UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Another Free for All in Wrexham
08-11-2008 20:29

How To Stop A Nuclear Waste Train. Impressions from Germany
08-11-2008 16:05

The following is a portrait of a very famous and traditional event within the anti-Castor activist's agenda: the forest „game“ called the „Ralley Monte Göhrde“.
Italian Student rebellion: Info and Pics from Rome
08-11-2008 14:36
7 November 2008This friday everybody skipped school again and took to the streets instead. Even though minister Gelmini had tried to confuse things by promising extra money for universities and students with “adequate merits”, the student mobilisation went on and its message was clear: “No cuts to education, no privatization, we ain’t gonna pay for their crisis”.
Castor: Welcoming International Guests
07-11-2008 23:57

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video report - peasants fighting fumigation of monsanto pesticides in paraguay
07-11-2008 23:31
This is the tale of an emerging conflict between to totally different vision about agriculture. Filmed in paraguay, end of october 2008. It is a very very hot political issue in paraguay, but apparently doesn`t reach the international eye and ear. Yet.This Week in Palestine, Week 45
07-11-2008 16:04

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for November 1st through 7, 2008
No Fees demo (Cambridge) & Career fair
06-11-2008 23:56

E.ON Recruiters Targeted AGAIN - in Oxford
06-11-2008 19:18
Climate-trashing energy monsters E.ON continued their national recruitment tour with a stall at the Oxford Careers Fair today. They seemed miserable but not surprised when a group of local activists turned up too...Picket of Cardiff Border Agency offices
06-11-2008 18:25

Students Dying to Ditch Dirty Development
06-11-2008 18:18
Students from the West Midlands participated in a die-in against the Royal Bank of Scotland at the Graduate Recruitment Fair at the NEC in Birmingham. Protesters then had to deal with the usual security and police disproporionate and ad-hoc overreaction to the action, which for some was their first protest.Palestine Today 110608
06-11-2008 15:46

Afghans in Calais to be mass deported on Anglo/French charter flights
06-11-2008 13:51
This is a the latest result of anglo/french cooperation. As both countries sacrifice the lives of their soldiers in a war they cannot win. The victims of that war will be deported back into harm's way without ever exercising their right to asylum. Its worth remembering that its the Dublin 2 convention that gives the green light for thisChristmas Fair opens to ridicule over owners' arms fair purchases
06-11-2008 13:08
Press Release from Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT)5 November 2008
As the Spirit of Christmas Fair opened in London this morning, its owners Clarion Events faced ridicule over their assertion that they were "entirely comfortable" with their recent purchase of arms fairs. A peaceful protest by the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) saw campaigners dressed as Santa Claus and elves carrying sacks of weapons rather than presents (photographs available on request).
Smash EDO Press Release - CPS discontinue oppressive prosecution
06-11-2008 10:40
Smash EDO Press Release6/11/2008
Riseup! Radio #10 - The November Show
06-11-2008 07:51

Welcome to the penultimate RiseUp!Radio show of 2008. Apologies to those who set their alarms for midnight on 31st of October in anticipation of the November show, a large chunk of our team have bean hit with extravavgant amounts of illness but we feel it will be worth the wait.
Jaques talks to the streets about their takes on our government, Doms takes us into the world of student politics and RiseUp!Radio goes to the Urban Harvest Festival and gets the low down from the windy miller. Also live music from local singer song writer My Crust, also some in studio discussion and Hilary gives us an introduction to his exciting new show ‘Looking into the Crisis’. Topped offed with a rendition of Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech, read live last month in Market square as part of Black History Month. Bon Appétit!
Listen: #10 The November Show
Students say 'No More Fees'!
06-11-2008 00:35

Careering Downwards, courtesy of Cambridge University!
05-11-2008 23:52

To highlight just how dubious many of the exhibitors at this event are, some activists decided to go along today.
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class war bonfire busted by cops
05-11-2008 23:03
cops bust class war bonfire ..Councillor John Lines’ Homeless Village in Birmingham
05-11-2008 15:59

Police assualt student to prevent LSE protest
05-11-2008 15:50