UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Oxton Festival Banned/British Open Welcomed
22-06-2006 13:25

AWPC PRESS RELEASE - Gordon and Trident: What's behind the smoke and mirrors?
22-06-2006 13:13

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Save Sharrow cemetery!
22-06-2006 10:13
Sheffield City Council propose to turn green space of historical value into posh flats. Don't let them.Videos of the visit of the US- President Bush in Vienna, Austria
22-06-2006 07:50
A lot of activities against the visit of the US- President Bush has taken yesterday in Vienna, Austria.Encloses there are some videos about the activities from Vienna
GMB Members In ASDA Wal-Mart 20 Distribution Depots Deliver An Overwhelming Vote
22-06-2006 07:16
GMB members working in Asda Wal-Mart's 20 distribution depots across the country have voted by 3 to 1 (74.1% in favour) to take strike action in support of their outstanding claims with the company. They also voted by an even bigger margin of more than 4 to 1 for industrial action short of a strike to secure their objectives.Minutes of Manchester NO2ID / Defy-ID Meeting, Wednesday 21st June 2006
21-06-2006 23:56
This evening, members of Manchester NO2ID and Manchester Defy-ID along with other interested parties met in the function room of the Town Hall Tavern, Manchester. The conversation was wide-ranging, productive and above all friendly and informal. We even convinced one of the barmaids of the merits of our cause! It was a fun and invigorating evening and confidence and spirits remain high.These minutes are being sent to the Manchester NO2ID mailing list [1], and the Defy-ID mailing list [2]. They will be posted to Manchester Indymedia [3] and other places. Apologies for the length, we've had another busy evening!
summer solstice: remembering the battle of the beanfield
21-06-2006 23:27
Today is the Summer Solstice, which is the equilivent of Christmas for Pagans. More than 17,000 people were at Stonehenge to celebrate and there was just one arrest. What an improvement on 21 years ago, when nearly 600 people were arrested in the 'Battle of the Beanfield' which took place in Wiltshire near Stonehenge on June 1st 1985.Indymedia London Collective Radio Show
21-06-2006 22:07

Demo Against Police Raids and Shooting
21-06-2006 20:40
A community took a stand in the face of media lies to oppose police raids and shooting in Forest Gate.Chartered Institute of Housing to Distance Itself from Corporate Bullying?
21-06-2006 20:01

"Remember the Dead, Justice for the Living" Vigil
21-06-2006 19:01

On 20th June, 2006, the Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign (ARC) staged a vigil in the grounds of St. Philip's Cathedral in Birmingham to "commemorate those asylum seekers who took their own lives while awaiting the Home Office's decision or incarcerated in detention centres, and to pledge our determination to campaign for justice for the living."
Using 34 hand-made "stone graves", which bore the details and stories of asylum seekers who have died recently, the vigil managed to eloquently tell of the shameful asylum system that sometimes drives its victims to such depth of despair that they take their own lives, many of them because they would rather be dead than be sent back to the countries they had fled.
Related: call-out and flyer | list of documented refugee deaths throughout Fortress Europe | previous sleep-outs: 2005 | 2004
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today's successful socpa challenge
21-06-2006 16:52
two demonstrators staged a successful spontaneous protest outside parliament today possibly causing blair to take a back route in for pm question time.Palestine Today
21-06-2006 16:26

Troops invade Nablus and Beit Ilma refugee camp, killing one and injuring two, Three children dead and ten wounded in Israeli air strike in crowded refugee camp Tuesday. Al Quds Brigades launches projectiles at Sderot and Nahal Oz Tuesday evening, Rafah crossing closed after European observers failed to come to work. Israeli Army breaks into two Hebron charitable societies, confiscates and destroys some of its contents
Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.
STROLL, ROLL, and RALLY for positive welfare reform
21-06-2006 12:41

TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE? necati zontul torture trial without witness or testimony!
20-06-2006 16:46

Necati was raped and tortured by Greek coastguards on the island of Crete in 2001, while an immigration detainee. Today, 5 years after the event, 5 men found guilty in 2004 (though charged with lesser crimes of abuse and sexual assault) remain in uniform. An appeal that we understand will see their acquittal today takes place in the absence of Necati and in the absence of his evidence. Necati's letters to the court have been ignored, and his attempt to telephone the court revealed astonishing bias in favour of the guilty coastguard officers. such is justice in Greece. The Prime Minister's office and the President's office have so far declined to comment.
Keep MATILDA Alive!
20-06-2006 16:20

Come to the demonstration outside court this Thursday...
In the last twelve months, MATILDA have turned an abandoned building into a thriving social centre. For a year we have put on performances, film showings and exhibitions, as well as providing much needed working and meeting space for local artists and activists.
This week, we are fighting eviction and will be demonstrating outside court to support those inside.
MATILDA needs your support too! The court case will be heard on:
- Thursday 22nd June, 10:30am
- at Sheffield County Court
- The Law Courts, 50 West Bar, Sheffield, S3 8PH
- Google Maps
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Climate Camp to target UK's largest power station
20-06-2006 13:47
Yesterday it was announced that the Camp for Climate Action will target Drax, the largest power station in Europe and the single largest emiter of carbon dioxide in the UK.Resist the Eviction of THE SQUARE & Festival
20-06-2006 12:01


Birmingham NoBorders and The Angel Group at Celebrating Sanctuary
20-06-2006 10:21

Last Saturday, 17th June, saw the main events of Celebrating Sanctuary, Birmingham's version of Refugee Week. Throughout the day, Victoria Square was buzzing with events and activities, although significantly less than previous years. There was also an open-air concert in Chamberlain Square in the afternoon, with live refugee bands from different parts of the world.
Having postponed a guided tour of Birmingham's border regime that was supposed to take place on that same day, Birmingham NoBorders chose to do some leafleting to "tell people the truth about the event," as one of the activists put it. The leaflet, of which hundreds of copies were given away, exposed ‘The Angel Group’ and criticised Celebrating Sanctuary for, among other things, being funded by asylum profiteers.
Norris Green Workers Protest Sayers Job Cuts
20-06-2006 01:47