Minutes of Manchester NO2ID / Defy-ID Meeting, Wednesday 21st June 2006
Dave Page | 21.06.2006 23:56 | Social Struggles | Technology
This evening, members of Manchester NO2ID and Manchester Defy-ID along with other interested parties met in the function room of the Town Hall Tavern, Manchester. The conversation was wide-ranging, productive and above all friendly and informal. We even convinced one of the barmaids of the merits of our cause! It was a fun and invigorating evening and confidence and spirits remain high.
These minutes are being sent to the Manchester NO2ID mailing list [1], and the Defy-ID mailing list [2]. They will be posted to Manchester Indymedia [3] and other places. Apologies for the length, we've had another busy evening!
These minutes are being sent to the Manchester NO2ID mailing list [1], and the Defy-ID mailing list [2]. They will be posted to Manchester Indymedia [3] and other places. Apologies for the length, we've had another busy evening!
Agenda Items Discussed
1) NO2ID and Identity
Discussions took place as to how we identified ourselves in press releases and to the public. I demonstrated some of the resources that NO2ID have made available, including leaflets, booklets and the Campaigner's Handbook [4].
The discussion went along similar lines as at the meeting of North-West groups at the Basement a few weeks ago; between NO2ID and Defy-ID, we feel that we are targetting just about everyone who will be interested in the debate, and provided we continue to work together, we can take advantage of the "brand recognition" of the two organisations among different groups. Rather than choose a third name to represent both groups, we will act as Manchester NO2ID and Manchester Defy-ID together.
2) Manchester Day of ID Register Opposition
The first Manchester Day of ID Register Opposition is on Saturday 1st July. We're aiming to flyer Market Street between 1pm and 3pm, keeping things short but sweet and targetting the busiest time of the day. Organisers will be meeting at around noon at the Basement on Lever Street [5]; volunteers should aim to meet on the pavement *outside* the Basement at half twelve ready for a 1pm start.
We confirmed that Manchester Defy-ID should have their "Ministry of Truth" exhibition ready in time for the day. This eyecatching exhibition will be at the top of Market Street, and a stall of flyers, leaflets and merchandise will be at the bottom end, under the Arndale Food Hall to shelter it from any potential rain. The stall will be a meeting point during the afternoon; if you need a break, come and join us there.
On the day we will have leaflets from NO2ID and Defy-ID. We will also have flyers for Manchester NO2ID stating the time and location of our next meeting along with contact information.
At 3pm, we will meet up again at the Basement, after which I'm sure
many of us will go off in search of refreshments.
Other Discussions
1) Public Meetings
It was felt that a large-scale public meeting would be beneficial. In the past we've considered that September would be a good time, but now we feel that October may be better, since it would give us a little time to ramp up the Manchester University student society. We discussed venues (probably the Friends Meeting House) and potential speakers.
We also discussed open-air meetings, encouraging people to turn up and hear a speaker or two addressing a crowd in public, possibly in Albert Square or Piccadilly Gardens. This could be combined with flyering, and public entertainment.
2) Community Group
Eve has mentioned that we may be able to register as a community group. This involves a certain amount of paperwork and book-keeping, but means we may be eligible for grants and other resources. This is probably not going to be earthshattering, but may well cover the cost of a few flyer runs or hiring a venue for a meeting.
3) Manchester Groups
Phil Booth at NO2ID HQ has asked us to try to start more local Manchester groups; London has about 30. Local groups mean local meetings meaning that people are more likely to turn up. So if you're in an area like Oldham, Wythenshaw, Longsight or similar, can get a few people together and want to start your own group, Manchester NO2ID will help you organise. We'll come and flyer with you and generally help things get underway.
Bob suggested a pattern for starting new groups - two consecutive weekends flyering in the location, then a meeting at a local church or community centre, with a speaker or two, a Q&A, and plenty of information.
4) Local Events
NO2ID should be present at local events. If there are any festivals or similar events in your part of Manchester, let us know and we will do our best to attend or at least send some flyers your way.
5) Further Events
The consensus was that we should continue to meet once a month, preferably at a more wheelchair-friendly venue than the Town Hall Tavern. We should aim to do one flyering day a month, initially targetting Manchester, Salford and Stockport town centres, along with any local groups that need assistance (see (3)).
6) Website
Dave will organise a Manchester NO2ID website. This will probably be fairly simple to start with, just to get it in place in time. In future, it's expected that this will host a "wiki" (a community-edited website) as a central resource.
* Dave to fix a date and location for the next Manchester NO2ID meeting.
* Matt will contact Withington Lib Dem MP John Leech to discuss presenting a 10 Minute Bill in Parliament opposing identity cards.
* Steve from the Green Party is to contact the Do Summat Saturday Club [6] to try and enlist their help on the 1st July
* Dave to organise the printing of ~1000 A5 leaflets advertising Manchester NO2ID with the date and time of our next meeting.
* Eve to look into grants and resources available to community groups.
* Dave to order more NO2ID leaflets, and some T-shirts to sell on 1st July.
* Dave to write a press release for 1st July and organise its distribution.
Upcoming Events
Monday 27th June: Bob from Manchester Defy-ID and myself will be appearing on Under the Pavement [7], Manchester's radical / alternative radio show on ALL FM 96.9 [8], suggesting some tunes and talking about the National Identity Register. Tune in, listen online or download the podcast mp3 after the show!
