely different groups of officers. If a traffic accident is looked at by a criminal cop, they tend to push it aside because they investigate criminal offences, and it won't fulfill their criminal requirements. And vice versa. HOWEVER, station cops may hear "I was hit by a car" and just assume it was a traffic incident. If the driver hit you PURPOSEFULLY it is likely to be a criminal incident and you need to push it to be looked at like this.
- If cops come to the scene, make a note of the "Investigating Officer's" name and badge number. Casually encourage proper note-taking. Point out (as above) whether you believe the incident to be traffic or criminal.
Why: S/he is responsible, more than anyone else, for whether or not your case is handled properly. Befriend them.
- If you report the incident at a station, you will have to fill out TWO different sets of very similar forms. The first time at the station and the second time about 6 weeks later. This 2nd set is what the cops send out to you and what they send to the CP. This 2nd set is VERY IMPORTANT. The Crown Prosecution is who decides whether or not a case is going to go to court and what the correct charges will be. Treat this 2nd form as if you've never told your story before. Get out those business cards, rewrite the witness information, and the list of CCTV cameras. Include the investigating officer by name and badge number to show you are to be taken seriously. Include anything of importance that s/he said at the time, anything the witnesses said to you, and anything the driver did afterwards.
- Remember! The driver could have a very different story than you do. This is where the strength of your case relies strongly on your witnesses.
- If there was damages to your property be thankful! This is the only way you can take a driver to civil court (if need be). This is also the only likely way you will get help from lawyers. It sucks, but money/property talks. Injustice doesn't mean a whole lot. Make notes of each part of your bike that was damages, supply receipts or store information proving how much it is worth. Take photographs of the damage AND take it to a bike shop and ask them to appraise/explain the damage in writing. Include any time spent off work/lost wages, etc..
- DO NOT RIDE YOUR BICYCLE AWAY FROM THE SCENE!!! If the cops/driver see this they may not understand that it was indeed still damaged. While your down tube is dented and therefore your frame is worthless, they may not understand that you risked it and still rode it home. If the next day you wake up sore from neck to toes they may not understand why the adrenaline you felt when you were hit allowed you to ride a bike.
-TAKE A PHOTO OF THE DRIVER AND OF VARIOUS ANGLES OF THE ACCIDENT - Your phone camera will do. The driver may later say it wasn't him driving.
- If you are hurt, don't be a tough guy. Go to the hospital/your GP. Get a letter from them explaining your injuries. While a good case of road rash may not be life-threatening it may make you unable to ride/walk/work properly. This is important to note. If you get a later infection or later bone/muscle problems it will make it trickier to prove.
- If you have adreneline pumping through your veins you may not realize you are injured - go to the hospital.
- If you have a scrapped up knee, you are injured, go to the hospital.
- I have straight forwardly been told by the police to go to the hospital if there is any injury at all. Tell the doctor that you will be taking the case to court and could s/he please take detailed notes.
- I have also been told by the cops to take pictures once the swelling/bruising sets in, in other words when it looks really bad. The cops want to punish people, they need evidence to do this.
-Above all, BE PERSISTENT! Make one day a week, 'call the cops day'. Check in on your case. The cops "stretch the truth" and are lazy/very busy. Don't believe anything they say like "we're working on it" or "we'll call you". You do the leg work. If one officer doesn't help you ask for his/her superior. Call them by their name and be polite.
Don't ask questions like "Could you check into that?" Instead say things like "When you check into that will you call me with a follow up?" Then when they say "Yeah, sure.." Push further (but politely) with statements like "And when can I expect to hear from you?" Remember cops have been drilled/brain washed to work in a 'fill in the boxes, dot the I's sort of way',they rely on a chain of command to know what's right or wrong. So if they are a good cop, reward them. Thank them for their help. Be very nice. Bow down to their wise moves. If they are a bad cop, admonish them, point out that you are not happy with the way they are "serving" you. Ask to speak to a superior. Again politely.
If a cop says they'll have to call somebody else or somebody else is in charge of something, get that person's name and contact information. Call them. Tell them who told you to call them.
If a cop blames you for ANYTHING (i.e. wrong forms, not calling, shouldn't have been riding so fast/without a helmet) remind them that it is not their job to blame the victim but their job to assist them.
DO NOT GET ANGRY/RAISE YOUR VOICE/SWEAR. Cops rely on winding you up. The second you yell or use a swear word they have a legal right not to have to talk to you. Also, psychologically you are undermining their sense of authority which is all they have. This doesn't do you any good. Continue to remind them that they have the "power" to assist you. Not all cops wanted to become police officers for the power trip, some actually, in the back of their brain, honestly wanted to help out society. Appeal to that part of their brain. Put them in your shoes, "I'm sure you can understand why I'm so frustrated", etc.
[b]Keep a folder containing:
reference details (numbers, officer names, etc)
witnesses details
driver's details
photographs of your bike and black eyes
officer names (every one you ever speak to)
dates and times you made phone calls. Write a quick note of what was discussed each time.
Any other places you complained/talked to (see below)
There are people out there who can help:
Road Peace - A non-profit that deals with road-user's rights.
Your MP - They may want to silently watch the case, but they are there to assist you.
Contact Cycle Aid 01772 250871 "Cycle Aid are personal injury solicitors specialising in cycle injury and accident claims. We will act for you on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis giving cutting-edge legal advice to help you make a claim for compensation. We have been involved in many substantial claims involving head injuries, shoulder injuries, spinal injuries, facial injuries, back injuries, knee injuries and other bicycle accident claims"
Look, it's easy to get disheartened and give up when the cops don't help you, but if you don't do something about this you make it harder for the next one of us in your shoes.
Please complain!!
You can do this easily and online. The two complaints commitees are duty-bound to, at least, investigate. Plus it's a record of shittiness done by cops.
To complain go here:
If the driver was a "professional" driver complain to their profession's headquarters.
TfL if it's a bus
Public Carriage Office if it's a black cab.
The link to make an online complaint against a black cab is here:
I have never not gotten a reply from complaining to TfL.
If they are driving a company van/car get the details of their company and complain to the boss.
If you would like to sue in civil court you want to go to this page to start with. You can only sue for money, not emotion or injustice. So for things like a fucked up bike or time off work due to the accident. If you have already accepted an insurance pay out then you may not be eligible to sue so check with a solicitor before accepting any compensation if you think you may like to take the case further.
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Undercover and over-the-top: The collapse of the Ratcliffe trial
13-01-2011 17:33
Sent from New Internationalist magazine ( NI contributor Danny Chivers was one of six defendants whose charges were dropped in Nottingham Crown Court this week, following revelations about an undercover police officer who had infiltrated the UK’s environmental protest movement. Here, Danny explains the extraordinary events that led to the collapse of his trial, and what they tell us about the policing of protest in Britain today.Palestine Today 11 13 2010
13-01-2011 15:23

