UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Welsh Opencast Mine protest in London on Fossil Fuels Day
02-04-2008 11:05

Pictures copyright (C) 2008, Peter Marshall
Evening Standard Promotes Fossil Fools Day
01-04-2008 23:13

Clowns take on Food Mile Freaks on Fossil Fools Day
01-04-2008 22:47

Fossil Fools Parade!
01-04-2008 21:11

EV-EON Unnaturally Carbonated Water : The Planet is Saved!
01-04-2008 21:08

Harmodsworth detainees protest, 1st April 2008
01-04-2008 20:17
Since this morning at 9am, all - or the majority at least- of immigration detainees at Harmondsworth removal centre have being refusing food and have been in peaceful occupation of the courtyard.'We are human beings, we want to be treated with dignity we shall stay in the coutyard until our demands are heard.'
Fossil Fools Day action round up
01-04-2008 18:36
A round up of many of the fossil fools day actions so far worldwide. Pictures, more info on all these actions and updates at
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Report from Plymouth Fossil Fools
01-04-2008 18:08
Report from PlymouthFossil Fools in Sheffield
01-04-2008 17:56

34 4x4's and sports cars 'disarmed'
01-04-2008 17:18
Loads of gas guzzling 4x4's and around 10 swanky sports cars were disarmed last night as part of the 'Fossil Fools' day of action.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Cambridge Fossil Fools Day Protest at RBS Bank
01-04-2008 16:27

Banner Hang for Fossil Fools in Wrexham
01-04-2008 16:01

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Protesters Threatened at Bobby Roberts Circus
01-04-2008 15:30
Animal exploitation and threats just a normal day for the likes of Bobby Roberts![Bobby Roberts Super Circus will be in Hitchin (Butts Close – Bedford Road, Fishponds Road) from 1st – 6th April 08]
ID Cards MP pays Cambridge a Visit.
01-04-2008 14:29

Her visit received a 'welcoming committee' of NO2ID activists, who staked out two of the main entrances to Jesus College.
Banner Drops Against Leeds Uni Vivisection
01-04-2008 13:40
01-04-2008 13:04

Climate Change Activists Blockade Major Gas Terminal
01-04-2008 07:47
Earth First! UK activists today blockaded the UK's largest off shore gas terminal at Bacton in Norfolk. 40% of the UK's domestic gas comes ashore here, is processed and distributed by pipeline. Activists blockaded the main road outside the site at 6.30 am this morning, preventing construction workers and shift owrkers from arriving.Full article | 1 addition | 12 comments
Eastside Climate Action blockade E-on workers as part of Fossil Fools Day
01-04-2008 07:00
At 7:30 this morning 30 people blockaded the entrances to E-on's offices on Mount St, Nottingham City Centre. People covered in green paint to represent E-on's greenwash, locked onto the front entrance to E-on's office and stood in front of other entrances preventing E-on workers from getting to work.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
FFD:18 people shut down Ffof-y-fran Open case coal mine shut down in Wales
01-04-2008 06:57
As dawn breaks on Fossil Fools Day in the UK 18 people are currently shutting down operations at the Ffof-y-fran open cast coal mine in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales.This includes a team that has climbed a rig in the mine and have hung a banner while another team is blockading the mine gates locking themselves down with with bicycle d-locks.Protestors Shut Opencast Coal Mine
01-04-2008 06:43
Tuesday, 1st April, 2008: At 7am this morning, protesters halted work at one of the biggest opencast coal mines in Europe, on the outskirts of Merthyr Tydfil. They intend to remain on the site for several days.