Tuesday 27th June: Manchester Defy-ID meeting at the Basement [5], 7:30pm.
Saturday 1st July: The Manchester Day of ID Register Opposition. See above for details.
The next Manchester NO2ID meeting is to be confirmed; we had planned to book the Town Hall Tavern for Wednesday 19th July but it is not available on that night. The date will be fixed before the 1st July, so we can put it on our flyers.
[4] from
1) NO2ID and Identity
Discussions took place as to how we identified ourselves in press releases and to the public. I demonstrated some of the resources that NO2ID have made available, including leaflets, booklets and the Campaigner's Handbook [4].
The discussion went along similar lines as at the meeting of North-West groups at the Basement a few weeks ago; between NO2ID and Defy-ID, we feel that we are targetting just about everyone who will be interested in the debate, and provided we continue to work together, we can take advantage of the "brand recognition" of the two organisations among different groups. Rather than choose a third name to represent both groups, we will act as Manchester NO2ID and Manchester Defy-ID together.
2) Manchester Day of ID Register Opposition
The first Manchester Day of ID Register Opposition is on Saturday 1st July. We're aiming to flyer Market Street between 1pm and 3pm, keeping things short but sweet and targetting the busiest time of the day. Organisers will be meeting at around noon at the Basement on Lever Street [5]; volunteers should aim to meet on the pavement *outside* the Basement at half twelve ready for a 1pm start.
We confirmed that Manchester Defy-ID should have their "Ministry of Truth" exhibition ready in time for the day. This eyecatching exhibition will be at the top of Market Street, and a stall of flyers, leaflets and merchandise will be at the bottom end, under the Arndale Food Hall to shelter it from any potential rain. The stall will be a meeting point during the afternoon; if you need a break, come and join us there.
On the day we will have leaflets from NO2ID and Defy-ID. We will also have flyers for Manchester NO2ID stating the time and location of our next meeting along with contact information.
At 3pm, we will meet up again at the Basement, after which I'm sure
many of us will go off in search of refreshments.
Other Discussions
1) Public Meetings
It was felt that a large-scale public meeting would be beneficial. In the past we've considered that September would be a good time, but now we feel that October may be better, since it would give us a little time to ramp up the Manchester University student society. We discussed venues (probably the Friends Meeting House) and potential speakers.
We also discussed open-air meetings, encouraging people to turn up and hear a speaker or two addressing a crowd in public, possibly in Albert Square or Piccadilly Gardens. This could be combined with flyering, and public entertainment.
2) Community Group
Eve has mentioned that we may be able to register as a community group. This involves a certain amount of paperwork and book-keeping, but means we may be eligible for grants and other resources. This is probably not going to be earthshattering, but may well cover the cost of a few flyer runs or hiring a venue for a meeting.
3) Manchester Groups
Phil Booth at NO2ID HQ has asked us to try to start more local Manchester groups; London has about 30. Local groups mean local meetings meaning that people are more likely to turn up. So if you're in an area like Oldham, Wythenshaw, Longsight or similar, can get a few people together and want to start your own group, Manchester NO2ID will help you organise. We'll come and flyer with you and generally help things get underway.
Bob suggested a pattern for starting new groups - two consecutive weekends flyering in the location, then a meeting at a local church or community centre, with a speaker or two, a Q&A, and plenty of information.
4) Local Events
NO2ID should be present at local events. If there are any festivals or similar events in your part of Manchester, let us know and we will do our best to attend or at least send some flyers your way.
5) Further Events
The consensus was that we should continue to meet once a month, preferably at a more wheelchair-friendly venue than the Town Hall Tavern. We should aim to do one flyering day a month, initially targetting Manchester, Salford and Stockport town centres, along with any local groups that need assistance (see (3)).
6) Website
Dave will organise a Manchester NO2ID website. This will probably be fairly simple to start with, just to get it in place in time. In future, it's expected that this will host a "wiki" (a community-edited website) as a central resource.
* Dave to fix a date and location for the next Manchester NO2ID meeting.
* Matt will contact Withington Lib Dem MP John Leech to discuss presenting a 10 Minute Bill in Parliament opposing identity cards.
* Steve from the Green Party is to contact the Do Summat Saturday Club [6] to try and enlist their help on the 1st July
* Dave to organise the printing of ~1000 A5 leaflets advertising Manchester NO2ID with the date and time of our next meeting.
* Eve to look into grants and resources available to community groups.
* Dave to order more NO2ID leaflets, and some T-shirts to sell on 1st July.
* Dave to write a press release for 1st July and organise its distribution.
Upcoming Events
Monday 27th June: Bob from Manchester Defy-ID and myself will be appearing on Under the Pavement [7], Manchester's radical / alternative radio show on ALL FM 96.9 [8], suggesting some tunes and talking about the National Identity Register. Tune in, listen online or download the podcast mp3 after the show!
Tuesday 27th June: Manchester Defy-ID meeting at the Basement [5], 7:30pm.
Saturday 1st July: The Manchester Day of ID Register Opposition. See above for details.
The next Manchester NO2ID meeting is to be confirmed; we had planned to book the Town Hall Tavern for Wednesday 19th July but it is not available on that night. The date will be fixed before the 1st July, so we can put it on our flyers.



[4] from





Dave Page