UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 110507
05-11-2007 14:43

Class War Video
05-11-2007 12:30

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Anti-Trident Protest in Edinburgh looses direction but continues to sing along
05-11-2007 12:20

Fit for what purpose?
05-11-2007 12:11
Bail conditions imposed on a FIT Watch activist for allegedly causing £1 of criminal damage.Activist killed on GM action
04-11-2007 23:12
Call for day of action on 8th November in solidarity with Brazilian GM activists after shootings on anti-GM land squat in BrazilClimate Action in Dover
04-11-2007 11:42

global warming...
University of Essex students demonstrate against the military
04-11-2007 05:00
A few dozen students at the University of Essex came together this week to protest at the military recruiting on their campus. This direct action is part of the University students on going campaign to stop the war in Iraq and stop the University investing students money in the Arms Trade.Full article | 3 additions | 29 comments
Bash the rich? In yer dreams maybe...
03-11-2007 19:22

Not even the proper toff bit of Notting Hill either. The enforced procession crossed Ladbroke Grove and was led to to - as one pissed yuppie explained to me - the "former home" of David Cameron. Citizen Dave, according to this local resident put up the For Sale signs shortly after hitting the big time - his new neighbours include eighties chanteuse Annie Lennox.
New repression in Oaxaca
03-11-2007 18:36
One year on from the PFP'd defeat, the repression is back.Four anarchists arrested in Italy
03-11-2007 12:42
A night of ordinary democracy in Bologna: 5 anarchists are beaten and arrested. On Saturday October 13, at around 4am, a girl who is sleeping in piazza Verdi is noticed by police on patrol. The latter decide that the girl’s behaviour is ‘abnormal’ and must be corrected by compulsory sanitary treatment (TSO). They call the ambulance while keeping the girl under their custody against her will.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
local activists open squat on Cowley Rd (Oxford) for CCA gathering
03-11-2007 11:04

Defend the Harmondsworth 4!
03-11-2007 10:15
In January four detainees will go on trial charged with criminal damage following riots in Harmondsworth in November 2006. There is a public meeting in London on Tuesday 13th November to discuss how we can support the four before, during and after the trial.Justice for Cleaners Halloween demo.
02-11-2007 16:40

United Friends and Family March 2007
02-11-2007 16:03

Upon arriving at Downing Street the silent procession became a noisy explosion of anger led by Janet Alder whose brother Christopher suffocated on the floor of Hull Police station, while officers made fun of him. The Police attempted to enforce the SOCPA ban on megaphones. So Pauline Campbell took hold of the mic to remind them that she had been arrested 14 times and that previous attempts to prosecute her had failed dismally. The megaphone remained in use for the rest of the event.
After finishing at Downing street the march then proceeded to Parliament square for more speeches. The march was briefly held up by a particularly inept Police motorcyclist who parked his bike in front of the banner leading the procession. He was quickly surrounded by furious protesters and had to be removed from the melee by his colleagues. Deliberate disrespect, or just inept?
Northern Assurance super-glued shut as protest against Brook House
02-11-2007 10:13
The locks of the Northern Assurance Building were super-glued shut in the early hours of Friday, 2 November. This was an act of sabotage against FD Tamesis, housed in this building, intended to highlight the company's involvement in the construction of what will be the UK's largest immigrant deportation centre, Brook House near Gatwick Airport. 2 November is a national day of action against Brook House, called by the No Borders network: across the country, companies with a hand in this new deportation centre will be targeted, pressuring them to end their involvement.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Protest shackles Total Oil petrol station
02-11-2007 00:43

Reports from the Brighton Delegation - Palestinian Farmers Under Occupation
01-11-2007 23:45
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten members of the group in palestine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
Report of Halloween demo at EDO
01-11-2007 23:31
On halloween Smash EDO held a maskked up demonstration outside the Brighton arms dealers...The End of EDO? EDO UK 2006 Accounts Expose 70% Profit Drop
01-11-2007 21:16

The 17 page document attached below reveals a massive drop in profit and an apparently unsustainable £10,000,000. debt.
The accounts also contain statements signed off as true by Director Paul Hills which are blatently false.
Insider sourced information and a revealing brick wall met under Freedom of Information Act paint a picture of an end in sight for the Brighton Bomb factory, that has been the focus of a sustained anti war campaign since 2004.
The question on every EDO MBM employee's mind is will new parents ITT save them, or put them out of their misery?
Sheffield Uni students disrupt arms dealers at careers fair
01-11-2007 15:01
A group of activists from Sheffield University disrupted the stalls of arms companies Yorkshire Autumn Graduate Careers Fair on Tuesday 30th October. A banner was unfurled and anti-arms trade leaflets were given out.