UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Demonstration against Israeli killings in Gaza, London 10.01.09
12-01-2009 12:16

Report of rally in solidarity with the people of Palestine, with shoe throwing
12-01-2009 11:37

Held on 10th January 2009. 140 people attended and contributed to a variety of actions.
Hunger strike for Gaza starts opposite Parliament
12-01-2009 10:48

Come and join the vigil whenever you can, support Maria and let parliamentarians know how you feel about what is happening in Gaza.
Gaza Public Meeting at Bobbers Mill Community Centre, Nottingham
12-01-2009 10:15

Climate Rush targets Heathrow and Manchester airport on the 12 January 2009
12-01-2009 09:53
This week the government is expected to give the go ahead for the third runway at Heathrow. The pressure group 'Climate Rush' have announced a sit-down 'dinner' at the Departures Gate of Terminal One in Heathrow Airport on Monday 12th. The Climate Rush dinner will begin at 7pm and is expected to last several hours. At the same time Manchester airports Domestic Departures (Terminal 3) will also be targeted. BAA has been preparing for the protests by sending threatening letters to people who've said they'll attend.'The Climate Rush' held their first protest last October (13th October). Taking their inspiration from the Suffragettes they mounted a 'rush' on Parliament. Over 800 women, men and children, some in Edwardian costume, all with red climate sashes, rushed the Houses of Parliament. The doors were slammed shut, Parliament was forced to close for an hour and the shouts of 'Deeds not Words' was heard throughout the Palaces of Westminster.
Related Links: Climate Rush Heathrow | Northern Climate Rush | Directions to Heathrow | FAQs | Artport |
Related articles: Climate Rush Media coverage | Parliament Rushed | Suffragettes interrupt the Energy Minister in preparation for the Climate Rush | Parliament statues get sashed | invitation to Ed Miliband | Klimax members storm a municipal city council | Third Runway Article, Telegraph | Party at Heathrow, Guardian | Heathrow Blockade, Times | Protesters Plot, Evening Standard | Caroline Lucas, Guardian | Protesters to close Heathrow |
Video and photos: Parliament Rush Photos | Climate Rush Photos | Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Caroline Lucas speech | Rush Invite
|Sun 11: Watching the phosphorous fall
11-01-2009 23:26
Latest posting on Gaza blog www.talestotell.wordpress.comBrighton anti-Gaza war march
11-01-2009 23:14
In a show of solidarity with the suffering of Gazans, around 1,300 local residents marched in Brighton today. Called by the local Palestinian community the march started at Palmeira Square, proceeded down one lane of Western Rd to the Old Steine and finished on the seafromt by the pier.Two Hundred March Against Wirral Cuts
11-01-2009 21:07

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Young Jew Sings Protest to Chief Rabbi, Gets Arrested
11-01-2009 20:27
LONDON - A young Jewish man was arrested today after singing at the Chief Rabbi of GB, Jonathan Sacks, during his speech at today's End Hamas Terror (pro-Israel) rally.Stop the Gaza massacre Demo London 10 January 2009
11-01-2009 17:32

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Eye-witness account of London Gaza Protest 10th Jan '09.
11-01-2009 17:26
As ever, there has been no accurate reporting of yesterdays Gaza protest in central London. The main news channels are reporting the police estimates for numbers of between 15,000 and 20,000 or simply claiming there were tens of thousands, with violence being caused by a small minority.Stop the War estimated there to have been 100,000 people present. Most mainstream news channels are also reporting the 3 police injuries sustained but so far I have seen no reports of protester injuries of which I know there were many- some, from an eye-witness perspective, seeming serious and caused by violent policing. So here is my account. I kept notes throughout the day so the timings are pretty accurate.London Indymedia Is Back Up Online!
11-01-2009 17:10

Ray Davies, 79 injured by police in GAZA demo
11-01-2009 16:56

Ray Davies and Wendy Lewis tell the story
Pics from London demo for Gaza 10 Jan 2009
11-01-2009 16:20

Photos from Palestininan demonstration, London 10 Jan 2009
11-01-2009 15:24

Free Gaza to Israel: "We are coming in on Tuesday"
11-01-2009 13:32
Check out the WHAT YOU CAN DO bit after the press releaseFull article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Smoke bombs and scuffles behind Israeli Embassy
11-01-2009 13:25

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Ahava store in London occupied by activists for Palestine
11-01-2009 12:42

Rockwool factory destroying beautiful area in Croatia
11-01-2009 12:22