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Palestine Today 110509

05-11-2009 17:00


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday November 5th, 2009.

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Anglo Iranian Youth Society Press Conference. Downing Street, London - pictures

05-11-2009 14:29

An End to Religious Dictatorship.
As the Iranian Mollah regime hold its annual anti-US day of protests in Iran, which are met with a new movement of pro-Democracy students angry over the questionable re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to President in June, the Anglo-Iranian Youth Society meet outside Downing Street to hold a press conference.

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apex drilling visited - MAINSHILL SOLIDARITY action

05-11-2009 13:16

apex drilling @ bridgend sabotaged by anti opencast activists.

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Selex arms company attacked

05-11-2009 04:07

This is the Fuck the War Coalition and we are bringing the war home to those who profit from imperialism. This morning we broke 10 windows on the Selex Galileo building.

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Shell recruitment event disrupted (video)

05-11-2009 00:30

A couple of weeks ago mischief-makers disrupted a Shell careers talk in Oxford, in solidarity with those around the world affected by their operations. This is the video of the action...

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Mainshill Camp Gathering round-up: workshops, walks, sabotage and lock-ons

04-11-2009 23:54

Locked-on to the harvesting machine
The past weekend saw numbers swell at the Mainshill Solidarity Camp, with people traveling from far and wide to support the ongoing struggle to stop Scottish Coal opencasting Mainshill Wood. The number of people occupying the site reached numbers seen at Mainshill when the Camp for Climate Action set up on the site in August, showing how this issue is not going away.

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Maria Gallastegui arrested at the Cenotaph War memorial.

04-11-2009 21:35

Long-time Peace Campaigner, Maria Gallastegui was arrested this afternoon at the Cenotaph War memorial in Whitehall, London.

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229 Minute Afghanistan Vigil, Cenotaph, London - pictures.

04-11-2009 21:19

Maria Gallastegui Arrested.
The day after another 5 British soldiers lose their lives in Afghanistan, peace campaigners gather at the Cenotaph War Memorial to hold a 229 minute vigil for each and every soldier killed so far.

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Palestine Today 110409

04-11-2009 17:33


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday November 4th, 2009.

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Five arrested at nuke base in US Trident Plowshares disarmament action

03-11-2009 12:32

Five activists were arrested at Kitsap - Bangor Naval Base, Washington State, USA as they entered the base in the early hours of November 2, 2009 with the intention of calling attention to the illegality and immorality of the US Trident nuclear weapons system.

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London Critical Mass Halloween ride.

03-11-2009 12:27

Another good ride, apart from a few impatient drivers.


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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Group -Maskiot: The Dawn of a New Era

02-11-2009 22:49

“This place has everything...The area desperately needs repopulating”
Yossi –Maskiot settler

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apple action at the earth centre

02-11-2009 22:08

Earlier today a group of activists took apple action and liberated a haul of delicious fruits from the abundant forest gardens at the derelict earth centre. Weeks of meaningless promises and blatant lies from Doncaster Council led the group of harvesters to take action.

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Halloween Trick or Treat for Goldman Sachs

02-11-2009 17:28

Squid meets in pub
Although considerably more had shown an interest on Facebook, the Government of the Dead could only muster six (one of whom arrived just as the event was finishing) for their "Goldman Sachs Giant Vampire Squid Trick or Treat" on Friday evening.
Photos Copyright © Peter Marshall, 2008. All rights reserved.

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Palestine Today 110209

02-11-2009 16:24


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday November 2nd, 2009.

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probation office attacked in brighton

02-11-2009 15:31

probation office attacked in brighton with stones and paint.

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March and Protest against Novartis in Horsham

02-11-2009 15:27

We were very pleased that approximately 70 people turned out for our demonstration and march against Novartis in Horsham on Saturday .

Up until 2pm the day before we were not even sure that the demonstration would be able to take place, as Novartis had attempted to get an interim injunction. Novartis were seeking to prevent banners on the demonstration from bearing the words "Novartis", or carry posters showing images of animal suffering. They didn't want protesters to be able to wear masks or costumes; in particular blood stained lab coats. They did also mention something about fireworks!

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The Guardian on protest. Can we trust it?

02-11-2009 13:52

Schnews Graphic

"Funny that the Guardian is doing the police's work for them": Tweet

On the evening of Sunday October 25th, a number of activists were angry to discover that the Guardian had published the full DSEi 2005 spotter card on it's website. Next day it appeared on the front page of the print edition. The anger resulted from discussions that several of those featured had had with Guardian Journo Rob Evans,several weeks before, after they became aware that the Guardian had the card and was planning to run a story on it. They contacted Rob Evans and informed him that several people on the card did not want their images published. Several of those who were prepared to comment on the story made it clear that they were only prepared to do so, if the Guardian agreed to pixellate the pictures of those who did not wish to be involved.

As an article in The Register noted:

"According to sources within the activist community, many of them are hopping mad. Some of those who are still active feel that this is every bit as intrusive as the police action: others, who have not been active politically for many years, point out that displaying their pictures prominently in the national press, alongside copy that highlights the police description of such activists as "domestic extremists", could have serious implications for their jobs and livelihoods."

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Students and residents camp to reclaim education at Nottingham University

02-11-2009 11:56

A week of workshops from 2-6 November promoting radical social change through education and direct action.

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The 300-350 Show: Our climate is not your business

01-11-2009 18:51

In the wake of International 350 Day and direct actions in the US & Europe we ask, isn’t it time that we stopped business putting the brakes on climate action? In a break from our usual format we weave recent highlights from the independent media landscape into a corporate-critical narrative.
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