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Video of London Critical Mass defying the appeal.

26-05-2007 09:46

Video blockers putting the mockers
There was a large attendance, possibly 1,000 or more, thanks to the
call-out and reaction to the Metropolitan Police appeal.

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National Grid start the eviction process at Brecon.

26-05-2007 00:15

National Grid paid a visit to the protest camp yesterday afternoon with a notice to leave the site.

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CRITICAL MASS - a personal account

25-05-2007 23:59

looked bad at first
for various reasons i found tonight's critical mass an empowering and joyous occasion.
long live critical mass and the humanity it represents.

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An Invitation To The Gatwick No Border Camp 2007

25-05-2007 22:47

No Borders – No Nations – No Prisons

From 19th to 24th September 07 we will gather at Gatwick Airport for
the first No Border Camp in the UK. This camp will be a chance to work
together to try and stop the building of a new detention centre, and to
gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of
migration controls.

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25-05-2007 21:30

Compiled and sent out by Rising Tide UK: info at
To receive this News Sheet monthly, email news-subscribe at
with the subject line 'subscribe' (without the quotes).

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Animal Rights Protester Arrested in Liverpool

25-05-2007 18:46

At the regular weekly demo last Saturday, the police arrested one of the protesters.
Below is an abridged version, via the Merseyside Animal Rights mailing list, from the person who was arrested. I’m not going to identify the individual, haven’t got permission to publish his experience but I hope they will not mind because it highlights what sort of treatment the people who are staging the demo’s are going through.

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Cultural Centre in Berlin/Germany in Danger

25-05-2007 18:05

One of the last important non-commercial centers in Germany is threatened with eviction. There is a call for solidarity-actions on a global action day:

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Common Ground Squatted Community Garden - The Path So Far...

25-05-2007 18:03

Last Saturday, anti-capitalists in Reading opened the squatted Common Ground Community Garden to the public for the first time, and are receiving support from all corners of the community.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 21 2007

25-05-2007 17:24

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for May 19 through 25, 2007.

Nonviolent resistance continues to grow in Palestine against the wall and settlements while the Israeli army stages deadly air strikes against the Palestinians who continue to call for international observers and protection. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

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BREAKING NEWS: German court says anti-G8 protest marches can´t be forbidden

25-05-2007 13:25

The Verwaltungsgericht Schwerin (Court of Schwerin) came to the decision that the planned protest marches against the G8 summit are legal and can´t be forbidden.
German police wanted to forbid the marches.

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German Police Opens Thousends Of Letters Of Suspected G8 Activists

25-05-2007 10:56

Media reports today, that "Police have been intercepting mail in the German city of Hamburg, the postal company said Friday as a hunt continued for radicals who have attacked cars and homes with petrol bombs in the run-up to next month's G8 summit. "

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Bradford Group Prepares for Anti-Faslane Strident Action

24-05-2007 23:53

Bradford University Students held a Super Strident Sleepover this thursday to prepare for the upcoming 'Students Against Trident' (Strident) event which is occuring late this june.

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Truck Drivers Unite Against Tesco In Scotland!

24-05-2007 20:12

Tesco distribution director Laurie McIlwee: not a happy chappy
In a great show of solidarity, Eddie Stobart drivers have refused to scab on their Tesco counterparts and deliver supplies to Scottish supermarkets this bank holiday weekend. The 150 Tesco drivers - who supply nearly 100 stores in Scotland - are on strike against the company's outrageous demands.

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A Walk on a Partially excavated site At Tara- and updates on violence.

24-05-2007 18:21

Campaign Pic
Tara comprises 39 sites, three of which are National Monuments entitled
to Protections under the Shredded National Monument Act 2004. Apart from
this the integrity of the landscape comprises a whole and not as the government
in Ireland says '38 unrelated sites of little significance'

Collierstown is one of the sites and we were invited to speak to campaigners.

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REEL NEWS is now online!

24-05-2007 18:20

Reel news is a monthly DVD with 90 minute sof reports from the movement in Britain and the rest of the world. Issue number 7 is coming out today with reports from Mayday 2007, Workers memorial day, G8, Mark Thomas' socpa demos, the anti deportation campaigns and some easy listening and gentle visuals from anarcho punks CONFLICT.

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Anarchists intervene in National Day of Action to Defend Asylum Rights

24-05-2007 16:11

Anarchists in Coventry supported a demo.and march to the Midlands Enforcement Unit in Solihull on 19th May.

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Report: When drugs become weapons

24-05-2007 15:48

More news about the increasing research into the deployment of 'less-than-lethal' weapons, in this case the use of incapacitating drugs. We've always known about the bizarre situation where the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield is illegal, but its OK to use them on your own population.

The move towards 'less-than-lethal' weapons includes all sorts of machines, chemicals and biological agents that could make you lose muscular control, vomit (set phasers to 'puke' as opposed to 'stun'), shit your pants, suffer palpitations, restrict your breathing, fraggle your brain and generally fuck you up without (theoretically) killing you.

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Mr & Mrs Hodge, New Labour, Asylum Seekers and Migrants

24-05-2007 15:28

One aspect of the recent Hodge affair which has not received attention is the fact that Margaret's husband, Henry, is involved in immigration decision making.

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Funding crisis in higher education

24-05-2007 15:14

With the abolition of student grants—and, more recently, the introduction in England of tuition fees for students—ever-greater responsibility has been placed on individual students in Britain to fund their further education.

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Legal Clarification – Critical Mass Is Not Illegal

24-05-2007 13:47

On Monday the Court of Appeal gave their judgment in the Critical Mass case (Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v. Des Kay). Cyclists will want to understand the practical implications of the judgment for this Friday’s Critical Mass.
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