Saving Iceland statement on Mark Stone
13-01-2011 15:10
The following is a statement from the Saving Iceland campaign released today in response to various request from media to talk about Mark Stone / KennedyBarclays cash machine sabotaged in Solidarity with the victims of EDO/ITT
13-01-2011 12:44
Barclay Capital is the market maker for ITT Corporation on the New York Stock Exchange - see
Palestine Today 01 12 2011
12-01-2011 16:01

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9 years of Guantánamo - Beyond Words: Silent Witness to Injustice
11-01-2011 23:17

Nottingham Students Protest Against Scapping EMA
11-01-2011 22:23
Meeting in the Market Square Nottingham at 3.00pm on Tuesday 11th Janaury, School and College Student gathered to protest at the Scapping of the Educational Maintanance Allowance. Students had earlier walked out at 2.00pm
Nottingham Students Protested against scapping the Educational Maintanance Allowance. I understand that the government plan to do this in Septemeber this year.
A rally was held in the square, before a tour round the block to take in the usual suspects like Vodafone and Boots, with much shouting of "pay your Taxes etc".
Later, folks headed off to the Conservative HQ Offices at:
Conservative Party Office
1 King Edward Court,
For those that don't know.
They weren't expected and the gates to the compound there were open. People banged on the door, rang the bell etc, to try and get someone to talk about the issue. There was no answer :-) It was noted that there was a painting of Margret Thatcher, adorning the foyer causing many remarks! Many folks at other office windows were smiling and seeming to enjoy the demo as a specticle.
The situation was good humoured until one young lad was detained [for, I think graffiti, although i saw none]. Folks then returned there to demand his release. Police were called and it is believed he was taken to Bridewell police Station, leaving via another entrance.
Demo then went back through town, visiting another Vodafone store, and having a bit of a sit-in.
The Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is a means-tested allowance of between £10 and £30, paid to 16- to 19-year-olds who stay on in education.
Rolled out nationally in September 2004, EMA is intended to help with the cost of books, travel, equipment or anything useful to the continuation of learning. It’s paid straight into the pupil’s bank account, not their parents or their college, giving them independence and forcing them to take charge of a small weekly budget. The payments are under the condition that they attend classes regularly. If the pupil works hard or achieves good grades, there is the opportunity to earn bonuses.
EMA is available to 16-19 year olds who come from low income families and whose household’s net income is below £30,000 pa. There is an additional grant for those students from families household income is up to and below £20,000 pa. EMA currently exists all across the UK although the administering of it is devolved to the regional parliaments of Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Save EMA
Nottingham Students Against Fees and Cuts!
Notts Save Our Services
Defending jobs, services, welfare & education against cuts in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
Smashed Windows & Graffiti @ Conservative Offices
descent report on ITV Central
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Palestine Today 01 11 2011
11-01-2011 15:29

IMPORTANT: A respectful request to all activists regarding Mark "Stone"
11-01-2011 12:59
In the wake of the Mark "Stone" story breaking in the mainstream media yesterday, a lot of journalists are trying their best to dig out all the gorey personal details. They are phoning up lots of activists and trying to find out more information. You may be one of those activists.Palestine Today 01 10 2011
10-01-2011 17:01

Israel Off Your Trolley protest, Newcastle, January 8th 2011
09-01-2011 17:57

Photos Of Forest Of Dean Rally
07-01-2011 11:22
3 JANOVER 3000 prople attended rally
Conservative MP Mark Harper refused to attend and justify his proposal to priviatise the Forest of Dean
3 Catholic Workers in Newbury Court Charged under SOCPA for Aldermaston Break-In
06-01-2011 12:48
"Hurry and Wait" for Catholic Workers at Newbury Court House today!Ploughshares activists Chris Cole, Sr. Susan Clarkson from St. Francis House/ Oxford Catholic Worker and Fr. Martin Newell from Giuseppe Conlon House/ London Catholic Worker are presently in Newbury Court for a plea hearing. They are charged under SOCPA legislation with "criminal damage" and "criminal trespass".
Protests as Clegg holds secret town hall meeting
06-01-2011 00:19