UK Promoted Newswire Archive
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Gaza Protest London: Police violence and media under-reporting
13-01-2009 23:07

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Breaking news: SOAS occupation (ongoing)
13-01-2009 22:32
SOAS University of London - occupation by students in support of GazaBrunei Gallery (photographic celebration of colonialism) occupied by students at 6pm tonight
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More Riots in Oslo / Mass arrests in Copenhagen
13-01-2009 21:25
Yesterday there were new, and bigger, riots in Oslo. It all startedwith a demonstration outside parliament, called by a variety of mainly
left wing organizations.
Protests against beginning Airport extension in Frankfurt/Germany
13-01-2009 21:22
+++The Owner of the Frankfurt Airport, Fraport, started today the extension of the airport to build a new runway+++woodcamp still exists+++more than a hundred people on a spontaneous demonstration in the woodThe Northern Climate Rush
13-01-2009 19:21

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Smashing the Israeli war machine - Starbucks, Whitechapel firebombed
13-01-2009 16:39
A branch of Starbucks in East London has been smashed and firebombed in what appears to be an anti-Israeli protest. Police are investigating the series of attacks in Whitechapel. First rocks were thrown through the store's window at 11.25pm on Monday night. Later, after midnight, a petrol bomb or similar was tossed into the zionist owned premises starting a fire which damaged the interior. No one was injured in the incident and the store was boarded up today as police examined the scene.BBC 'embedded' with murderous Israeli commando unit
13-01-2009 16:32
The following leaflet was handed to over 1,000 BBC staff over the weekend as they went into work.It makes the point that their correspondent Andrew Herbert is participating in a war crime by being 'embedded' with this murderous unit. I'm sure you'll agree after you have watched the report that this breaks all rules of acceptable journalism.
The URL for the article is:

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Northern Climate Rush at Manchester Airport
13-01-2009 14:12
While 500 protesters occupied the domestic departure lounge at Heathrow airport at 7pm on Monday 12th Jan, others tried a simultaneous occupation at Manchester airport....Around the Campaigns Tuesday 13th January 2009
13-01-2009 13:55
"Yarl's Wood Detention Custody Officers (DCOs) came for us at 2:00am this morning, Emmanuel (aged 15 suffers from Sickle cell anaemia) was in bed sick. I told the DCOs he was too ill to fly. They brought in a male nurse from Yarl's Wood Health Care who examined Emmanuel and said he "was fit to fly".The DCOs asked me to get Emmanuel out of bed, I refused; they said if I didn't get him up they would fetch a wheelchair, I didn't and they brought in a wheelchair. They asked me to put him in it, I refused. The DCOs lifted Emmanuel out of the bed and put him into the wheelchair and we were all taken down to reception.
There were several escorts waiting and a medical escort, the medical escort examined Emmanuel and said he was "not fit to fly", and that the removal could not go ahead. And that he was not sure that the carrier had been told they would be carrying a Sickle cell suffer and would have the right medical equipment on board and this would have to be sorted out if there was to another flight.
Why they attempted to remove us I do not know, our solicitors informed us yesterday afternoon that they had obtained an injunction and the removal was legally stayed."
Many thanks to all who faxed/emailed Airline & Home Office yesterday.
Helen Laolu-Balogun
Background: Helen Laolu-Balogun and children

IMEMC Special: White Phosphorus and its use in Gaza
13-01-2009 13:35

Leak: Israel plans to attack Free Gaza relief boat
13-01-2009 13:07
This message has been received from medical sources inside Gaza. It alleges that the Israeli Navy intends to attack the Free Gaza relief boat "Spirit of Humanity," which had to return to port with engine trouble yesterday. Suggested contacts are included.See also

Free Gaza – Brighton West Pier Solidarity Banner Drop
13-01-2009 12:51

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TSG Goons Lash Out At Demonstrators By Kensington Palace Gardens
13-01-2009 11:05

But the truth in fact is someone had spotted a large unit of cops in bell helmets some safe distance behind the gates. An increasing numerous crowd parted from the march gathered at the gates and started throwing shoes, setting placards alight and shoving them under the gap of the gate. This in turn ignited the shoes.
The fact that a number of people were sitting on top of the gate wall waving the hammer and sickle flags of the MLKP maybe should have, but clearly failed to alert the crowd, that this entrance was actually the approach to the Russian Embassy!
A quick surf of multimap will confirm where Old Court Place is in relation to Kensington Palace Gardens!
Photo time line –
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Heathrow Terminal One Climate Rush Picnic a success!
13-01-2009 02:46

Climate Rush Heathrow images, 12.01.09
13-01-2009 02:24

The protesters, many of them students, dressed in period Edwardian costume, reminiscent of the Sufragettes. 'Climate Rush' are demanding that the UK government sticks to its promises on climate change - an issue that will affect us all - before it is too late.
Anti raytheon protest enters second month in Bristol...
13-01-2009 00:16
Protesters have been in ocupation of the roof of an office of Rayheon in north Bristol, for over a month... See for more info... Any support, food, clean, warm cloths, water and building materials all welcome... find us opposite uwe Filton campus in Bristol Bussiness Park. Come and give your time living in luxuary in our 5 star tent village abd show your support for getting arms dealer out of our communities...!!!New Free Gaza boat leaves Larnaca for Gaza, 12th January
12-01-2009 21:33
The Free Gaza boat 'Spirit of Humanity' has sailed from the Cypriot port of Larnaca carrying doctors, parliamentarians, human rights observers and journalists. Israeli press reports suggest that the Israeli Navy plans to attack the boat in International or Gaza waters (the former would legally be piracy). The previous Free Gaza boat, the 'Dignity,' was rammed and had to seek refuge in Lebanon.Birmingham Gaza Demo Takes to the Streets
12-01-2009 19:38

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Demos continue [January] at Heckler & Koch weapons HQ in Nottingham
12-01-2009 17:17

Palestine Today 011209
12-01-2009 15:56

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday, January 12th 2009.