UK Promoted Newswire Archive
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Oxford Activists Hit Welsh Power Station: Press Release
03-04-2008 07:30
At 7.30am this morning, activists successfully blockaded all entrances to Aberthaw Power Station in Barry, South Wales.Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
Aberthaw power station succesfully blockaded this morning
03-04-2008 05:32
Members of bristol rising tide are succesfully blockading Aberthaw power station, Wales worst polluter, 10 bristol activists have done a joint action with Bath, Cardiff and Oxford activist as part of a nationwide prostest against some of the worst polluting compaines in the uk.Riot police storms convergence centre at Bucharest anti- NATO protests
02-04-2008 22:58
Reports over email lists state that 46 persons were arrested and that they were severally beaten in the way to the police stations and they were also under death treat. when Romanian riot police raided a meeting place for anti-NATO activists. On guy from Iasi(Gheorghe) was hospitalized and he was beaten even in the hospital.
Another girl ask the police to go to the hospital...Small protest was
organized in the front of the police station 11.
Nottingham’s Zimbabwean Community stand together
02-04-2008 22:06

Fossil Fools Blockade E.On Offices Surveillance and Specialist Equipment
02-04-2008 20:59

Fossil Fools Blockade E.On Offices in Nottingham : Pictures 2
02-04-2008 20:53

Fossil Fools Blockade E.On Offices in Nottingham : Pictures 1
02-04-2008 20:45

FFD - Bacton Gas Terminal Photos & Update
02-04-2008 18:16

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Police Searches Houses After Arrests At E.On Blockade
02-04-2008 17:23

Nottinghamshire Police searched 2 houses yesterday afternoon after it had made two arrests at the blockade at E.On offices on Mount Street. The searches were 'authorized' under section 18 of the Police And Criminal Evidence Act 1984. Under this act; "A constable may enter and search any premises occupied or controlled by a person who is under arrest for an arrestable offence, if he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is on the premises evidence that relates to that offence". Both people arrested were released early in the evening and were charged with Section 5 public order offences. They are to appear at Nottingham Magistrates Court on April 14th.
Other coverage: Evening Post | BBC Nottingham
Fossil Fooling in Glasgow
02-04-2008 17:08
A bunch of Fossil Fools took to the Streets of Glasgowtoday, 1st of April.......
SOCPA - chris coverdale arrested for non-payment of fines
02-04-2008 16:40
chris coverdale was arrested earlier today at his home in wimbledon for non-payment of fines imposed for a previous SOCPA unauthorised demonstration offence. he is being held overnight at wimbledon police station and will apear at the local court tomorrow morning.Fossil Fools Day action at Y&R advertising.
02-04-2008 16:04

Meanwhile inside the building some other people posing as corporate clients gained access to Y&R and barricaded themselves inside one of their offices. The Police eventually showed up in force and nicked those inside. Which is exactly what they wanted as any charges will bring a nice big PR disaster to Y&R. Nice sunny day for it too….
FFD - Norwich Union withdraw £6.1 billion from Fossil Fuel Industry
02-04-2008 15:26

Fossil Fools Day - Video
02-04-2008 15:19

The Palestine Today 040208
02-04-2008 14:58

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Fossil Fools Blockade E.On Offices in Nottingham (an audio piece)
02-04-2008 14:28

Fossil Fools Day protest against Kingsnorth coal-fired power station
02-04-2008 13:21

Photographs are copyright (C) 2008, Peter Marshall
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Massive Repression during the NATO Summit in Romania
02-04-2008 12:12
by email via g8-int:One day before the start of the Nato summit in Bucharest the situation gets worse. Hourly alternative looking people are detained by the police for no reason. Afterwards the police construct absurd offence, for example carrying a pocketknife amounting to possession a weapon. Every person coming to or leaving the convergence center is in danger of getting detained (some simply for walking to a nearby shop). The detained are interrogated, photographed and fingerprinted in police stations, and held for up to 24 hours.
At the Romanian border several groups of activists, as well as others, have been denied entry into the country.
The most involved Romanian activists around the country have at this point been visited or called by either the local police or SRI (Romanian information service) to be warned against participating in any anti-nato protests or to have their families intimidated.
Hull activists successfully complete Fossil Fools Day action
02-04-2008 11:57

Operation Happy Shopper
02-04-2008 11:35
A short summary of Opperation Happy Shopper, a Protest against the CCHR exhibit "Psychiatry - An Industry Of Death" For more infomation on the the exhibit itself, please read the following link;