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Sofia Mweni & Johson Kalu to remain in the UK

27-07-2009 06:55

Petition to Rt. Hon Alan Johnson MP, Secretary of State for the Home Office to allow Sofia Mweni & Johson Kalu to remain in the UK

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Online Appeal to save the Mansour family from deportation

27-07-2009 06:51

The family were detained on the 1st July and incarcerated in Tinsley House IRC. They made Bail last Friday and were returned to Manchester.

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Keep Abbas Sharifi in Sheffield

27-07-2009 06:50

Abbas Sharifi, a 49 year old disabled Afghani man is due to be forcibly removed from the UK, on a 'Ethnic charter flight', under the UK Home Office operation 'Ravel' programme on Tuesday July 28th 2009 at 21:30 from the UK, flight PVT008 to Baku for onward transit to Kabul/Afghanistan.

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DISARM DSEi activist arrested for holding a banner outside army showroom

26-07-2009 21:37

Last Saturday, 25th July, activists gathered outside Dalston Kingsland shopping centre, for a demonstration against the army showroom which recently opened there.

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Demo in support of Amdani Juma [continued Immigration Limbo]

26-07-2009 11:54

At 5pm on Friday 24th July in the Market Square, he and his supporters joined a rally to highlight his predicament.

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Calais: monitoring police activity in the jungle

26-07-2009 09:36

NEW INFO LINES If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information: call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 (from France) 06 34 81 07 10

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This Week in Palestine -Week 30 2009

24-07-2009 17:21


Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 18th to the 24th, 2009.

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Around the Campaigns Friday 24th July 2009

24-07-2009 07:40

Alpha Mbodi and family
You have the Power to Stop Deportations

You will need Courage, Persistence and Faith

An Anti-Deportation Campaign involves organizing resistance to restrictive immigration legislation, and simply means making the government change their minds regarding an individual case.

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Palestine Today 072309

23-07-2009 14:54


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday July 23ed 2009.

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Arms fair targeted

23-07-2009 12:28

The Celtic Manor Resort was left with smashed windows and breached security after they hosted a major arms conference this week. There was also protest outside with remarkably light policing and not a FIT camera in sight.

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Vestas Sit In - Photos

23-07-2009 11:37

About 25 workers are still inside the Vestas factory near Newport on the Isle of Wight as the sit-in entered its forth day.

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Save Vestas Blades - London Rally Report

23-07-2009 09:38

People spell out 'SAVE VESTAS' outside DECC
A protest was held on Wednesday Evening, 22 July 2009, outside the offices of the Department of Energy & Climate Change in Whitehall Place calling for the Government to take action to preserve green jobs at Vestas Blades, manufacturers of wind turbine blades based on the Isle of Wight.
Pictures copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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Palestine Today 072209

22-07-2009 16:08


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday July 22nd 2009.

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Sink or Swim? Save Our Community Swimming Pools!

22-07-2009 13:46

Banner drop from the closed Sparkhill Pool and Fitness Centre
On Monday 13th July, people from Sparkhill and Balsall Heath displayed banners, and encouraged local residents to sign petitions to keep their community swimming pools open. They aim to send a message to Birmingham City Council that they must direct their financial resources to repairing community pools, so that people can learn to swim.

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NCADC News Service Wednesday 22nd July 2009

22-07-2009 07:38

UNHCR Eligibility Guidelines for Assessing the International Protection Needs of Asylum-Seekers from Afghanistan July 2009

Who Will Read This Report? It has an anodyne sounding name but reveals more about Afghanistan than all the spin put out by military strategists and refugee haters. ?

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Pictures of the No Borders protest at the French Embassy

22-07-2009 00:48

the start of the demo
On Monday, 20th June, about 20 people gathered outside the French embassy in London to protest against the planned destruction of the Calais migrant camps, known as the 'jungle'. With banners, leaflets and a loud sound system, they stopped the embassy from doing business for over 1.5 hrs. Then police imposed Section 14 of the Public Order Act and tried to move protesters to a designated area (pen) across the road, which protesters refused to do and, instead, decided to end the demo. One protester, who was 'FIT-watching', was arrested for obstruction of a police officer.

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Palestine Today 072109

21-07-2009 16:39


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday July 21st 2009.

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Vestas Workers Speak Out

21-07-2009 12:23

A statement released by the workers in occupation at the Vestas wind turbine blade factory in Newport, on the Isle of Wight.

Demo outside the factory 5pm today!
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