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Sumac Garden Project, looking verdant [Food for the Future]

19-05-2009 00:52

Folks have been beavering away in the Sumac Yard Garden.

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Tamils take to Streets around Parliament Square

18-05-2009 22:00

Roads blocked by Tamils and policed by police
On a day when the Tamil Tiger's military chief is alleged to have died London Tamils have blocked roads around Parliament Square.

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Palestine Today 051809

18-05-2009 14:38


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday May 18th 2009.

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Linamar Workers Prepare for Strike

18-05-2009 09:28

DATE: 17th May 2009
LOCATION: Linamar plant, Swansea

Rob Williams spoke at a rally of Linamar workers and union members on Sunay 17th May to remind everyone of the need to fight to protect workers' rights, pay and conditions.

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Jean-Baptiste Bassime Must Stay In UK Campaign

18-05-2009 05:21

Jean-Baptiste Foukong Bassime a national of Cameroon and resident of Birmingham; was arrested and detained by UK Home Office when he reported for signing at Solihull Immigration office on 5/5/09. Currently he is detained in Campsfield IRC, and due to be forcibly removed to Cameroon on Thursday 21 May 2009 on Easyjet flight U2-2431 from Luton Airport @ 06:00hrs to Paris, and then from Paris to Cameroon on Air France Flight AF940.

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Justice For Pakistani Students Arrested under Terrorism Laws

18-05-2009 02:28

No to injustice !
Planning meeting to setup the local chapter of the national campaign against the deportation of 12 Pakistani students arrested under terror laws. Failing to present any incriminating evidence against them the government has decided to deport them.

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EDO (UK) Directors Resign en Mass. Paul Hills LAST One Left

17-05-2009 21:58

Final cracks in EDO MBM appear to be showing as Brighton arms firm EDO MBM's holding company EDO (UK) Ltd loses all but one director.

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Boycott Proctor & Gamble Day Action in Cambridge

17-05-2009 21:43

Activists Shopping Trip!
Campaigners headed to Tesco on Newmarket Road, Cambridge on 16 May 09 as part of an international day of action against Proctor and Gamble (P&G) who still test on animals. Proctor and Gamble are responsible for a huge array of products including Herbal Essences, Ariel, Fairy, Bold and even animal food under the label Iams/Eukanuba.

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Humanitarian disaster - Vanni, Sri Lanka. - pictures.

17-05-2009 20:57

Elderly women with injuries.
On the day Sri Lanka government forces claim victory over the LTTE (Tamil Tigers of Tamil Eelam), Tamils gather outside the US embassy in London to call on the Americans to intervene in the Humanitarian disaster now unfolding on the Island.

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Tesco settlement produce protest

17-05-2009 19:17

protesters gather produce & denounce tesco's support of israeli settlements
Photos from todays protest against sale by tesco of produce from Israeli settlements, in Kensington, London.

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Video of the Colnbrook Blockade

17-05-2009 13:14

on 12th May 2009, a dozen anti-deportation campaigners from the Stop Deportation network and the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees blockaded the entrance to Colnbrook and Harmondsworth detention centres near Heathrow, to try and prevent the mass deportation of 45 Iraqi Kurdish refugees held at Colnbrook via charter flight. Six activists locked themselves together, using glass and plastic arm tubes attached to heavy concrete barrels. The blockade lasted for over four hours, after which three coaches carrying the deportees left for an undisclosed airport. All six were arrested (two quite violently) for obstruction of the highway.

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"Drop The Charge" Demo Pictures.

16-05-2009 18:09

All donations gratefully accepted...
Today something unprecedented happened.

Community arts event organisers found themselves having to protest against the police who up until now have turned up to cover their events for no extra charge, as it was understood it was covered by our taxes.

But now a PRIVATE company, by the name of ACPO is demanding fees from ALL organisers of ALL community events, so the police can turn up and do the very same job they've been doing FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE for years.

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This Week in Palestine -Week 20 2009

15-05-2009 15:24


Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for May 9th through the 15th, 2009.

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Heckler & Koch Campaign :: Demo & Picket in Nottingham

15-05-2009 13:01

"I've been to a lot of demonstrations against arms companies and normally it's kind of me and about three Quakers and a dog and a couple of crusties. I really hope the campaign can grow and grow and actually get a result here".

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Heckler & Koch Campaign :: Mark Thomas in Nottingham

15-05-2009 12:54

"I've been to a lot of demonstrations against arms companies and normally it's kind of me and about three Quakers and a dog and a couple of crusties. I really hope the campaign can grow and grow and actually get a result here".

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Third attempt to remove Constant Moussavou

15-05-2009 06:27

Constant Moussavou, a national of Congo Brazzaville, and resident of Leicester a long time activist/member of Leicester Civil Rights Movement (LCRM). Is currently detained in Dungavel House IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Monday 18th May 2009 on Air France Flight No AF1981 @ 06.40 from London Heathrow.

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Civil Disobedience Protest By British Tamils Met With Police Brutality

14-05-2009 21:06

Police resort to the seizure of young children and physical attacks on women and children to break the blockade of Westminster Bridge, eyewitnesses report.

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Smash EDO: Thank you, Maydayers!

14-05-2009 20:25

A Smashing update about what to do next.

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Pics: Support Demo for LMU Occupation

14-05-2009 19:02

View of the support demo

On Tuesday 12th around 100 people demonstrated outside the London Metropolitan University's Commercial Road campus, following a call to support the student occupation of the university. Those demonstrating included a continget from the IWW and UCU unions, students and staff from the university, as well as campaigners against the privatisation of education. People demonstrated for about one and a half hours, during which speeches were made by students and unions staff. See video.

The management of the university has hired private security to prevent people from joining the occupation. They prevented the demonstrators from visiting en mass the occupied area, although, for some very strange reason, people were allowed into the occupied rooms in small groups, so many of those demonstrating eventually did so in order to show support to the students in occupation.

See below some pics of the demo:

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